What Social Isolation Does To Your Brain and Mental Health

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Did you know social isolation and loneliness can change your brain and body and affect your mental health.
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Dr. B. People don't decide to be lonely; it is something that happens because of circumstances. There is social, emotional and spiritual loneliness. Some people can go to parties and meet people, but they miss stronger connections with people. I went to a church single's party a few years ago and I tried to start conversations with people but was really hard. I am a public relation person with years of experience, but I couldn't start conversations on a church group. Nice looking people always attract attention. I saw a case of two sisters, one very nice looking and the other less attractive. It was amazing the difference in social life. Money also helps. People that have money attracts more people. I did an observation in Florida among elderly people. The ones with high income had a better social life. I was unemployed a while ago and was like leprosy in biblical times. When you lose your job you lose your honor, your dignity and respect.


Im a person that has zero friends and have been thru two divorces. I have a good job, go bike riding, exercise and have accepted that Im not going to have friends or a woman. I rather be alone than put myself out there to be a punch bag of a bully or an ATM for a woman


after my divorce i self isolated.. i felt betrayed and could t handle situations with large crowds.. i already had social anxiety, bpd and bipolar.. i been alone about 6 years.. i just have my parents and son.. i go to the store twice a month.. but i been in a constant state of fight or flight.. my x husband was an abisive drunk and he used manipulation on me a lot.. i wasnt aware of it so now i dont trust myself to have good friendships.. i just recently been to the doctors after not going for avout 4 years.. so im hoping to finally turn things around.. its just so hard to make friends when you feel like your a burden or inconvinient 24/7


been socially isolated since a child when am i dying


Maybe this video is only for Extrovert people. But for introvert like me, i'm okay with or without friends. I'm fine being alone it is very peaceful to me. Being alone is freedom to me.


These kinds of doctors will just prescribe you a bunch of drugs and a good luck handshake.


idk how I feel about this. Sometimes, social isolation is a coping mechanism from serious trauma. When you get hurt enough times, you stop trying to interact with people. That's what agoraphobia is. I haven't left my apartment except to take out trash in weeks. I feel good. I'm calm, relaxed. I even refuse to talk to my family anymore because I'm tired of feeling invalidated by their gaslighting. It's better for me to be left well alone.


It's easier just being closed off. Tried making friends. I finally gave up. People are too self-absorbed & shallow.


Yeah Doc, but what kind of society we live in? I'll rather be isolated than hang out with self absorbed idiots.


I don't need socialization, I have youtube


I want to die as quickly as possible the sooner the better but I feel like my mind is sharper than it’s ever been.


People have been programmed to be socially needy and they find being alone boring but what is boring are these people because they can't stand to be alone with them selves.


It’s hard having a disability that affects communication. I have found being around less people have benefits for me.


I disagree, tired of dealing with everybody's bullshit, friends, and family. Rather, deal with 2 or 3 people.

People's problems that are close to you are the worst problems. They never go away.


It must be an extremely slow killer. Why am I not dead yet? I do worry about my own mental and emotional health.


If anyone’s reading this, I hope you can find a way out of this mess because I’m giving up.


from an evolutionary perspective, dying from lonliness makes sense, because whats the point in being alive if you are alone, no one to share life with. nature is actually helping you by removing you from existance, not to sound harsh but you are no good to anyone so you have no reason to live. it's actually fascinating how our social situations determine our biological condition. i'm likely gonna die within the next 3 years anyway so i have nothing to complain about.


I'm alone and I love it. I'm a misanthrope. My only contact with other people are when I have to interact with store clerks. Even then, I prefer self-checkouts. I don't know why this video showed up in my recommended feed.


yeah, +1 to the other comments. What even is the point of this video when people in the situation described can't do sweet FA to get out of it.


Change my brain? He talking as I'm not being traumatised since being 3-5
