The Exotic Weapon That Broke The Internet RETURNS - Destiny 2

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Special Thanks to Jeff Steitzer "the voice of god" from the halo franchise for the intro!

GIVEAWAY (every week on Twitch):

The exotic weapon that did it all has returned to destiny 2. The Gjallarhorn is Destiny's most iconic exotic and one that has a legacy in things like the Vault of Glass, nightfalls, and Xur. In week 2 this was sold for strange coins and this evanf1997 guy missed it! Now it's back in Destiny 2 with amazing power, the wolfpack rounds, team oriented gameplay, and controversy in the grasp of avarice dungeon! Anyways, Gjallarhorn is back!

Intro: 00:00
The Origin Story: 03:13
Gjallarhorn Returns: 09:31
Controversy & Conclusions: 15:11
Outro/Bloopers: 17:09

All Footage References:

Some stuff from the other older gjallarhorn vid (reactions, broll, etc)

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Special thanks to Jeff Steitzer, the voice of god in Halo for helping with the intro!


I stopped playing destiny 2 last year, but being a d1 veteran since it launched, seeing the gjallahorn coming back feels like the temptation of a recovering addict.


I love the lore tab for Gjallarhorn

“If there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?” — Feizel Crux

Randy finally reaches the Tower. It was a long road from the Cosmodrome, but Shaw Han had given him some good directions. His ship had only exploded twice on the trip from Old Russia, and while he defended his Ghost's second (and much better) repair job, he even found some loot!

As he materializes on the receiving pad of the Tower, a gathering horde of Humans and Guardians of all "ages" gather around a singular figure deep in the crowd. Randy can feel an almost mythic aura—exotic, even—radiating from the figure. He jabs his scuffed elbows through the crowd to get a clear look. When he finally breaks through, he understands the draw: the Guardian. They stand, one leg propped up on the Tower railing. Randy's Ghost talked about this person a few times before. Some kind of hero.

Big deal. Randy was a hero too.

"Amazing, " a Titan says about the weapon in the Guardian's hands. Randy looks at the Titan wearing a strange chainmail visor.

"It's just a rocket launcher. I got one of those in Old Russia the other day, " Randy brags proudly, unholstering a launcher.

His Ghost, Dandy, nudges him. "Now listen here, berry blue, " Dandy says. "What you are looking at in the Guardian's hands is a top-of-the-line wolfpack deployment device. Each firing of which unleashes hell in the form of a swarm of homing micro rockets. I've told you a flock of crows is called a murder? Well, they really should've reserved the name for this swarm instead."

Randy holds up his Bad Omens. "I can put a tracking module on this." Dandy chuckles. "I guess."

Randy looks at the Bad Omens. His pride turns into frustration at the mediocrity of his equipment. In a fit of anger, he heaves the launcher over the Guardian's head and over the Tower railing.

The Guardian pivots and drops to a solid stance. They shoulder and fire off the Gjallarhorn like a volcanic eruption, blowing the Bad Omens to smithereens. Micro tracking rockets hunt down and turn each piece of falling debris to fireworks before they hit the ground. The acrid-sweet smell of burning fuel hangs in the air.

Randy's jaw drops.

The Guardian steps forward and places the Gjallarhorn into Randy's hands with a smile.

"Start your legend with this instead."


Gjally: “My powers have doubled since we last met.”

Bungie: “Good. Double the pride, twice the nerf.”


In one fell swoop Bungie preemptively killed the “must have G-horn or kick” meme from coming back. One person has Gjallarhorn? Everyone has Gjallarhorn!


About Part 1 of controversy: This isn't new. Gjallahorn is rather innocent compared to Anarchy, Izanagi's, Lament and many other paywalled exotics owning the meta. DPS for most people would be tough if you haven't paid a cent to Destiny 2. Also, as mentioned in the video the other Exotic perk literally buffs your allies non-exotic rocket launchers and encourages bringing out your god roll rocket launchers for stronger DPS, Meaning there isn't an LFG problem of "Gjallahorn or kick". And 25 dollars is definitely worth it for this content where we get this, and other weapons from the dungeon, and even Artifice armor giving an extra slot for artifact mods. Having a third artifact mod can buff stackable mods, and let players bring 3 champion mods for every kind without issue.

Probably a hot take, but to my standards Gjallahorn is currently a balanced Exotic Rocket Launcher, and is only "broken" if you do basic things like buffing your damage with mods like Argent, Elemental Wells and Warmind mods. Just like how Titans have been able to turn a funny hammer into Mjolnir, doing hundreds of thousands to millions per throw with buffs, mods and Tractor Cannon. And also if Paid exotics aren't powerful to a degree people would argue why they're paying for it in the first place.


That PSA at the beginning threw me off guard so damn much, I was not expecting Jeff to be here


Bungee wanted to avoid raid exclusion, the pack being $25 doesn’t matter as the solution is already built into the gun.
As long as you have a decent rocket launcher you no longer face that barrier to entry.
you basically have all of gjallarhorns perks on hand.
your win condition in your back pocket provided someone else has the gjallarhorn.
I can understand the arguments about paying $25 for a dungeon, but it’s bot whats going to be getting you into LFG’s


When Ghorn was announced to come back, I was actually fairly confident that Bungie wouldn't mess it up. The community loves to accuse Bungie for poor balancing but this was a very calculated move. They knew that Gjallarhorn carried a huge implication that they had to get right and when put into the context of the current D2 landscape, the exotic isn't as such of an outlier as most people would knee-jerk think upon initial reaction.

First, we have to look at the current landscape for top dps options, immediately it's a stark difference from D1 ie. There are multiple options available that provide similar levels of performance:
- Sleeper
- PD fusions (as of S15)
- *Whisper + Divinity
- Anarchy/Witherhoard + another weapon
- Lament
- Lucky pants + Handcannon
Back in D1, it was either Ghorn or none. The very fact that players have a selection of viable high damage weapons to choose from rather having to pray that RNGesus smiles upon them for one weapon to drop immediately starts to dispell Ghorns first issue that everyone was concerned about (before you @ me, yes I'm aware that some of the examples I shared are not the 'meta' options (currently or otherwise) but that doesn't change the fact that they do notably more damage than other weapons. Also some people may have a preference towards one weapon type over another, nothing is stopping you from slaying out with a weapon that differs from what some one else tells you is the 'must have' weapon of the season).

Second is the balance when compared to said other dps options. Whisper and Sleeper undoubtedly provide more bang for your buck in terms of total damage, but you have to land crits consecutively which makes them more difficult to use. PD fusions provide great dps, total damage and potentially doesn't use your exotic slot, but particle deconstruction will only last until the end of the season. Witherhoard/Anarchy combo can potentially provide greater dps/total damage than other options, but you have to dedicate 2 weapons to it as opposed to one. Lament provides high burst dps just like Ghorn with great ammo economy and ad clear potential, but it suffers in sustained dps and the user must be point blank to use it. Ghorn provides its own dps niche: High burst dps, good sustained dps and ad clear as well as ease of use, but has low ammo reserves resulting bad ammo economy and comparatively lower total damage.

Last and most importantly, a team DOESN'T HAVE to have every player run Ghorn. Pack Hunter was clearly designed to be an anti 'must have Gjallahorn' perk. So anybody with a well rolled legendary rocket can participate and theoretically do better than Ghorn, so long as at least one Ghorn is present. Which also helps to dispell players need to buy the anniversary pack. It's a rather clever trick when you think about it: they knew that the target audience for the pack are primarily D1 vets high on nostalgia. And because of it, people who didn't buy the pack are more than likely to come across at least one player in their team that has a Gjally which rends the issue of Gjallarhorn promoting power creep, exclusivity or the price tag issue (at least in my eyes) a moot point.


I have fond memories of Ghorn. I got mine pretty early on in the game from the crucible. I didn't even have legendary gear. I was leveling it up at Venus when I saw a group against wave after wave of vex. So I joined in to help out. The encounter ended then they invited me along for my first ever VOG. I didn't know what a raid was or that there was a raid in the game. Good times.


I love how the halo kill streak dude voiced the one part!


Ah yes, the returning
“Vog Master, 1350+ Gjallarhorn only”


Gjallarhorn has a lot of sentimental value to me as it was my first exotic from just a mere engram world drop.

I had no idea there even was a rarity higher than legendary at the time, and it felt like I had something no one else knew about….yet.


I remember when Xur was selling Gjallerhorn the second time in D1 and I didn’t get it mainly because I was gonna get it anyway from the Rise of Iron quest and the special Iron Ghorn version. I was never lucky to get it as a drop during my entire time playing Destiny so getting it the first time in a cool quest that I completed on my own made it a little special to me.


I think they're way of not excluding players from raids when not having the Gjallarhorn, is it giving Wolfpack rounds to allied rocket launchers.


I'm glad I bought the Anniversary for the Gjally. And now I can experience the Gjally along with everyone else and it's back and better than ever. And the fact that people can now use Legendary Rocket Launchers with it (especially New Lights that just have Bad Omens or a Blue Rocket Launcher) is extremely helpful. I've never played D1 but I've heard people being kept away from raids just because they didn't have Gjallarhorn and that is not ok. With this new perk now people without Gjallarhorn can now help in raids.


9:38 we had the "option" to buy Gjallarhorn, yes, but the price was too steep, like most of the troll options in that specific menu...

but in Season of the Hunt, Spider said "you kill that Celebrant, you get to take anything from my trove."
and we took Crow.

the real Gjallarhorn was the friendships we made all along


Based off memory, the quest in rise of iron gave you the normal gjallarhorn, not the iron gjallarhorn. You got the iron gjallarhorn from pre-ordering rise of iron.


Truly I actually liked the quest wish Shawn, made me actually grow to like the bastard. To me he was always some random “high and mighty” guardian who just rubbed me the wrong way, made me always roll my eyes when he talked.

But the quest was actually nice, showed me a more fleshed out character. He was excited to see the return of gala, wanted it back properly. He admits that even he had taken a few peaks into the loot cave out of curiosity. And I think what did it for me was when he gives us the base for the rocket.

He hands us something he gives the new lights to practice with before it was decommissioned. He takes a moment to pause our conversation to teach a new light how to form a Grenade before continuing. It made me realize that he isn’t some snob but actually a chill hunter that cares a bit more for helping the new bloods a bit more than being some legend, which I like.


what i like about destiny's current meta is that you have the really good weapons, that most people use, but you can also use other weapons beside the ones that are most used and still have fun and do most activities
