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Acute phase reactants (APRs) are substances that increase in the plasma in case of inflammation, but their plasma level decrease when there is no inflammation (or when the inflammation subsides).

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CRP is by definition, REACTIVE, so it both builds and dissipates rapidly. The sed rate is by nature, SEDENTARY, so it is slow. That's the mnemonic. The supporting facts are that the half-life of CRP is 19 hours, while in contrast, the half life of fibrinogen is FOUR DAYS and the half life of IgG is TWENTY-ONE DAYS!!. Those rouleaux are not going to be able to unstick themselves from each other for a long, long time. I think of CRP as carry-on luggage, and rouleaux as a big stack of luggage that has to be checked.


Crp will normalize first because esr is an indirect measure for fibrinogen which has a longer half-life than crp


I guess there's a mistake in the mnemonic for macrocytosis and microcytosis

macrocytosis can increase ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate).

Macrocytosis is a condition where red blood cells are larger than normal. This can be caused by various factors, such as:

1. Vitamin deficiency (e.g., vitamin B12 or folate deficiency)
2. Liver disease
3. Alcoholism
4. Bone marrow disorders
5. Certain medications

When red blood cells are larger than normal, they tend to settle more quickly to the bottom of the test tube, resulting in a higher ESR value. This is because larger red blood cells have a greater volume and density, causing them to sediment faster.

In addition, macrocytosis can also lead to an increase in ESR due to:

1. Increased rouleaux formation (red blood cells stacking together)
2. Increased aggregation of red blood cells
3. Decreased red blood cell deformability

As a result, macrocytosis can artificially elevate ESR values, potentially leading to misinterpretation or overestimation of inflammation or disease activity. It's essential to consider other laboratory tests and medical evaluation to accurately diagnose and monitor conditions.


At about 5:34 min. "Macrocytosis (larger is slower)" not right analogy. The larger, the quicker to sediment. Remember that ESR increases as components are descending the column. Faster sedimentation rate = increase sedimentation rate. The same holds with microcytosis in which the ESR is decreased. This is particularly true with Hb C (sickle cell trait) patients. Again smaller is faster is not a good analogy. I really enjoy your videos!


CRP has a doubling time and decay time of about 6 hours and the maximum concentrations are reached in less than 2 days So after the inflammation is resolved or treatment cause reduction in inflammation CRP drops rapidly. ESR by the way is affected by many factors like the concentration of Albumin in plasma and the size and shape of the RBCs which takes longer to be substituted. I think that’s why CRP drops faster


Macrocytotic RBC settle more rapidly( 6:11 ) not slowly

Btw thank you for your all video which are a life-saver for me :)


Why does macrocytosis cause increased ESR? I think the reason you gave is wrong as larger the cells, the faster it sediments. Hence high ESR. Nonetheless, great video!


Birds of the same feather, flock together.
Good use of the proverb :)


The answer is CRP as it's half life is less than Fibrinogen and IgG.

One thing need to bring in focus, there are a lot of Inflammatory Rheumatological conditions not start with symmetrical arthritis. Even through their whole course of illness, some remain as asymmetric arthritis as their onset. So Inflammatory arthritis can be either symmetrical like RA or asymmetrical AS or other seronegative arthritides . some seronegative arthritides can be both symmetrical or asymmetrical like psoriatic arthritis. Kind regards ~


Good video.
Very insightful, Very short and very straight to the point.. keep up the good work.


CRP will normalize first before ESR.

because ESR is a general and longer process. While CRP is a more specific and shorter process.


What does it typically mean when you can chronic CRP elevated levels but low esr?


At 5:31 you can see the list of things that increase and decrease esr. Why is it that macrocytosis increases ESR if it slows the cells down? Shoudn't it be decreasing ESR? And likewise goes for microcytosis since it speeds the cells up


What would cause a high CRP of 11.2 but a low ESR of only six in a 23-year-old male? Everything else on the bloodwork came back normal except for a high ALT.


Amazing vids, a lot of tanks! Yours vids makeing me more confidence !!!


My WBC is 19.6 High, Neutrophils is 16.0 High, Monocytes is 1.4 High,
Immature Granulocytes is 0.12 High, CRP -C-reactive Protein is 153.6 High,
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 51 High, Glucose 104 High this was put on my chart on
January 27, 2024. I'm 66 average weight non-smoker, but I was told my lungs show 2nd hand smoke. Both my parents were heavy smokers. I have severe stomach pain. Extremely tired, sleeping all the time. Hot and Cold Flashes. They order a CT scan with IV and oral contrast to follow-up with a colonoscopy in 4 weeks .The test were ordered before my blood work came back. I have ASAMA... any thoughts?


In love with your channel 😍😍 keep going sir, and thank you for everything single knowledge we got!!


This one killed me
God bless you


You are amazing, thank you for your great channel ✌❤


5:30 shouldn't it be macrocytosis; larger is faster and microcytosis; smaller is slower ?
