FFXIV is the BEST MMO I've ever played | Honest Review from an MMO Veteran (Spoiler Friendly)

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Have you tried the expanded Free Trial of our critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV?

You can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no
restrictions on playtime!

Did you know ELPIS is Greek? Check out the video:

Even the new Elpis Minions are Greek:

Even though I am in a brief break from FFXIV (until mid-April, I assume) I'd love to have you tag along on my twitch:

Do you wanna know about THE BEST FFXIV EXPANSION? Click the jebait:

If you want random moments as well as cat / kitten videos you can find me on tiktok: @kingshiny_66 or on Instagram: kingshiny66. Ima be honest, tiktok and insta are occasional. I wanna upload more but ... yah.
My twitter is where I will post some updates regarding what I feel: @KingShiny_66

Intro: 0:00
Sound: 1:02
Gameplay: 2:51
Story: 5:13
Overall - Final Verdict: 9:26
The Community: 10:00
11:15: Outro
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That piinnngg the shield makes when you block is !!! thats my favorite sound in the game.


I bought this game on Feb 23 2014 and rolled a Thaumaturge knowing full well it wouldn't be the easiest class to play. To this day, I STILL play as Black Mage and even though I've levelled many of the other jobs, Black Mage is the only class I play for the MSQ, and always will!


Happy to hear your journey has been worthwhile


I had the opposite experience with thaumaturge.

I tried the game years ago as a pugilist and hated it then tried again as a gladiator and hated it. Years later, I tried as a thaumaturge and loved it lol I didn't enjoy the wait time between attacks as a melee dps/tank but the wait time with casting jobs made more sense because you're casting the spell.


August 30, 2013. That was the date i first played XIV. I have watched this game grow, evolve and devolve into what it is today.
The game is amazing, there is no doubting that, but the current state of the game does leave a lot to be desired for people that have played for a long time.
The combat system and overall level of difficulty of the game has been reduced to the point where ANYONE can clear the story without any real effort. This is not a bad thing, but it does create a big gap between the casual story player and somebody who invests even just a little time into learning how to play beyond the MSQ requirements.

The shift in content for Endwalker especially was a disappointing change, with most of the content added just being a 'one and done' style of activity that has no real meaning towards character progression.

I find myself for the first time since stormblood, taking an extended break from the game that i WANT to play, because the game disregards the people who invested time into the game in favor of pumping out content that has no real meaning or longevity.

Music: 10/10
Nothing will ever beat the musical scores of this game.

Gameplay: 9/10
At low level it is jarring, but around 60+ when you start getting OGCD's to speed combat up, it feels great.
At the Endgame the combat is amazing, but the lack of overall content added to the game, and overall low skill floor of the system really throws a shadow over how FUN the combat system can be.

Story: 9/10
The story is amazing, ARR started slow but built up into a 9+ year story that expanded over multiple worlds. Now that the original story has come to a close, i find a major lack of connection to what is happening in the world around us. We beat the big baddie, the universe ending threat, only to return to a world that asks us to go be a slave to some mammots on an island, or to dive into dungeons full of monsters that could not possibly be challenging to our character at this point.

Overall i love the story from the middle of ARR until the end of Endwalker 6.0, Anything past that is just fresh world building that could last a few years before it ramps back up again.

Community: 7/10
As with all MMO's, no community can ever be perfect. A large portion of the community treat the game as a dating simulator, which is severely disappointing to somebody who enjoys just playing the game.
The blatant advertisement of ERP/Mods is out of control, It won't be long before square eventually crack down on it, as it does break the ToS and players cannot continue to push the boundary line.


classes get reworked with each expansion and with limited keybinds, the skills need to be carefully planned. it wouldn't be fun if they give us all the toys and take them away but that happens in any mmo with expansions, wow included where skills that were fan faves are deleted or nurfed to the point they are not fun anymore but wow comes with more complexity with talents and certain gear stacking.
i am not going to defend one or the other but i am trying to say is there will always be new changes and alterations and that what you have is never final in the ever evolving mmo scene.


This game sucks theirs a reason asmongold hasn't touched for two year and zepla stopped logging in .world of Warcraft remains king hail the 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
