Why Steve Wozniak Left Apple

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Steve Jobs receives a lot of credit for the incredible things he accomplished at Apple, and rightfully so. But not as many people give Steve Wozniak the credit he deserves for actually building the computers that made Apple a viable company to begin with. And that’s in large part due to his decision to give up his leadership position at Apple in 1985. So in this video, I’m going to explain why he left Apple, and the events that led to that decision.
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Woz is without a doubt one of the most underrated people when thinking about the history of modern computing. Hella mad respect to him.


The fact that Woz expressed support for Louis Rossmann’s right to repair activism speaks volumes about how messed up Apple is as a company.


Woz is such a nice guy. He lives 10 minutes away from me and I always see him driving around in his Tesla with the license plate “Woz” along with his dogs hanging out the back seat windows. He waves at people and has visited my old high school several times, occasionally giving tips to the robotics team or just saying hi. He signed my old physics teacher’s Macintosh computer in 2000!


I always liked woz, since the first time I was made aware of him, decades ago, like he was the unsung hero who never got his due recognition. Always thought of him as just a good guy who happened to be very smart and creative.


*Woz is the polar opposite of Jobs. he seems so caring and warm*


I know EXACTLY how Woz felt. Being an engineer myself, it REALLY pisses me off when people try to take control over the projects that I pour my blood sweat and tears into designing.


When I listen to stories like this, I strongly feel that Steve Jobs owed Woz a string of apologies... apologies that I'm quite sure never came. Having vision is often not enough.


Wozniak left Apple because he was a genius, and realized that it was all a game of money and power.
But his goal was to live!
Steve Jobs continued in Apple because he wanted to have the narcissistic feeling of being a billionaire.
And as history tells, he never get his hands on his money for living with pleasure.
Today Wozniak still lives and has a "modest" fortune of 150 million dollars.


I have to say Steve Wozniak is one of the nicest guys out there. I was randomly at SFO airport coming back from a trip and there he was at baggage claim standing 10 feet away from me with his wife. I was too embarrassed to say Hello, and also I felt maybe he wants to be left alone. But then someone else noticed him and introduced themselves. He gladly took multiple photos with them and asked them how they were doing. Great guy, his wife was not amused. 😂 But nonetheless I think it speaks to how humble he is, and how much truth there is to the description this video gave.


Imagine how Apple might have looked if Wozniak was still there to this day.. a totally different apple and maybe even a better Apple?


Steve Wozniak is one of the greatest minds and hearts of our time. He deserves much more credit than people give him. He is the heart of Apple and gave up much of his own shares of Apple to other team members that helped to make Apple a success that Steve Jobs originaly cut out. When I got to meet Steve and his wife they were the most kind and humble people that I have every met. Much love and respect to the WOZ


Without Steve Wozniak, there wouldn't have been a product for Apple to sell. The original Apple computer was his baby. I met Woz once at an Apple ][ presentation he gave. He was a warm, personable guy. I never had the desire to meet Jobs, though.


What a humble guy. So sad that Jobs took all the fame and glory and didn't even make the products that Wozniak envisioned. Wozniak knew what Apple was gonna become in the future. If he stayed in the company and took leadership it would've been a far better company for consumers.


My grandfather started working for Jackson All-Star Dairy in Jackson, Michigan delivering milk door to door from a horse-drawn wagon. He worked for the company for many years, but he was a heavy smoker and his health deteriorated to the point where he couldn't perform his job duties, so he went to the local community college to become a CPA and used an Apple II computer to run a bookkeeping service out of his home office.


And since then, Apple has only gotten more closed and more money hungry... ugh
Let's hope we can get right to repair passed, even Steve Wozniak is onboard with it


It's funny how even back then Jobs wanted only two slots. It would be good if Apple started implementing more of a Wozniak way of thinking into their laptops and add more ports.
Great video. Always wondered why Wozniak left Apple.


Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak summed up in every picture you shared, Steve Wozniak smiling broadly and happy while Steve Jobs sulked.


All I know is he gave the 83’ Us Festival and some of my most cherished memories, thanks Woz!


Wozniack should’ve known the type of person Jobs was from his first business encounter when jobs had him build something for Jobs when he was at Atari within a few days and received 5 thousand and gave Wozniack $300


Every Jobs has a Woz, and I feel like people need to remember this.
