Spy's Disguises Affect Experienced Players

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Spy's disguises effect good/experienced players, and I'm tired of pretending they don't.
You can deceive even the best of players if you know what you're doing.

#tf2 #tf2spy
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Youtubes reasons for suddenly recommending a year-in-a-half old video to tens of thousands of people eludes me.


"Disguises don't work" says the guy who disguises as scout only to run straight at the enemy team.


In 99% of cases bumping into that pyro would've meant instant death


I lost it when the demo started spychecking the REAL sniper


People only ever disguise as scout and spy and then are shocked when the enemy team becomes suspicious of all their scouts and spies


poeple say discuises dont work, but then they ignore the fact that when you discuise, you have to act like them


until you've walked backwards while jumping into the enemy team holding the class youre disguised as's secondary instead of the weapon you automatically disguise with, screaming "sentry ahread", you'll never know the true power of disguises


A little tip I heard is if you are going for disguises. Empty one bullet from your revolver, switch to your knife and disguise. If your disguise is holding a weapon with a reload animation. Switch to your revolver and let the animation play but not fully reload. It causes the disguise to fake reload. I've gotten away disguising as demo, soldier, sniper, even engie so many times doing this. The key is timing. Reload only as fast as the weapon normally does it.


Either getting the best stab of your life or getting put on a "least obvious spy" video


I feel like most players forget that if you don't look the part you are instantly put on the spotlight
A sniper running into the frontlines holding the machina? Obvious spy.
A medic roaming around not healing anybody? Obvious spy.
A sniper holding a choke point or high ground? unless the enemy is very paranoid 90% of the time they just walk right past you.


If anyone thinks disguises don’t work try engineer. He’s walking around the map with his melee weapon all the time. People don’t even notice them.


One of my Fav strat is to just simply walk backwards towards the enemy team. Because when you are fighting an enemy and want to fall back to your team. You do not look towards them, instead you walk backwards towards them. This usually works pretty well.


Beautiful explanation, I especially love how you pointed out what the enemy is looking for it really helped paint a clear picture


Disguising into someone that you just saw get spychecked is an underrated tactical advantage


I remember when i used to play, i could sniff out spies pretty easily. They always seemed "twitchy", never wanting to stay in one place when they're among their team mates. I guarantee i would never suspect a sniperr that was just standing there.


your eternal reward is so funny because people dont expect it at all


Reminds me of this time I (A blu spy) disguised as a demo in Red base’s intel on 2fort. A red soldier (who was a competent player) walked in, and spychecked me by firing a rocket. I didnt panic, didnt try anything, and just facetanked the rocket for about 50 hp. He was then entirely convinced I wasn’t a spy, and was completely flabbergasted when I backstabbed him five seconds later.
Crowning achievement of my spy gameplay


As much as I hate the dead ringer it's actually good in this situation.


spy's disguises don't affect good players, the spy's acting skills do.
You could be a medic but be running straight into a "teammate's" back with your syringe gun out.
Or you could be a scout hiding around a flank waiting to surprise ay flanking enemies.
I've fooled too many snipers with that once, they just think you're being a good teammate and protecting them from flanks, and while you ARE being a good teammate, its just not to his team


I think my favorite moment playing as spy recently was on Mercenary Park last. My team was having a hard time getting through because there were three engies on the last point which made it difficult to push, so I swapped to spy and had a bit of a eureka moment - I could disguise as a Heavy! One of the engies had made a little camping spot with both his dispenser and his sentry and I realized (from my years of having played TF2) that a heavy on the dispenser would be completely logical and therefore the engie wouldn't suspect a thing. So I sat there for a moment, then sapped the dispenser/sentry and backstabbed the engie. It only got rid of one of the nests but it was enough for my team to make a final push and win the round.

I love contributing to wins so much.
