How Apple Lost Its Magic

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Correction: 0:20 the event was held in October 2011, not June

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0:30 Tom Coates, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
0:33 Steve Jurvetson, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
0:37 Ivan Bandura, CC BY 2.0 hvia Wikimedia Commons
1:21 Dieter Rams image: Vitsoe at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
2:53 Blake Patterson, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
3:53 Austin Community College, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
4:39 Mark Ahsmann, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
5:49 Yamen, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
5:53 Ivan Bandura, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
6:14 matt buchanan, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
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9:18 Tom Coates from San Francisco, United States, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
11:00 User:Vmenkov, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
11:14 Nadkachna, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
12:17 iPhone 5c model: Kārlis Dambrāns, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
13:31 Gary Cohen, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
13:44 Imran Chaudhri image: Rajat Bhardwaj, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
14:12 Chris Stringer image: AnalogicaMusica, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
14:46 [Kārlis Dambrāns], CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
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*Do you think Apple has lost its edge when it comes to innovation?*
Correction: 0:20 the event was held in October 2011, not June


Steve is an artist and an innovator, Tim is a businessman.


Steve sought innovation and highest-quality product, while Tim Cook prioritizes revenue above all else.


Steve is an artist. He had what could not be taught in schools or on a job. Those types are irreplaceable. I'm surprised you didn't talk about Apple buying Beats by Dre the competition to the air pods and just putting that product aside.


The comparison to Disney is quite appropriate; Roy Disney cared nothing for the magic that drove Walt, but he solidified the business in a way that Walt never could have. Which paved the way for multiple Golden Ages for Disney in decades later on. Tim Cook is not innovative, but I also think we haven't seen the last great innovative CEO at Apple; we might just have to wait 10 or 20 years.


Tim Cook is the best thing that could happen to share holders but the worst that could happen to the products


Steve Jobs... the world would literally be completely different if he were still alive today


This video reminds me of when I worked at a startup. We all slept in offices. Our customers loved our first product. We created three more models to sell alongside.

The team later disbanded without replacement. We make the same products, but suppliers send trash and hurt us everyday, and the customer has gotten more critical of our quality and processes.


Steve announced the iPhone and iPad without much grandeur. He just said “a phone, an iPod, and an internet communication device” and let the product speak for itself.


Although I'm not an Apple fan I've admired Steve Jobs for years. It's always a difficult task to keep the vision, focus, and drive once a company's original visionary is no longer at the helm. A brilliant businessman once told me, you will never be number one forever because there are too many people coming up who have studied you that will be fighting for that position, nothing stays the same, change is the only constant.
I've been fighting depression this winter and having trouble sleeping so immediately ordered your magnesium since I'm almost out of the one I've been using. Thank you for caring.


Tim Cook’s mission: Money

Steve Jobs and Jony’s Mission: Marvellous Innovation


I worked in Silicon Valley from 1977-2006 (Amdahl, Cisco, Tandem, HP, and was at 3 startups). I can tell you that many companies in Silicon Valley fail as soon as they stop listening to engineering (software and hardware) and only listen to the suits. I worked at Compaq in the late 90s, and IMNSHO, Cook was "just a suit." Not surprised at all where Apple has ended up where it has because many other companies ended up the same way while I was there (Amdahl, Four Phse, Memorex, Tandem) once taken over by suits. Now Apple is facing the almost certain destruction of China as its building center. Good luck seeing an iPhone 15 as anything "innovative" (i.e., other than a reworked 14). Quite frankly, I am gobsmacked that Apple has done as well as it has under Cook; that had to be due to the engineering folks still there like Ive.


I really, really, like your content. Researched properly, presented engagingly, and always interesting. Thank you.


No shouting, no drama, no controversies. But lots of very interesting information 😊. Very well made films presented with a pleasant voice. Keep it up! 👍👏👏👏


The lack of innovation along with removal of ports, accessories, and increasing prices is why I will never spend of $500 on a flagship smartphone!


There is no life after Steve Jobs, is that simple I've never own an iPhone however I've been a Fan of the man himself ever since I got my iPod back in 2006 when I was 14.


The seismic shift that took place after Scott Forstalls departure can not be understated. This was the definitive turning point in Apple’s company culture.


The thing is that they've made some really good decisions, did well with advancements, and introduced some pretty significant products since jobs died. So innovation.... 1. Apple watch and tweaking Iphone to maintain its dominance, 2. M1, M2, M series processors and the related computers that have brought a resurgence of Apple computer ownership. 3 Ipad pro (okay a stretch there maybe, but a lot of people are using it for productivity), 4. magic mouse, 5. air pods (which are the standard), 6. apple pencil. (maybe), and improvements in general to their software. This is damn good for an established industry. It isn't like they've missed out on a lot of the innovation in the industry.


Thanks for creating this video, the amount of research on the details of each event is quite evident, needs lot of hard-work, thanks for that. Being a fan of simple minimal design concepts, as a fan of Steve Jobs and Johnny Ive this video helped me calm down in some way, where you helped connect the dots of the past and present of Apple. Keep creating these wonderful pieces of art.


Steve seemed to actually be the driving passionate creative leader which once he died Apple was a big ship in full motion which only needed someone to watch the numbers up until the point in time competition started creeping up technologically speaking!
