Bishop Robert Barron on the Synod on Synodality

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In this video we share Bishop Robert Barron on the Synod on Synodality.

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Here are the words of Bishop Barron on the Synod via Word on Fire:

Now that I’ve had a bit of time to readjust to my normal rhythm and to think through the rather extraordinary experience of the last month in Rome, I would like to share some impressions of the Synod on Synodality, even as I will endeavor not to violate the pope’s request that we refrain from talking about particular participants and votes.

So, I will limit myself to commenting on the published document that the synod members approved and on my own interventions during the deliberations.

The summary statement very accurately expresses the fact that the overwhelming concern of the synod members was to listen to the voices of those who have, for a variety of reasons, felt marginalized from the life of the Church.

This motif was the common denominator in all of the preliminary sessions leading up to the synod, and it was prominently featured in the working document that provided the basis for our discussions.

Women, the laity in general, the L G B T community, those with disabilities, young people, men and women of color, etcetera. have felt unappreciated and, most importantly, excluded from the tables where decisions are taken that affect the whole life of the Church.

I can assure everyone that their demand to be heard was heard, loud and clear at the synod.

And I’m glad it was.

The Church is meant to announce the Gospel to everyone (todos, todos, todos, as the pope rightly says) and to gather them into the Body of Christ.

Therefore, if there are armies of Catholics who feel excluded or condescended to, that’s a major pastoral problem that must be addressed with humility and honesty.

And I can say, as someone who has been a full-time ecclesiastical administrator for the past twelve years, I am delighted to receive the counsel of laity in regard to practically all aspects of my work.

Expanding the number and diversity of those who might aid the bishops in their governance of the Church is all to the good, and bravo to the synod for exploring this possibility.

A question that I raised several times in the small group conversations, however, was whether, in our enthusiasm to include people in the governance of the Church, we forget that the vocation of 99 percent of the Catholic laity is to sanctify the world, to bring Christ into the arenas of politics, the arts, entertainment, communication, business, medicine, etcetera, precisely where they have special competence.

Generally speaking, I was worried that both the Instrumentum Laboris and the synod conversations were far more preoccupied with the ad intra than with the ad extra, and this despite the fact that Pope Francis has been consistently calling for a Church that goes out from itself.

On a number of occasions during the synod, I proposed the Catholic Action model that was, in the preconciliar period, such an effective way to form the laity in their mission to the world.

Another principal theme of the synod discussions was the play or perceived tension between love and truth.

On the one hand, we must welcome everyone, but lest this welcoming devolve into a form of cheap grace (to use Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s term), we at the same time must summon those we include to conversion, to live according to the truth.

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Thank you very much for sharing this important information!

God bless you and this honorable bishop!

Amen. ✝✝✝


Thank you Bishop Barron for preaching the TRUTH as usual. Don't understand why you have not been made a Cardinal as you are one of the best, faithful, and true Son of the Church. Who choses the Cardinals? That group should be fired as lately their picks have been a disaster by looking at the people who have been appointed in the past few years. May our Lord bless you and may His holy mother protect you.


Well, thank you Bp. Barron for voicing your concerns.


Live according the truth as we have be given through our Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ our Lord


very well balanced. In Spirit and in Truth. Words often spoken but seldom taken to heart.


4:00 the themes of love and truth in harmony is a large part of JPII's encylical Veritatis Splendor, which I feel the church in the last 15 years has ignored and even rejected...


Ashenden Unscripted ( I tube channel) has an excellent commentary on the good bishops words.


Expect a very balanced opinion. The principal of balance is important.


Cardinal Pell called the whole thing a "stalking horse".


This is what happens when a leader is not clear and decisive up front.


Love the Blessed Mother! Allow her to guide us to Jesus, and to adhere to the Truths of Jesus Christ, not to interpret His Truths to suit our lifestyle and sinful inclinations.


God have mercy on us, we are living in end times, give your wisdom to our Pope and all the Clergy to lead your Church in the right way, we pray for those who want to have same sex marriage which is a sin God help them to obey your teachings and commandments for them to avoid going to hell after death, God we ask you to help our Pope to stick to the words he said "the Church cannot bless sin", God have mercy on the Clergy, it will be ironical that Priests and Bishops and all the Clergy whom we expect to end up in Heaven after death will end up in hell reason being they taught people teachings by using their own understanding and science of this world instead of teaching people according to the Word of God, God have mercy on your Church, in Jesus Name I pray Amen.


God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, Likewise His holy word. Pope Francis is condoning behavior that God has deemed wrong.


Why don't they discuss the mess, chaos and evil brought about by satan's lie to our first parents: the primary cause for the evil and confusion in the world and Church today?


The "listening" Jesus insisted on, Paul affirmed with the words "Do not absent yourselves from the Assembly”, what would occur directly following Eucharistic Celebration, no separation (even in the Catacombs), where every Parish member was eucharistically purified to speak and listen to one another authentically. That Speaking & Listening as a Parish was cancelled by the clerical class many hundreds of years ago, explored by Pope Benedict XVI in his 1961 expose: The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood, the reasons why the Royal Priesthood was cancelled in every Parish in Christendom, and what Pope Francis is trying to restore, what is the only hope for instituting what Vatican II insisted on: lay formation and the new evangelization, helping every parishioner find his-her mission, the only path for EVERY parishioner to discover his-her true personhood, freeing him-her from a persona life, what most every Catholic lay person is trapped in. This lay formatiion and new evangelization hasn’t begun, and won’t until Assembly Life is restored, for it is only in Assembly Life that every parishioner’s mission is revealed, and then we prepare through Mystagogy and Spiritual Direction to GO OUT, what Jesus asked each one of us to do, but we lost our guides, and why hardly anyone goes out.

Bishop Barron is a true son of the Church and does his best to be our Shepherd, but he, too, refuses to restore Assembly Life. Every good priest refuses, because none of them know the clerical class cancelled Assembly Life centuries ago (and today robbed of any conception of it at Seminary, always sounding alien when brough up by a lay person); and they are used to that way of life, absent that assembling, choosing great distance from laity, now settled into a mostly academic ethos, why it's difficult for them to hear what Pope Francis speaks clearly (read Pope Benedict’s book). They don't know they are still stuck unawares in that swamp of being radically dissociated from the laity in terms of speaking and listening to one another.


We continue with the fall of the virtues of the Catholic Church by recognizing the tribalism of the ILQT community! Badly done!


Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus died for our sins and is our Savior not because we worship Him in English or Latin or by traditional or other specified service. I understand the Catholic Church's desire to have Mass celebrated the same all over the earth to keep order and remove confusion among Catholics but in the end when we are called home I do not think our Lord will be judging us as to the correctness of our worship, rather, did we worship Him at all. Love one another and let God guide His Church be it in latin or any other language.


Jesus is truth .The Catholic Church is suppose to be the truth .Each problem people have is different .If you are going to Church to be welcomed why would you want that when you can speak to Jesus Christ Himself .I say hello to anybody but some people are shy so I keep my mouth shut .It does not matter if you are Black White Asian Disabled or Homosexual .The Church is a place of prayer and once you have the Holy Spirit you keep coming back for more .If you want companionship then the Church has groups who help the poor, Praying together rosary’s together family days together, gardening Cleaning Dancing Lunches etc .These things need to be arranged they just don’t happen but they are in the Churches .The Church has to guarantee no abuse .The Church has to be Quite so people can pray .If it’s Church related like turning the lights on I can understand but if you want to talk then respect others and Jesus Christ and go outside .I understand if we have children that’s different explain the gift the Mass offers .


Still chasing a Red Hat?
We will see, Waiting and Watching!


Interesting how bishops conveniently ignore go forth and multiply ( although conservative estimates suggest there are 100, 000 children in world who have a priest fsthet) and go on about lgbt people. Sad.
