Bug E Battery Electric Vehicle

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Associate Professor Paul Frymier and his electrical engineering students have been studying the sustainability of electric, hydrogen fuel cell, and gasoline-fueled vehicles. They discovered that both electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are more economic than a Toyota Camry. Both alternative vehicles also have less environmental impact than the Camry.
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its funny how we seem to have forgotten about aerodynamics, it takes 90 percent of you power, on a bicycle just to over come air resistance.As much as all the heat, power goes out the tailpipe on a combustion engine, we need to clean up the designs, lighter, slicker.Motorcycles, double their milelage when a aero body, low resistance tires, tuning are put into place, same with electric, doubles the range when the air is clean, passing through


my guess is by 2030, the range of a battery powered car will be 600 miles, right now its a wait and see, but soon it will be a electric frenzy.Batteries are due for a power increase real soon, 2 fold or better for Lipo in capacity.I'm excited about the future.


Public transit using electric trams and electric trains is cleaner than the electric cars. Also, they do need batteries. Walking and Cycling is the cleanest.

High speed trains need help from great universities like University of Tennessee.


Where's the ass end of the vehicle? Who wants their ass hanging out in the breeze at 20 degrees? What's the matter with these designers?


fry in the summer freeze in the winter, plus that bubble is awkward you would think a university would have at least one design student help them take the ugly out of that thing
