Starting a side-project: Why you (and most developers) should, and how AI can help.

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# Other references from the video:

# Articles from the last week about a potential recession starting in the US:

# Book Resources to get you started:

# The best source I know on A/B testing

# Sites/Communities where other people are doing this - WARNING: be wary of rip-offs!!

00:00 Not a get-rich-quick scheme
01:20 Who this is for - or not. (Hint: for Developers)
02:01 Why I'm making this video
03:53 Why you should consider it now
07:24 Pivoting: how ideas become projects
08:28 Where AI comes in
09:24 Why this isn't quick: trading time for money
09:35 Don't quit your day job
10:57 More videos on this topic to come
11:24 Books to get you started
11:37 Learn about A/B Testing
12:04 Example online communities
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You're like a cool programmer uncle that I've never had.


I got my degree last year in IT and haven’t been able to find a job. But, I have started making automation tools for my family’s service business for things like record keeping. This lets my family and I be able to do the work of multiple people with less effort. There are lots of ways to get creative with this and I love hearing about the topic.


"Start by building something that would be useful to you yourself.
That way, if it doesn't work out, you still have the software that you built to use yourself."

That's where the majority of our current tools came from anyway.
All devs should strive to be nice to future devs (especially the ones with axes who know where you live 😃).


I absolutely love the intros to your videos. Classic "and it's SHI *ding* BSOD, rebooting." Takes me back.


Side gig for the win!
I have one that has been going for 10 years and while it didn't make me rich, it made me a ton of confidence knowing I have a FU option at work.


as zozin said “so I installed emacs, and bought programming where money? money when?”


I could probably say that even after 15 years in programming I still find it challenging to write a software from start to finish even with GPTs that everyone is glorifying. I don't know about these cool kids who are claiming how AI are making them tons of stuff easily but for me writing a software takes time and I need to understand everything is written so I am sure I can maintain it and edit it whenever I want to. I just couldn't understand those tweets of someone who never wrote a line of code and says: "tech is over, I will soon write a prompt and a whole software will be written for me"


Carl. I want you to know - your channel is just really great. I run a scaling up tech company that is shifting to leverage more a.i. tools internally and customer-facing. And my son (13yrs) and I are building a different company using A.I., Claude and Cursor. I have been following a.i. since before chatGPT (from the likes of Philip from Two Minute Papers and Dr. Alan Thompson) and I love how your videos provide that reasoned and rightfully skeptical approach. I very much respect your opinion and views, and regularly share your videos with our product manager and our engineering team. So I just want you to know - you're very much appreciated and keep up the great work! PS - I read The Lean Startup 20+ times and can probably recite it 🙃


One minute in and I already know I want to subscribe! Loving your style!


“Most of them are full of SHIT”! So true. I love the clickbait titles - Create a Full Stack Web App With One Prompt! Good luck with deploying and maintaining that!


I would just say this. If you think your idea is dumb or no one would use it, but that is your only idea, still work on it. If anything, you will just get int the mode of working on your own thing and that act in and of itself may trigger a better idea. And also, the odds of making millions from any idea is so low it's not even worth calculating. It's all about starting.


In a universe of content that constantly pivots between extreme AI hype and dev doom and gloom, your content is an oasis of sanity and relevance. Thank you Carl!


I am currently trying to scrape some time to make a game in C++, but not for money, just to not lose my skills in the language as I work in Python in my day job.


intros from this guy are gold ... and the content too


I live in Istanbul, Turkiye. The most visited city on the earth. I follow your content as much as possible. One thing I can assure everyone here, US tech market has impacts beyond its borders. And not that many people are not aware of this situation but that doesn't change the fact. From h1b visa issues to new technologies. That goes both way. Since many people from rest of the world migrate, ---legally---, to the US to increase their opportunities for successfuly careers. That was my 2 cents.


I‘ve spend a few hours over the last few months starting a side project. Can‘t wait for other videos on this topics. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!


Came up with a webapp idea about a month ago on language learning about a month ago. Engineer is currently building it to spec. Decided I want to learn this stuff to help contribute to its maintenance. Having a project you’re passionate about is a crazy incentive to learn something. Im addicted


Long time viewer & first time commentor. I enjoy your videos because they are well thought out. Please do more on this topic!


You are my favorite programming channel. I look forward to your more in depth technical content.


Sir, there are very few people I really respect. You one of them!
