Comprehensive guide to basal body temperature for thyroid

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I find it fascinating that when the average body temperature was found to be 98.6 in the 1900s, you wouldn’t take that as being normal, but rather more recent findings. How many people are actually healthy now compared to the 1900’s? The problem with doctors is that most of you have no idea what health is. It is not simply the lack of obvious disease.


I have this book of Broda O.Barnes.
Very interested.Colleration of thyroid function with basal.body temperature


I am at a complete loss for what is going on. My BBT is typically low between 94-96 degrees. I thought it was a form of hypothyroidism specifically after I read hypothyroidism type 2 by Mark Starr. After listening to your explanation I am not so sure. My body temperature does not stay elevated during the luteal phase and never rises above 96.73 and drops to 94.36 during this time. I am 33 years 5'5" and 215lbs. Fatigue is constant, Lethargy, Sleepiness, Mental impairment, difficulty concentrating, cold intolerance, dry skin, decreased perspiration, decreased appetite, Arthralgia, slow movements, slow speech, Paresthesia, nonpitting edema, P.M.S., brittle nails, nervousness, intolerance to heat, muscle weakness, joint/muscle pain, night blindness, history of low iron, difficulty having my eyes focus to the point of blurred vision/double vision and I have to concentrate to get my eyes to focus properly. My menstrual cycle varies from 22 to 33 days. Menstruation last for 3 days: 1st day light, 2nd day heavy and third day light. About a week before menstruation I have back pain, nausea, headaches, breast pain, and extreme fatigue. I have bad cramping during menstruation to the point it makes me physically ill and I just want to crawl up in the fetal position in a dark room. I can feel it when I ovulate and it hurts bad. I get nauseated and it feels like I am literally going through labor pains and back labor pains. I cannot sit down as any pressure from sitting makes the pain worse. I also end up in the fetal position in tears. Intercourse hurts every time. I am going to go see if I have endometriosis with my OBGyn. Based off of my most recent labs the endocrinologist refused to see me and stated that I do not have a thyroid issue. I have had the flu only once in January 2014. I have never had the common cold. An ear infection once in 2014. Every year since 2010 I get laryngitis. I have had strep throat three times at age 11, 18 and 23. I am Rh negative and have had 4 pregnancies: First ended in a miscarriage at in the first trimester at 19 years old, second was an abortion at 22, third was unremarkable pregnancy full term at 40 weeks and 1 day, vaginal delivery. Fourth was an induction at 40 weeks plus 10 days, vaginal delivery. I have had migraine headaches ever since I was 2.5 years old that typically are on the right side of my head and only in the afternoon. Migraines used to be 8 to 12 times a month. After menstruation migraines decreased to 4 times a month and with every pregnancy they have decreased to now having about 1 every 2 to 4 months. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2015 but never believed that I had it so I have not take any medication. I do take 65mg of iron. Below are my most recent labs. What else could this be? A combination of a few things? I do not know what to ask for or where to turn from here. Any insight on possibilities I am willing to look into. Thanks in advance for your analysis.
Thyroglobulin 28.4 ng/mL
Thyroglobulin AB <20.0 IU/mL
LH 3.4 mIU/mL
FSH 7.1 mIU/mL
DHEA-S 172 ug/dL
TSH 0.49 uIU/mL
Free T4 1.5 ng/dL
Iron 46 ug/dL
Iron binding capacity, unsaturated 270 ug/dL
Total iron binding capacity 316 ug/dL
Transferrin % saturation 15 %
Ferritin 59 ng/mL
17-hydroxyprogesterone <50 ng/dL
Cortisol 13.4 ug/dL
RBC's, nucleated 0 /100WC
Platelets count 230 K/uL
RDW, RBC 12.9 %
MCV 80 fL
Hematocrit 40.2 %
Hgb 13.1 g/dL
Red blood cells count 5.00 M/uL


What is the best way to test thyroid? Blood labs?


My temp was 98.6 it drop to 97.5 I could never get warm I feel better when it higher but can’t keep the temp up


Mine is 97.5. Im scared. 98.6 was my default 3 years ago. I have decreased sweating and perspiration. But I don't feel dehydrated. I am really feeling worried.
