This wire will change how you install Car Audio forever

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This is very nice. I've been using this type of wire since 2016. We called it Speed Wire back then. I have it installed in both of my vehicles.


This is such a game changer for everyone! I love the fact they give not only heat shrink but ferrels, which still alot of people don't know exist, but labeled heat shrink and braided loom? Why to go T Spec!!! Thanks for the video Dean, quality as always.


Ferrules do more than give you a solid pin and clean connection. They also prevent stray strands of copper wire from falling off the connection and getting into the amp and damaging the amp. Budget tip if you don't have ferrules or money for them you can use solder to tin up the wire ends into one solid end. If done right this too will prevent wire fraying and will even help prevent wire corrosion.


Always impressed by T-Spec. I've been using their product ever since Metra introduced the line. I used Tsunami before that.


I've switched from Stinger's distribution and fusing products to T-Spec. On average, each one of their pieces are smaller and more robust in my opinion. The plastic covers have not cracked on me like the one's from Stinger do. I picked up one of their 4 gauge amp kits and I'm very impressed with the cable that came with it. I need to see if there are different grades of cable. Stinger's line up started to get confusing but then again, I've just lost interest. Some of their products still look identical to one's the had in the 90's. A lot of us now want a power and ground all in one style distribution center. Stinger doesn't have one. Heck....Streetwires, Monster, and even Audiopipe has one....currently!
This speaker wire looks really nice!


I love T Spec and am absolutely in Love with their new 4 way fused/ground distribution block! Literally has everything to power 4 amps plus a built in turn on lead relay. It is the perfect solution I've always wanted that I was actually so close to 3d printing/manufacturing myself! (Only thing better would be a version that can bolt directly to the battery terminals eliminating the need for input wire runs but that's just wishful thinking. My design was going to bolt down across the positive terminals of two batteries)


wish i found this video before installing the old style wire in my brand new truck lol. Oh well. If i ever have to re-wire down the road, il update it to the new type.


We call this a medusa, prv makes it, they come with pairs of of rca along with power neg and remote


That's awesome for door speakers but on my subs I prefer to use 8 gauge Tspec.


Yeah, I love that T-Spec wire kit but also they have some sexy looking fuse holders too


Love the T-spec distro blocks, compact with enough sizes for everyone, I would like to see a review on that new one with the built in relay for amp remotes, that could a huge game changer.


Stinger is on notice 🤣🤣🤣. That is a super nice set of kits.


A nice alternative to using a ferrule to terminate wire, I like to tin the end up (apply solder) that goes into the amp so the strands don't get damaged and the set screws won't ever loosen up.


Finally, the audio gods have sneered all our prayers


Glad they updated because the previous was a bit trashy. I use T-spec still, but was changing it on my upgrade to system. I would like to continue using them and their newer stuff does look much more promising 👍 the v16 rcas seem much more nicer than that crap v12 which they need to make better


My wires run in 8 different directions soon as they leave the amps how does this help


Do u guys have a video with installing multi conductor wire installs ?


Do You primarily use a bundle like that to go from your head unit to your amps. What other application would it be used for?


I've been using 9 conductor speed wire since Metra first started offering it and I've been begging for somebody to make a 16awg version!

This is awesome!


How can this be use?

I’m probably overthinking this, but in a typical system like in my case Ive got a corner tweeter, front door and rear door speakers so 3 speakers on driver side and 3 speakers on passenger side. One run would leave me with 2 pairs unused and I would have to buy another one to run on the other side?? I find it easier and cheaper to probably make my own with 3 pairs!
