Dosing For Low Dose Naltrexone: How To Get The Best Results!

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00:35 what is low dose naltrexone?
01:19 my experience with LDN
02:20 research on dosing with LDN
04:15 my dosing start
06:00 further experiments on dosing with low dose naltrexone
07:30 what we need now

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Disclaimer: Yoga includes physical movements as well as an opportunity for relaxation, stress re-education and relief of muscular tension. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If you experience any pain or discomfort, listen to your body, discontinue the activity, and ask for support from your medical team. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

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Thank you. I concur 100% on LDN- it has dramatically changed my life-- –I am using LDN for chronic pain. I had problems in the beginning, taking LDN- with my own research and the understanding that the dosage my physician ordered may be too high, I asked a compounding pharmacy to make a tincture so that I could play around with my dosage. The tincture dramatically helped. Tinctures bypass the gastrointestinal system and work better for some people.


Thank you. I too have been dealing with fibromyalgia since I was about 12 yrs old, Bless you Ll


I greatly appreciate finding your site and listening to your experience. I’ve had fibromyalgia for 25 years. I also had endometriosis. I am now 73 years old and finally enjoying less pain and more energy. Another one of my symptoms was brain fog and the LDN has been a tremendous help with that. As far as dosing, I started at 4.5 mg and I have stayed on that since January 2024. I may look into titrating down in the future and would appreciate any advice that you or your blog participants would have for me I am also experiencing osteoarthritis And low thyroid. I do not feel that I will ever go off LDN. it has been a godsend and I am so grateful to be on it. Thank you for your information.


I saw you in the comments talking about a hysterectomy and immediately became saddened, until you said “4th” baby lol. God bless you girl😂 Because even with a village, 4 kiddos is an undertaking!


I’ve been reading recently about people even starting an ultra low dose of naltrexone (ULDN) - such as .01mg! The idea is to just get your body accustomed to the medication and build up from there even if the first few months of building up don’t yield benefits. It’s important to think of it in terms of your long term goal: even if it takes a year or two to get to a dose you see benefits, it’s worth it. Sometimes (often) good things take time!


Thank you. Just starting on LDN and your words and info are reassuring.😊


It has been a life changer for me. I started taking it for a major inflammatory reaction to the moderna covid vax. It was severe and steroids didnt help, but this did. Ive just been taking 1.5 mg a day because anything higher gave me severe insomnia. But i am sensitive to medications with many allergies.


Great information, thank you. I have clients who suffer from this condition. The carnivore diet has also helped or eliminated symptoms which makes sense if there is a deficiency of thiamine which has also been showed to be an issue. It’s worth a try. I’ll be sharing your videos. All the best!


This was very helpful, thank you. I am seeing a pain doctor who knew about LDN but never prescribed before. I will be trying 1.5 for 2 weeks, then 3 for two weeks, and if all goes well, 4.5. The compounding pharmacy was very helpful and has experience with LDN. All of my capsules will be 1.5 so I can work with the dose if need be. Just waiting for my prescription to be ready so I can start. I will be keeping notes on side effects, symptoms etc. for my pain doctor as well. I have found your videos very helpful, and noted the difference in your mood and energy levels from 4 years ago to now. I am hopeful that LDN will help me. ❤


Thank you!! I'm taking it for long covid and it seems to be helping.


I read under another YouTube video that people with gut infections or gut microbiome issues might not respond well to LDN and need to get that checked out first. Did you hear about that? My doctors are inexperienced with LDN. I need to know before starting to take LDN. Thanks in advance 🌸


I was prescribed 4.5mg capsule for ADHD, he said not necessary to titrate

I’ve not started taken due to repeatedly hearing to start low and slow

I’ve have many symptoms eg fatigue, brain fog, pain, inflammation, dizziness etc


Because of you, my daughter got LDN and we were so happy. She started at .5 she Titration up to 1. She couldn’t get the.1. Filled so for one night she took the .5 went back to the 1. And she is having awful pain not like the first time she went up to 1. Should she continue with the1. Or go back to the .5?


I highly suggest you do high dose bio identical progesterone for your period issues with a good GP.


Started at 0.25 mg now for a week and nauseous and fatigued and thats what im trying to get rid of along with chronic pain. Is that normal? Filler is rice


I started LDN in liquid form ( difficult to get right drop by drop) I started Feb 8th 2025 on 0.5 ( 1 drop) when i hit 2 drops felt awful had to sleep in the afternoon so dropped back for a few days then upped the dose which i tolerated. I am now on 4 drops ( 2mg) and feel sluggish, couldn't wake up my sleep was good but i felt drugged. Do i drop back down again to 1mg or keep going? its basically not quite 3 weeks. I am moderate ME/CFS?


I have Kaiser here in California. I asked my rheumatologist for LDN and she obliged starting me at 5mg. You’re not the only one I’ve heard from who suggests starting low and slow. It seems to me my Kaiser doc is being really cavalier about its use and I wonder if she really understands proper dosing. I’ll be honest, I don’t really feel any different on 5mg. I’d love to here your thoughts or anyone else’s for that matter.


Were you ever on tramadol or an opiate for pain? Effects?


Hi Melissa, great video! QQ: How long do you stay on a particular dose before you deem it to be working or not? I went from 3.0 to 4.5mg and I am still getting significant fatigue for 2-3 hours after dosing even though I’ve been on it for three weeks now. I feel the side effects are decreasing but still quite significant, so I don’t know when to define as this dose isn’t working for me or do I need to keep pushing through for another month at least?


can I cut the 50mg to get to a lower dose?
