Final Fantasy XIV Is The Best MMORPG Right Now

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I know this might be a topic of contention, but, Final Fantasy XIV, as of June 18th, 2021, is indisputably the best MMORPG right now.
And I'm well aware there are going to be multiple of you that sit there at this very moment, jaw agape, in complete disbelief that I'd say something like that. But this shouldn't come as a surprise. I've stated this in previous years, and after having played Shadowbringers, it's more evident than ever how high quality a title this is.
But at the same time, as no game is infallible, Final Fantasy XIV does have areas that need improvement. Aspects of the game that are missing.

Final Fantasy XIV is an amazing MMORPG. It's absolutely gorgeous - sure, it might not necessarily hold up graphically when compared to newer games developed with modern tech, but there's no denying that this is a stunning MMO.
The combat becomes much more difficult at endgame, requiring active micromanagement of every aspect of your job: damage mitigation, instant casts, regens, heals, aggro. Yes, there are tab-target combat systems that are better, but trust me when I tell you this feels more than sufficient.
The world is expansive. Every expansion adds in a surplus of new zones that are more exquisite than the last.
The narrative spans so many years worth of content, with it finally ending in Endwalker, and beginning a new storyline for the first time in a decade.
There's just so much content to consume that you're never at a loss of where you should go or what you should be doing with your time.
I know some people will argue that there are plenty of MMOs out there that offer these very same things. And you know what? I'm not saying they don't. Guild Wars 2, The Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft. They're all very high quality titles within the genre.
But to me? Personally? Final Fantasy XIV is better. It just does everything right. It offers me - as an individual - everything I want out of an MMO, and because of that, I can say with 100% certainty that this is the best MMORPG in 2021. And with Endwalker coming, it will likely be the best MMORPG in 2022 as well.

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Final Fantasy XIV is an amazing MMORPG. It's absolutely gorgeous - sure, it might not necessarily hold up graphically when compared to newer games developed with modern tech, but there's no denying that this is a stunning MMO.
The combat becomes much more difficult at endgame, requiring active micromanagement of every aspect of your job: damage mitigation, instant casts, regens, heals, aggro. Yes, there are tab-target combat systems that are better, but trust me when I tell you this feels more than sufficient.
The world is expansive. Every expansion adds in a surplus of new zones that are more exquisite than the last.
The narrative spans so many years worth of content, with it finally ending in Endwalker, and beginning a new storyline for the first time in a decade.
There's just so much content to consume that you're never at a loss of where you should go or what you should be doing with your time.
I know some people will argue that there are plenty of MMOs out there that offer these very same things. And you know what? I'm not saying they don't. Guild Wars 2, The Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft. They're all very high quality titles within the genre.
But to me? Personally? Final Fantasy XIV is better. It just does everything right. It offers me - as an individual - everything I want out of an MMO, and because of that, I can say with 100% certainty that this is the best MMORPG in 2021. And with Endwalker coming, it will likely be the best MMORPG in 2022 as well.


"I can't believe you would say something like this!! I mean... There are hundreds of other lists on the internet that say the same thing, but how DARE you?!" - Angry Viewer probably


I just started heavensward! I played wow and guild wars 2 for years and I can say with certainty. FFXIV is not just a good MMORPPG, it's a great GAME. I didn't realize how low my standards were for MMO's until I started playing FFXIV. Just wow, the first story (A Realm Reborn) is a little slow but the class/job quest are amazing and the expacs are just amazing. The combat is great once you get more abilities and the community is so welcoming(New players are called "Sprouts" and everyone is usually super kind and willing to help them.) If you have not tried it please do, it may seem like just another MMO but it'll show you what MMO's can be when effort goes into them.


How dare you say this game is the best MMORPG currently available with an expanded Free Trial of our critically acclaimed MMORPG #FFXIV

You can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime! 😲


Fresh FFXIV player here. I'm so grateful the game doesn't try to waste my time by filling up my inventory with useless items to "manage" or clog my quest journal with assignments that require me to travel hafway across the world first. For an OCD player like me, not having to deal with overflowing backpacks and agonizing over which quests to delete in order to pick up new ones is a godsend.


That list of JRPG's that you said you grew up on almost made me cry with so much nostalgia in less than 30 seconds.


I've been avoiding this for too long...maybe it's time to look into it, I've seen a lot of wow veterans say it's quite good too


After seeing PSO2 NG I think it's safe to say FFXIV is indeed the best MMO atm. PSO2 NG was a content patch pretending it's a full game.


Just started playing yesterday! Wish me luck, I truly hope I get hooked haha


Coming from Action Combat only MMOs (mainly tera and BDO), I finally decided to give ff14 a try. In the very beginning it is very slow, but after level 50 you should have enough skills where you can start weaving attacks and it becomes very enjoyable. It is a final fantasy game 1st so the story will always be the biggest part about ff14 but the biggest reason I enjoy this game is because of the community. I have NEVER seen such a friendly community in an mmo. There's hardly any toxicity and that's why I love the people there.


I started way back in ARR and I'll always return to it whenever there's new content. It's got a lot of heart in it even after almost a decade.


I’ve been playing it for 3 weeks and god damn it’s a great game. In contrast I hated WoW.


I don't play FF14 anymore, played the game for around 7 years since 2.1 and I completely agree this MMO is the best, not only is the best MMO overall it's probably the best MMO for players who are new to this type of game. The Community in general is very helpful, people actually go out of their way to help, when you ask questions there is always someone willing to answer. This is Perfect for someone who is completely new to MMOs. Wish I had the time to play this again...


FFXIV is a true mainline Final Fantasy game! It just so happens to be an MMORPG! Thats why its so damn good


YouTubers have been giving a lot of love to FF14 the past few months. You love to see it.


Finally, FF14 is getting the recognition it deserves. It was picking up steam with the Shadowbringers launch, and with WoW failing it’s gaining even more traction now. Endwalker is hopefully going to shatter their subscriber record


I'm 40 years old..never played an mmo...first day today


A few notes on this game.

Not only is there an overarching story there are many sub/side stories as well. Each class, including the gatherer and crafter classes have their own stories to go through as you level them. the end game relic weapons generally have their own storyline associated with them. It goes on and on.

PvP IS lackluster, but the majority of players consider PvP a side attraction in this game. There are very few people in terms of the overall populations that take it truly seriously as far as I know. Most players use it as a potential way to level or to get some cool glamours (transmogs to you wow refugees, or to people who simply don't know armor/clothes/gear that you pick up because it looks cool and then use the games system to make the stuff you are actually wearing look like the cool stuff) This lesser focus on PvP is not necessarily a bad thing though as it leaves the devs free to focus on other things instead of trying to do to much or screwing up balancing which has been an issue in some games.

And yes, Fashion is indeed the true endgame.

The story is fantastic and I do strongly advise trying this game. The ARR section can be a bit slow but if you stick through it and get to Heavensward it is well worth the effort. and that's just the free trial. The Shadowbringers main story alone is worth the price of the expansion. It is really impossible to overstate how good it was.
If you are a new player coming into this game I strongly advise AGAINST buying a level skip for your first class that you want to focus on and against a story skip. Yes those are available on the cash market but trust me when I say you will lose out on so much using those. As STIX as stated the story in this game is fantastic and you will lose out on a lot of that experience using those not to mention leaving yourself fairly confused going into Shadowbringers without some of the knowledge that you would have gained had you done the story.

The final thing to note, and one thing that is a big part of what makes this game so special, is how much love the developers have put into this game and how much freedom they have been given. Especially the lead producer Naoki Yoshida. This man is largely responsible for making FFXIV what it is today, he genuinely cares about this game and its success as well as the fans. And it shows in the quality and obvious care that has been put into this game. This is not something that can be said about most modern MMO's.

Final Fantasy XIV has so much to offer I urge any JRPG fan and any MMO fan to give it a try, at leas the free trial. If it isn't your thing that's fine, of course. But I know that at least some of you will fall in love with this game, as I did.


Been playing FF14 for the past 6 or so years (with the occasional break, of course) and have never regretted a dollar spent.


My favorite part about FF14 has got to be the story. No other mmo I have played has a story even half as good. And don't get me started on the music. Dragonsong is my all time favorite song in any game ever.
