The Impact of Isolation on the Neuroanatomy and Neurobiology of the Brain

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Richard J. Smeyne discusses recent research that reveals how solitary confinement can cause physical damage to the brain.
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This probably isn't worth listening to if you're an isolated person like me, itll probably just make you more depressed and paranoid.


I've been gradually isolated for the past 6 years. Now I'm nervous and very afraid of the outside world. Like other people want to harm me all the time.


All of my multiple personalities keep me company. I’m never alone.


I lack a lot of one-on-one social skill as a result of being alone for very prolonged amounts of time. Isolation is not a place of growth for me. It is a quiet place, where all my dark thoughts and ideas come to light. It’s where I feel all the bad thoughts cutting the deepest. When I’m alone, the only other voice in the room is my own mind, and when the room is quiet, my thoughts become louder, and they hurt even more.


Anyone who is willing to read, I’m 19 and have moved to a foreign country 2 years ago. Recently I have been looking for a job and it has been extremely difficult considering the language barrier. I live alone and since I moved I’ve been extremely lonely. Since July I’ve been in total isolation. I live alone and the only time I went outside was to smoke. I don’t think I can do this anymore I’m extremely suicidal. Back home I was popular had a lot of friends but now I’ve lost contact with most people from home. I’m so stuck if anyone is willing to talk I would really appreciate it


woow id say this is pretty accurate... 3.5 months ago i quit my job and tried to learn another skill and change my career path, i hated my last job so much it was soul crushing, the goal had driven me all along. i have always been alone since high school, i havent had a friend in 4 years, but my ambition was there for me, i felt lonely but not too unbearable. in the past 2 months ive found out im not suitable for this dream job that i had wanted, i watched my dream die.... all of a sudden i feel so lonely, cuz i ve got nothing to hold on to any more, then the fact that i have literally zero friends hits me harder than ever, the feeling of isolation and loneliness is infinitely amplified.. im just lost. im afraid im going to lose my mind


I've been in solitude for about 5 years, my bonds have been severed and I no longer feel human.


To summarize this; There's a reason why solitary confinement is as bad if not worse than the death penalty.


I guess I'm done for, then. I have no friends, no relationship and no family in this state. I'm alone 24/7, haven't had human contact in a long long time. Been this way for many years, I'm 25 now. It's the sacrifice of having C-PTSD...nobody wants you. The longterm trauma wasn't enough, people also have to exile you for being a product of it.


i've been with friends,
and i've been on my own,
but i'm never lonely,
when im alone.
but some people need it,
someone to call home,
but i'm never lonely,
i'm just alone


Mix in extreme hate, all day all night for a decade.. and you have a destroyed person. That never hurt a soul and had a lot to give


Listing to this during covid19...maybe not the BEST idea I’ve ever had


At 13:53 Huda has a very good point on how a person copes with the situation.


THIS is my new will be played everyday....all day...wherever I go...and wont be through ear buds will be on speaker. No


Watching this in Dec. 2022. I’ve been in isolation at home for 10months now. It’s been 4yrs actually, but I’ve been able to get out a couple of months each year.


This is totally true! Isolation has a TOTAL NEGATIVE EFFECT on your body! If you can't even take a walk & excercise good rythym with your body! To not be able to disagree with someone IS REALLY BAD! It will have detrimental affects!


As someone who is isolated for years and which brain use all it's effort to kill itself, I'm glad I'm still able to read and write.


This talk was presented prior to covid, which is a past talk, so a lot of people have isolated it as a personal responsibility, does that mean that they have permanent changes to their brain? which is scary, In cases where one might be an introvert in terms of gaining energy might be better coping. Questions are in the context of covid.


I find it interesting that they are concerned about the prison population! Has anyone looked at nursing facilities where they cram 3 people into a small room with curtains dividing them??? THAT’S isolation!!


An entire society shoved into their homes and forced to live on no income sounds like a great recipe for health, thank you CDC and WHO!
