Michael McFaul on Vladimir Putin and Russia

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In this Uncommon Knowledge, Hoover fellow Peter Robinson speaks with former US ambassador to Russia, Hoover senior fellow, and Stanford political science professor Michael McFaul. McFaul discusses Russian president Vladimir Putin's complex and evolving rhetoric and strategic objectives, emphasizing recent developments in the US-Russia relationship, Putin and former US Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, and Ukraine's strategic importance to Russia.
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If any Russian sees this. Thank you for helping us in our war.


I've lived in Hungary, Belarus and in Kyiv, Ukraine before, during and after the revolution. I don't understand, though not surprised, by all the negative comments on here about what McFaul is saying. For the most part, he's right on about Putin, Russia, NATO and more.


He is in denial about the NATO expansion question. He says it was not a problem even year ago, but it was huge problem when it was first suggested for Ukraine and Georgia in 2008. So this was not an unexpected development.


This guy was hounded mercilessly in Moscow.  Russian demonstrators went to the Embassy, followed his car, and actually went to his kids' soccer match.  No other Western country would do that to an Ambassador.  Disgrace.


Great interview and thanks for sharing.


Putin supporters in the comments as usual. This was a great insight from someone with first hand experience with Putin and his government.


Wondering when this was recorded.  Also, why call the EU a purely economic alliance when assessing its threat to Russia.


Unfortunately the Americans always flip over the truth.They say RF made up the atrocity between the RF and the US, while it is quit the opposite. It is the US that has always been looking at the RF as an enemy and counter partner.US allows itself to do whatever it wants anywhere in the world including right at the RF borders but can not bear the RF to do the same when many experts and the people who know RF explicitly claim that Russian foreign policy is far more peaceful and humanitarian rather than American one. The US once was believed of broadcasting and dispersing   the most truthful news and having the best political experts but today with the multipolar world and the outreach of technology, we can see that US has been converted to a clown which just lies and lies, cheats and cheats, deceives and deceives and has no shame.       


Aside from from Antonio Inoki, a Japanese senator, Putin maybe the most knowledgeable in hand to hand combat amongst world politicians.


Lol. Many Russian trolls and agents are writing comments here.




How can you invade if Russian speaking people are citizens of ukraine? And how can Russia invade if they own a Treaty between the 2 countries? And how can you invade when a section of those citizens in Ukraine felt the COUP DE TAT and overthrow of Ukraine reigned down on this region so they had an open, transparent election...a referendum to appeal TO Russia to join the Federation. The outcome turned out the majority wanted to apply - so they did. Russia did not TAKE Crimea, Crimea APPLIED TO Join and did so through election and application. Russia did not invade, it ACCEPTED responsibility for Crimea due to a Puppet government that was attacking them verbally & physically. They DIVORCED themselves from corrupt Crimea and opted to join Russia. Putin did NOT make each person vote a particular way. Russia was sanctioned and then took on this region and was probably a huge burden. What was Russia supposed to do? Turn it's back on people that were attacked, threatened and fell to a coup?


What is the difference between the USA,


Card carrying communist is not what americans think it means. It is something like professing of being Christian is a requirement to hold a major public office in US. You don't have to believe, you just have to say you do. Most don't.


Does cutting off the historical claims on geographical territory and deciding purely on the bases of majority, applies on conflict between Israel and and Palestine, too? Or these are just the politics and arguments of convenience in which policies are primarily shaped on, what favors us in a specific set of circumstances.?


He's speaking based on HIS perception alone. Not truth. BIAS.


To me Russia is very lucky for sometimes already that Mr. Putin is in power. Russia is a good example of nation who could have changed from dynasty into democracy but probably because Russia used to have so many thinkers and great one so some how they chose socialism and that pull Russia down from its potential which is such a strange situation.


Yanokovich COULD NOT sign because they were ranked low, and were UNSTABLE. The EU rejected UKRAINE, not Ukraine rejected EU. He simply told citizens that he tried to jump through the hoops, but was spinning wheels, this angered students who had NO patience. He could NOT sign, it cost money and stability and they were not THERE yet. Besides, Ukraine suffered extreme poverty and could NOT pay this to join. And NO, he went to his home in Ukraine...not russia!!!


Russia never invaded Crimea Crimea was, is Russian.


It was great if the ex-ambassador mentioned what precisely lack of democracy there is in RF and not the general words only.Democracy in RF is very wide and is comparable to the american one as whole.
