Jimmy Kimmel Chokes Up Over Cecil the Lion's Death

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The late-night host held back tears as he talked about the killing of Zimbabwe's famous lion.
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While I don't agree with poaching let's get some perspective here. It was a animal. At any given time there are far worse things going on in Africa. Why don't we get choked up for the Africans themselves rather than African fauna?


I wonder how many people even knew who the fuck Cecil the lion was before he got shot


Still a bit confused as to why he is crying?


What disgusts me  about this  is the fact that it was a canned hunt.  I hate  hunting in all forms, including deer hunting but since I live in southern Indiana where deer hunting is as much a part of life and culture here as NASCAR, I realize that a lot of people hunt not only to cull the overpopulation of deer but also to feed their families.  However, at least they hunt the way it's supposed to be done, not capturing the animal, shining a spotlight on it, and then shooting it with a  bow and arrow so it can wander around in horrible pain only to be killed much later on.  Canned hunting must be outlawed completely in every corner of the world.  There is no sport in it and it is truly and incredibly inhumane.  Any real hunter would agree with this.  I hope other endangered animals are being better protected from jackholes like this jerk.


There's more to this story to come. Cecil the Lion's Death may result in the death of 10 cubs. Thanks yet again humanity!


I actually thought I was the only one who felt like that whole saga went way too far on how people react, now I know that I ain't the only.


Is anybody upset about millions of aborted babies or all the children dying of disease and starvation.


Love how everyone is getting so worked up and emotional over a fucking lion when there are thousands of innocent human beings being slaughtered day by day in the middle east.


So....Kimmel does not oppose abortion but chokes up about a lion being killed. Got it.


I wish late night comedy shows were funny again. Now they’re either angry about something or crying. Sheesh, why can’t we just disconnect like before and have a laugh?


What is wrong with u america crying over wild animals? One lion dies and u go crazy and what about the 23 American veterans that die everyday people that gave all for their country no one cares...plz set your priorities straight


People are ignorant to the ethics and need for hunting, people are ignorant to everything yet spew opinion as facts. Read about conservation tactics and how to maintain healthy populations of species. Learn


I hated what happened to that lion. It upset me too, and I hope the dentist gets charged with something, but getting choked up? Game hunting is a joke. Taking a life for what? Claim their head as a trophy ?


so much false info about hunting it's amazing. people have no clue what the hell they're talking about but say it with such certainty. "I went hunting one time & this happened so it's ALL HUNTERS DO X or Y Or Z. I can read your comment & tell u have little to no insight into hunting, conservation or big game hunting & it's effect in africa & it's econemey. please learn what ur talking about before condemning EVERY HUNTER. Pre judgement based on seeing Bambi or a news story is asinine.


You know he's grubbing on chicken wings and eating steak every day, smfh


For a lion so majestic Cecil was so friendly and everybody loved him and living to such an age. And that's the way he dies? Shot and laying bleeding out for 14 hours and then shot again, skinned and then his head cut off. How truly evil can a human being be to such majestic animals like Cecil? ...

That man knew exactly what he was doing and I think he needs to be hung.

~Forever in our memories Cecil.


I'm sorry but I don't buy it - the choking up I mean. I can almost hear the voice in his earpiece saying "Ok, Jimmy. A little more emotion - maybe a little catch in the throat now." Yeah, I know that makes me a cynical S.O.B. So be it. The media are falling over each other to show how outraged they are. I'd really like to believe the emotion is genuine but I really don't.


it was the will of god the lion is with jesus now amen praise god :@&:/$/:"!9:9!:!"


THANG GOD Cecil is dead! - The zebras are EXCITED!!! Save the Zebras!


Hey Jimmy Kimmel if I make a donation can I get my very own Lions head?
