How To Ask For A Raise At Work

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How To Ask For A Raise At Work - salary negotiations that work. Are you feeling underpaid at your job? In this video I teach you how to ask for a salary increase or raise in a professional manner.

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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve gotten a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all - I firmly believe that in order to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks on how to get noticed, interviewed and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

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0:00 - intro
1:28 - why are you asking for a raise?
2:28 - assess your value
3:34 - skill marketability
5:03 - get your facts straight
5:35 - the meeting
6:47 - if they are non-committal
7:10 - can't afford it
7:46 - you're too high
8:07 - if they say no
8:25 - getting help to get the raise

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The easiest and most effective way to get a raise is to change jobs.


I had a list of accomplishments that go well beyond my job description and the data to show I was underpaid using my own company’a job postings, got ignored for 3 months after a couple follow-ups. I’m currently about to start my new job at a new company with a 52% raise.


"Don't ask for a raise, switch jobs!" Joshua Fluke, best advice ever


I got the whole "we pay you in experience" speech the last time I asked for bumping me up to market wages.


Don't ask for one. Just get another offer. You have negotiating power in that scenario. And do not let them ever know how much you make now nor let them know what you want until you get an offer. Always ask for more because you will be low balled.


Been working since the early 80s and up until the current job, only twice did I not get an annual increase. One had a pay/hiring freeze and the next year was given a 12% to make up for the freeze. The other year the boss was just plain greedy. Current job is 4 years with nothing, zero. I have considered asking but shouldn't need to ask for a raise. So a new job is lined up with a 30% hike.


Make sure you have job offer from another employer in hand when you ask for that raise.


Do. Not. Ask. For. Raises. The only correct thing to do is switch companies.


I once approached my boss's boss for a raise at a meeting for which I recruited my current boss and potential future boss as they not only would both benefit from my skills no matter who I reported to, but also knew my value. At that company people were traditionally stagnated at that position and I was paid above the pay grade for that position so raises were small if they happened. I had been at my same position getting pretty close to that 10 year mark.

I knew the boss's boss well and knew the answer would be "no". My objective was to get clear direction on what to do in the future to secure a significant raise (which would have almost certainly required a promotion). Therefore the reasoning behind bringing in the two people who would be most impacted by my role/duties at work moving forward. I didn't do the market research regarding my salary that I should have, but I doubted there would be any argument that I was worth more. Just an argument on how to document my increased worth to those above my boss's boss. (For which that research would have been useful.)

Didn't end well. Other than saying the stock answers I expected, boss's boss also criticized my boss and potential boss right in front of me for tasks not even related to my raise/promotion!

I later started looking at potential for careers outside my company and outside my current expertise (as I felt it would be less marketable and less fun in the future). Was able to pivot into another expertise/role at the same company with that coveted promotion above the stagnant one, and which enabled me to survive the ups and downs of my industry in a secure career which pays well vs staying in a job which is in little demand with a significant applicant pool of others who are obviously more qualified than I am.

It was also with the blessing of my boss's boss. He knew I would do well at that role and that he couldn't offer me anything better. I did go in on the weekend at least once to cover work that no one else could do until they had been sufficiently trained.

Failed at getting the raise. Succeeded at knowing the situation.


At my last job after not having a raise for 3 years and then get a 50 cents almost a year later I asked for a raise. She said that she couldn't because he husbands business was doing bad. Not her business the business I worked in but his business not connected to her business at all. Meanwhile they were planning to treat their whole family for a big vacation. She always told me how valuable an employee I was . I started looking for work and stopped answering client phone calls after hours when I wasn't at work. Also I took all my vacation for the first time in 10 years. When I came back from vacation I left. Never lie about your finances to your in house accountant because we know if it's really greed or not


If you don't get a raise on of two things is happening. You have advanced in your skills and are worth more and can quit and get more elsewhere. Or you haven't advanced in your skills and ought to quit and learn elsewhere.


Your video was very good, however in my experience, if you are asking for a raise you are already facing a losing proposition. (You should have already gotten one at this point if they value you at all.) I would estimate there is a 90% chance you will NOT get it. In addition, the company will be looking forward to replacing you immediately after your raise meeting, because they know you are going to leave. That means the clock is ticking the moment you walk out that meeting door. This is terrifying if you have no current job prospects. They can and probably will eliminate you within the week. The reason for this is they don't want you affecting morale with the rest of the employees. They are effectively getting rid of the "bad apple". I know it sounds like I am being negative, but I am not. I am being realistic. The successful company you are working for didn't get to where it is by paying their employees oodles of cash. They are smart and will save money where they can. If that means eliminating you, they will do that. No one is irreplaceable, no matter how much business knowledge you think you have. In addition, informing your boss ahead of time (before your meeting) is a really bad idea. That gives them ample time to make a case against you. And trust me, they will. They will point out all your flaws and then some, thus destroying your case right out of the gate. You will leave that meeting a trembling mess. Food for thought.


Don't beg your current employer for raises. If you want more money and you're sure of your skills find another job and ask them for what you want. You will always get a bigger raise by leaving and going somewhere else than staying and begging for scraps.


I really appreciate this video, I was actually planning to ask for a raise on my current job due finding out I’m being underpaid and my market value is far higher than I’m earning.

The company itself reported high earning so I guess they can give me a proper raise.


I have been sleeping with my boss for almost a year, a benefit I never had before. Unless HR finds out and fires us, I don't intend to leave despite overwork and average pay.


It is a rarity to find a company outside of fast food or retail to give you a raise these days just because you requested it as most corporations give you a merit based increase every single year. You need to apply for a promotion within the company to get any type of a significant raise. In smaller companies you probably have no choice but to leave for another company to get a raise because smaller companies just don't have enough higher level positions open at any given time to move up into.


My God, your points are so thoughtful and brilliant, thanks for sharing this knowledge sir.really grateful.


Next time you make this video - keep in mind all government salaries are a matter of public record, as well as the table of organization. If you work for a government organization, you can get detailed salary information for everyone in that organization by doing a public records request.


The more people I can see you having an honest conversation with, the more I will trust you. Thank you for your videos...


I'm still figuring out how to ask for more money on contract. Granted I agreed to a certain amount of money for a certain amount of time, but at some point (especially with long-term contracts and inflation) that is worth a lot less than it was when I started.
