Injections 101 Webinar

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A little nervous about needles? Let's be honest - most of us are. But having to give your child an injection often comes with a new level of nervousness and, often, anxiety.

By equipping yourself with education, tools, and resources you can make the injection experience easier for both you and your child and ensure that medication is delivered on time!

We're really excited for the speaker line-up who will be discussing all things 'Injections' including:

• A BC Patient and Parent duo - discussing their experience, injection routine and tips they've learned along the way etc.
• Nicole Johnson, Pediatric Rheumatologist at Alberta Children's Hospital - discussing medications typically administered via injection or infusion, injection locations and more.
• Lynne Broderick, PR nurse at IWK Health - discussing what happens after injectable medication is prescribed/what are the next steps? What can be expected from patient support programs?
• Katie Birnie, Psychologist at Alberta Children's Hospital and Assistant Scientific Director at SKIP - discussing principles of making the experience less anxiety-inducing, needle pain vs. needle phobia, an overview of tools/strategies and distraction techniques.

Time Stamps:
Intro/Welcome by Jennifer Wilson - 00:00
Jennifer Introduces Colleen and Caden - 07:00
Colleen and Caden Castonguay reflect on personal experiences with Injections - 07:30
Jennifer thanks Colleen and Caden and introduces Dr. Johnson - 18:00
Dr. Johnson explains the medical perspective on injections (trigger warning: images of needles) - 20:00
Jennifer thanks Dr. Johnson and introduces Lynne - 33:00
What to expect after the medication is prescribed with Lynne Broderick - 35:00
Jennifer thanks Lynne and introduces Dr. Birnie - 42:00
Strategies to make injections less anxiety-inducing with Dr. Birnie - 44:00
Jennifer thanks Dr. Birnie and all speakers, introduces Julie and starts the Q&A section - 1:09:00
Live Q&A 01:11:00 (46)
How can I know if my child's resistance is needle phobia, fear of needle pain, or fear of the way the medication makes them feel? - 01:12:00
When did you recognize that you needed to reach out for more help regarding injections? - 1:13:00
How do you know when to look for alternatives for injections, such as oral medications? How do you work with your healthcare professional to achieve that? - 1:14:00
Julie talks about her personal experiences and the resource she has created for the injection process (which will be posted on the Cassie + Friends website) - 1:16:00
What are the experiences like with Hulio or Amgevita? (bad experiences with Humira autoinjector) - 1:20:00
What can be done at infusions if they are having trouble keeping the vein open? - 1:23:00
Do you have any position recommendations for 5-9-year-olds given that we have 2 adults in the home? - 1:25:00
Are there any issues with doing the methotrexate injection in the same place weekly? - 1:28:00
Besides bribery, what tactics can I use to get my child to take their injections? - 1:31:00
Thank you and closing remarks by Jennifer Wilson - 1:33:00
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