Jehovah's Witnesses condemn gay marriage

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(Rebuttals Sushi #50 - Reviewing JW Broadcasting - March 2021) Jehovah's Witnesses tend to treat scholarly sources from "Satan's system" with scorn, especially if they don't measure up to their narrow, literalist interpretation of the Bible. But if they find a Bible commentary that echoes their disdain for LGBTQ people, they will quote gleefully.

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HAHAHA no group marriage?!! Has he read the Bible??!!!!


Me and my wife are finally happy, now that we left this cult. Our daughter loves us again, (she's still in) so in your face, Watchtower! Shame on you, for making almost kill myself for being me!! Thank you Lloyd again. Love you all💕💋


Actually, God didn’t “create” marriage as the guy is stating. He created a man and a woman and simply told them to do lots of sexy time and fill the earth. I don’t remember it saying anything about marriage.


In hindsight, it's so embarrassing of how bigoted we were taught to be! So sad.


It's funny they use outside sources but then say you can't use outside sources


"One man, one woman, the man's concubines, the women that are spoils of war, the slave that the wife might give to him for child bearing, the man's dead brother's wife. But never, ever gay people." - The Bible


Me gay and PIMO. Gay and undercover 😎. These people that shook my hand would be scared now. An elder told me about his gay son leaving his JW wife for a man. I had to pretend to be shocked while I’m gay too lmao.


I'm reminded of the meme, "It's Lot and his daughters, not Lot and his sons!"


An elder's wife once remarked in a sneering manner to me at the KH, "I just HATE homosexuals, don't you?" "I don't hate anybody." I replied and walked away. She rarely ever spoke to me again. By the by I'm bi😂😂😂😂😂


I’m embarrassed that I was taught these things as a child.


"Not two women and one man" so Jacob doesn't exist?! Not that I enjoy the lack of freedom for women just calling out the exceptions and conveniences


As a lesbian in the Jehovah’s witnesses talks like these are alway embarrassing 😐. My parents always stare at me whenever they start talking about homosexuality because they want to make sure I know it applies to me. I hate these parts.


My parents had a health crisis and they decided they needed to call me. I told them that if they all if a sudden want me in their lives that they needed to educate themselves on human sexuality. I haven’t heard from them.


Lloyd hit the nail on the head: it's a problem with the book these religions follow. A book that calls for and expects others to hate homosexuals, plus adherence to all the other sexual "laws" some ancient people wrote down. Humans do not need a book full of hate, unnecessary sexual rules, and a sprinkling of platitudes in order to be good people.


I also find the homophobic, biphobic and transphobic attitudes of some members of the ex-JW community as being rather frustrating, some of which is religiously motivated. If you're going to use your religion as an excuse to be a bigot, that says more about the harmfulness of your religious beliefs than it does about how "wrong" it is to be LGBT+. Be part of the solution, don't be part of the problem. If LGBT issues are something that you don't understand, that's one thing. Try and educate yourself about LGBT issues, the subject isn't quite as scary as what you may think it is. It is very complex, but it isn't scary. As a black woman and an atheist who knows what it's like to belong to marginalized communities, I've always found it more even more refreshing and enlightening to learn about history and society from the experiences of the underdog whose perspective on society and their place in history is often ruled out by the writers of history who are in the majority whom we often view as the "victors".

If two men or two women marrying each other makes you feel uncomfortable, fine, but learn how to deal with that discomfort in appropriate ways. Don't do it by trying to prevent same-sex couples from having the legal right to marry each other, or by trying to deny transgender people the ability to go to the bathroom or play on the sports team of the gender that they psychologically identify with. Don't do it by denying LGBT community other types of legal protections in order to try and make yourself more comfortable with your discomfort and your own prejudices. If same-sex marriage, gay dating and homosexual sex make you feel uncomfortable, there is a very easy and simple solution to that: don't marry, date or have sex with another consenting adult of the same gender. Nobody is asking you to do that or telling you to do any of that.

It really and truly is just that simple. Don't make the lives of LGBT folk more harder than it already is for them. Try to understand them better and see things through their eyes. You still may not feel fully comfortable with every aspect of LGBT culture or with every aspect of the LGBT experience, even many LGBT people themselves don't, but it will make you a more enlightened and better person for doing so. Being LGBT isn't just about sex or crossdressing, it is about romance, sex, identity and more. There aren't easy answers, and its a complex field of study, sexuality and gender identity. The LGBT community isn't a monolith, there are vastly different perspectives on LGBT issues and every other type of issue you can think of within the LGBT community itself. I am not LGBT, and I don't understand everything about their lives and experiences, but I'm learning more all the time, and that is a journey I'm glad to have taken. It helps me see the perspectives of other people better even if I don't always agree with everyone's perspective.

You'd also think that the JWs would be more sympathetic and compassionate towards LGBT people considering how both groups have been historically marginalized. But the JWs choose to use their religion as a weapon against LGBT people instead of using it as a tool. Watchtower Society, the Governing Body and JWs, be part of the solution, don't continue to be a part of the problem.


And how does this stance surprise anyone? Them being against gay marriage or "picking and choosing" is the standard religion playbook, isn't it?


I was uncomfortable around gay people when I was younger because that's how we were taught. When I got into college I met a guy that I thought was really awesome person. Come to find out later on that he was gay. Now he was super flamboyant but because we were not suppose to associate with gay people my gaydar was non-functional. But I see that was a good thing because I was able to get to know him on an unbiased level. He was the complete opposite from what I was taught. Unfortunately I still had to behave that gay people were bad but he changed my view for the better.


My mom referred to gay people as a plague i was gay but she didn't know yet it was heart breaking to hear that, she also told my sister to go die in Armageddon with her kids.


Hey loyd (or john), I just wanted to thank you for helping me wake up to the real truth. My life was toxic before I discovered your channel. At the moment I am PIMO, so I'm working my way out. Have a nice day.


This is one CULTure that NEEDS cancelling!
