Why I Grow Small Plants!

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In this video I explain why I currently prefer to grow small plants instead of medium or large plants. If you enjoyed this video please click that thumbs up button :)

Note: I'm not trying to insinuate that you can't get both quality and quantity. So sorry if you watched this and I made it confusing on that avenue. I'm simply stating that I focus on quality and do not focus on quantity at all. To each their own! Cheers :)

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Just a quick note, I'm not trying to insinuate that you can't get both quality and quantity. So sorry if you watched this and I made it confusing on that avenue. I'm simply stating that I focus on quality and do not focus on quantity at all. Also, this is just my current strategy. If you look back at some of my older videos (particularly on my main YouTube channel) you will see I have grown larger plants in the past. This is just how I currently do it. What's your grow strategy?


Small plants can yield plenty for a working person who only grows for personal use. 2 plants scrogged out in a 30"x30" space under a 400w HPS typically yields out 10-12 ounces for me. That's a year's supply because I only smoke at night after I'm fairly confident I'll be home the rest of the night. I don't judge others, but I personally only smoke at home and only when my day is done. Everybody is different in how they consume and how they grow. :)


I grow for quality not quantity. I feel the same as you. I am not looking grow multiple pounds. I don't smoke that much. I regularly grow 4 plants in a 4x4 72 tent. My mother of 72 years and I grow together on different strains and share our results. She tough me 35 years ago how to grow and we have been doing great for decades


1 thing i like about mr grow it is just how professional he is, none of that watch me smoke a bowl before i give the info.. just straight experience and knowledge.


First time grower. I really appreciate this channel. No screaming, no bad acting, no seshing, just good information. Between your channel and the folks at BuildaSoil, this first time grower feels like he has the support, products and information needed to be a successful grower. Thank you.


I’ve got my wife believing that small is better


Similar story, my friend.This is my 50th year growing. Tried all growing different sizes, techniques, lighting. Now I’m back to the basics-quality seeds or clones, make your own supersoil by composting, start in a greenhouse with 1200ppm CO2 then outside to a deeply dug tiered bedding trenches. 5x4 size and strip away all the lower branches, inside leaves leaving only the last foot for larger, better formed and dense buds. That’s my $.02 worth
Be Safe and Stay Well Everyone...


I do the same thing 👍 I get 2-3 oz per plant and every plant is a different strain. I enjoy seeing how different genetics grow. 🌱✌️💚


I grow in a 4'x4' grow tent for my own use, just as you do, and I like to grow three plants at a time. I trim and shape the plants to keep them relatively small and so they get good lighting. Three small plants are the perfect fit for my tent and the yield is always enough to make me happy... 3-4 ounces per plant. Self-sufficiency is a wonderful thing!


I had an idea couple of years ago about using the walls of my grow tent for extra, vertical grows. Using aluminium large cans, Remove top with tin opener then put several hundred holes in the sides and bottom of each, can using a dart or braddle. These holes leave sharp edges on the inside of can that trim the roots as the plant grows. The results have been strong bushy small cannabis plants that reward me with 20/30 grams of bud per plant. So in my small grow tent I have 4 large cannabis plants, growing using the floor space with 6/9 smaller plants growing vertically on the walls of the grow tent using no more lights and just a little more work as my vertical plants are turned twice a day when I water them. I allso only use slow release nutrieants on the vertical growing plants so not to have water all over my tent and electrical equipment in my grow tent. I've never seen any other cannabis grower use even a similar method. Use that wasted space in your grow tents for amazing rewards saving time, and electric allso on each grow as production is doubled. Certainly the way forward.


There are a ton of critics, I know this well. You gotta do you. I grow in my backyard, not in competition with anyone, just having fun. Some big some small, I just love growing!


I don't care about the size of my plant or the size of my buds . I care that I didn't kill the plants and buds start to form . When I learn more and get better then maybe I'll care about size. Dude you have helped me so much and that I don't have to stress myself out over the size or amount of yeild. Thank you.


Im a medical grower for myself. I definitely agree on the method. I also grow for quality over quantity. Having a variety of 🔥 to choose from and having it on a cycle...its like never ending bliss💯🎯🎊🎉


I think you’re girls are a perfect size bro! People are always on some hater stuff. As long as you have a successful grow that’s all that matters.


Many/most commercial grows are either for quantity or potency... so its nice to have the freedom to grow what YOU ENJOY, regardless of strength or yield... or trends. Good video, thanks!


I get a lot of "extra" weed to because I to grow just for myself so what I do and I think it's legal is barter the weed that would normally go to waste, ie pizza tips, snow removal, yard work and as long as the transaction is under an oz its all good.


I feel you Chris. I grow small to medium plants 3-4 ft tall as well. I mean there's only so much height I can achieve, and like you I like to grow from seed. Very rarely do I clone. Although I am pretty sure I have a freak show mom now that I'll be keeping around.
My favorite u-tuber just keep doing what you do man.


I’ve been growing for 15 years you’re doing a good job thank you for your work and effort keep teaching how to get it done right👍


I just got done with my first grow got another week of drying, i used a 4x4 only did two plants to get an idea of what it is like and cant wait to do four. I used some cheap bluple leds from amazon and though the plants were small i have the neuts and ph experience and feel comfortable growing bigger. I will be upgrading the lights but was impressed with how much tricombs the plant produced. Small plants for the growers own stock theres nothing wrong with that and honestly i will probably do the same thing. Thanks for the videos and info it has helped.


One thing I know is that I can always hit the 👍🏼 before I watch your videos. Appreciate you!
