The People's Elbow: Justin Trudeau Apologizes For Jostling Politician

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When you "manhandle" someone, you say "sorry. And when you’re Justin Trudeau and you manhandle someone, you say sorry and you get a standing ovation.
Let us explain. On Wednesday, the Canadian prime minister marched over to a group of MPs in the House of Commons and grabbed Conservative whip Gordon Brown by the arm, leading him out of the group.
But Trudeau apparently forgot about spatial awareness — the video shows him elbowing New Democrat Ruth Ellen Brosseau as he pulled Brown out of the group so they could begin voting.
Trudeau circled back, and a shouting match ensued.
Leave it to the Internet to take the moment and run with it. The hashtag #elbowgate started trending quickly, and video of the altercation went viral.
His cohorts were understandably upset: "I watched him as he grabbed the official opposition's whip, my good friend, by the arm. I also watched him as he yelled something so out of line that I will not repeat it," Conservative Rona Ambrose said.
Trudeau put his tail between his legs and begged for forgiveness — repeatedly.
"I apologize to my colleagues, to the House as a whole and to you, Mr. Speaker, for failing to live up to a higher standard of behavior," Trudeau said.
Looks like it's apology accepted — for now, at least.
Newsy is your source for concise, unbiased video news and analysis covering the top stories from around the world. With persistent curiosity and no agenda, we strive to fuel meaningful conversations by highlighting multiple sides of every story. Newsy delivers the news and perspective you need without the hype and bias common to many news sources.
Let us explain. On Wednesday, the Canadian prime minister marched over to a group of MPs in the House of Commons and grabbed Conservative whip Gordon Brown by the arm, leading him out of the group.
But Trudeau apparently forgot about spatial awareness — the video shows him elbowing New Democrat Ruth Ellen Brosseau as he pulled Brown out of the group so they could begin voting.
Trudeau circled back, and a shouting match ensued.
Leave it to the Internet to take the moment and run with it. The hashtag #elbowgate started trending quickly, and video of the altercation went viral.
His cohorts were understandably upset: "I watched him as he grabbed the official opposition's whip, my good friend, by the arm. I also watched him as he yelled something so out of line that I will not repeat it," Conservative Rona Ambrose said.
Trudeau put his tail between his legs and begged for forgiveness — repeatedly.
"I apologize to my colleagues, to the House as a whole and to you, Mr. Speaker, for failing to live up to a higher standard of behavior," Trudeau said.
Looks like it's apology accepted — for now, at least.
Newsy is your source for concise, unbiased video news and analysis covering the top stories from around the world. With persistent curiosity and no agenda, we strive to fuel meaningful conversations by highlighting multiple sides of every story. Newsy delivers the news and perspective you need without the hype and bias common to many news sources.