Bishop Barron on the Synod on the Family

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Throughout the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, which concluded on October 19, there appeared a fair amount of hysteria. Some read the Synod as "an earthquake" while others bewailed it as a deep betrayal of Church teaching. In actuality, everyone should take a deep breath and allow the Holy Spirit to work in his preferred, often messy fashion.
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"The Holy Spirt works through secondary causes"...  It is comforting to know God has worked through the "beard pulling" times of our Church.  I hope and expect Divine Providence to shine forth in the end, but in the mean time I will shave.


"I think everyone should take a deep breath." I like those words, Fr. Barron. They are words that I needed to hear more than I realized. "I just think what's wise right now is that everybody have some patience with the process. A faith in the Holy Spirit who guides but does not subvert or undermine or circumvent this usual process of working." When I heard of this Synod on the Family taking place and even prayed for a good outcome along with the congregation at Sunday Mass I didn't feel good. I was not hopeful. That's changed. I trust in your understanding of things.


Thank you Father Barron..I value your insight very much. Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts...


Again and as always, well done and clearly explained. There has been so much turmoil lately concerning this past Synod, mostly per the media and people's impressionability. People always seem to misunderstand the nature of such proceedings, especially when so many languages and perspectives come together. People also fail to understand the difference between what is uncompromisable Natural/Divine LAW and teaching. The LAW remains the same, but the method of teaching changes. That is all, and as Fr. Robert Barron explains, there is a long way to go. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire guided productivity in the clergy involved with this process.


Thank God for the Theology of the Body. I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit had, in a sense, began preparing the Church for this storm of a Synod all those years ago through Pope John Paul II.


Thank you, Fr. Barron. It can be disheartening to hear about so much disagreement and conflict within the Magisterium, but it really makes a lot of sense when one considers, like you said, that this has been the case throughout history. Thank God for the direction of the Holy Spirit! It is humbling and infinitely awe-inspiring to know that He always leads His Church to the Truth whilst still allowing us the freedom to reason and argue, however muddled our attempts may be. Praise be to God!


It's always a pleasure to watch your videos. Thank you Father Barron!


Thank you, Father, for the sane historical perspective and the examples you put forth for our consideration, particularly the Blessed Cardinal Newman's observations. This is very reassuring and educative. Your sausage-making analogy was likewise particularly enlightening. 


It is refreshing to hear a level headed voice that is not screaming about division. Some people seem to think that we are on the brink of a new Protestant Reformation. I pray not. The first one has yet to be productive. Keep calm and Catholic on, and try to remember that we are ONE. 


Many people felt like a good portion of the bishops were trying to rationalize mortal sin. That's why so many faithful Catholics were upset. 


The various discussions all show that while one in Christ, we are far from one in thought - nor have we ever been since Cain and Abel! I believe that this sort of discussion is terrific precisely because it shows that while we differ in opinions, we can hold a civil discussion. This is something sorely lacking in much of society today and leave it to Mother Church to show us how to do it properly. Created in the image of God, we have inherited our creators's free will and we see it here so marvelously on display in front of our very eyes. He put people in charge of His church, not automatons - why should we be surprised that we do not agree on everything?


The fact is that most western catholics (i.e. a big part of the body of Christ) urgently want (if they are not already apathetic) changes just as much as the secular media –


The teachings of the church have already been established, no need to debate them.


Sausage?! not once, but twice. absolutely hilarious analogy.


I'm just a little bit lost in all of this. What could the church possibly do on such a subject? Hasn't it already defined what marriage it? It can't change that. Do they really need instruction on how to treat those who are divorced, cohabiting, or homosexual? With love. I am happy there is a discussion, but I can hardly imagine any doctrines or social teaching being changed because of it. 


Four years later, no change in sight, no change shall occur. We have festering wounds that need treatment first anyway.


Come now, and let us reason together.

Isaiah 1:18


We are all called to holiness. Sometimes that requires great sacrifice & obedience. For as Bobby Kennedy once said,
 “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”
― Aeschylus
For in the final analysis, you will be judged, whether worthy of Heaven or earned a place in Hell. The Church is here to guide you in your journey. You are not your own God. The sooner you realize that, the happier you will be.


Two basic points:

1. This argument is ultimately a bit clericalist. It says that the laity should butt out while the Holy Spirit works through the secondary cause of episcopal bickering. What role for the laity? Do we not have a participatory role in that secondary cause? Isn't that participatory role manifested today primarily via social networks and blogs? 

2. This argument is also a bit naive. Patience for a process which is obviously driven in a pre-determined direction (as this synod clearly was before the orthodox cardinals objected) is a clear recipe to lose to that pre-determined direction. If one is opposed to that pre-determined direction, one has a duty to object. And that's true for laity as well as clergy.

The bottom line is that the Great Catholic Facebook Freakout of 2014 not only was an appropriate use of the "sensus fidei" by the laity--it also happened to work like a charm.


We have simply forgotten that there were always discussions within the church, but the last two popes did not want any discussions and so we had none. No we have to learn (again) that the spirit is present not only within the walls of the Vatican but also in every member of the church.
