8 Reasons You Need To Start Growing Your Own Food

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8 Reasons You Need To Start Growing Your Own Food

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I like it when he acknowledges God. 😌


Growing one's own food helps one to re-connect with the 'source of creation'. It's the desired mindset.


I am 71 years old and single in my own home and I have 25 tomato plants growing outside. I have kale and arugula and green beans and lemon grass and mint and thyme and parsley and basil. I know where the food is coming from, and it also gives me exercise and a reason to go outside every day. I love your channel.


Indeed I grow my own food in my yard 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💜💜💜


I can't grow my own food, on my balcony, but I've started sprouting in my kitchen. I'm growing my own food 😍


I just purchased and received my detox and the day before I planned to begin I had to go to urgent care and was rushed from there to the hospital for emergency surgery (a large kidney stone). I started a garden 4 years ago in my backyard, small corner lot. The backyard is not big but is full of raised beds and fruit trees. I appreciate finding your channel because it has served as confirmation of the path God has been directing me to. The HOA of my neighborhood has an issue with “my” backyard being a garden and not grass AND you are not allowed to have chickens. I wish I had paid better attention growing up. My grandparents raised and grew just about everything they ate right in the backyard of their home, rabbits, chickens, and all manner of vegetables and fruit. I hardly ever saw either of them in a grocery store. Now I understand why and feel a level of urgency in getting my family set before things change more than they already have. I look forward to starting the detox and broadening my scope of eating real nourishing, real food. Thank you for all you do! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


God is truly using you 🙏 thank you for educating us.


Thank you for all that you do. I am on my 8th day of the detox. My labs came back excellent and my health is great. My blood pressure is normalizing. The goals is to be completely off the meds this year. I feel amazing. I have lost 12 pounds. I stop craving food products. I stopped feeling like I needed to eat all the time. I got my energy back. I am definitely going in the direction God has for me. Walking and living in wholeness. Mind, Body, and Spirit. I am almost finished Vegucation over Medication. Wow. Life Changing. When I was growing up in North Philly, my mother who was from South Georgia had a garden. We grew up eating fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. I loved watching her in the garden. I can't wait to start mine, until then I will purchase from you. I keep you lifted in prayer because you are doing a powerful work. Walking with God to transform lives.


Starting a garden with vegetables and fruits back up in the backyard has been the best thing. Love it.


I never thought I'd say this but I now want a farm.


Excellent!!!! I worked all day today in my garden. Tomorrow I plan to extend it by another 214 square feet!!! So therapeutic. 👍🏾🥑🥕🍉


It's so vital to grow our own food


Its great to be somewhere tropical to grow your own food. My dad lives in jamaica and he grows everything, pineapple, watermelon, mangoes etc. I live in Massachusetts and i grow tomatoes, peppers etc on my front porch, im a single woman, that sees the need for growing my own stuff, health wise.


The point about reconnecting with nature is real. Nature is the best teacher I’ve ever experienced. And the downloads I get are unreal❤


Nothing like growing your own food. I really appreciate you Dr. Price for educating people on how to properly heal your body and soul. 😊


My husband is Jamaican, he grows so many fruits and vegetables in our yard. Thanks for the information


We are definitely living in the last days!


I'm just starting my first garden (raised bed). I had my first salad from my garden and I'll tell you, eating something that you know where it comes from, what soil it was grown in and is fresh (not sitting for weeks) was amazing.


“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.” Hippocrates. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us.


I recently discovered your podcast. Thank you!.
My family brought a small homestead right before the pandemic. We have been growing organic vegetables. We have planted several fruit trees. Reconnecting with natural matters. We are what we eat.
