The Polar Vortex Is Literally Breaking Apart…

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In this video we are talking about how the Polar Vortex is about to fall apart and potentially cause major changes as we go into March..

#weatherchannel #ryanhall #ryanhallyall

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Let's hope and pray the polar vortex doesn't push the deadly chemicals from the Ohio Trainwreck into my neighborhood


I haven't watched the news or anything weather related in years because I was consumed with fear, but when I randomly came across his videos and at the end he said "remember don't be scared be prepared " it brought me so much peace idk y lol but something in my head just clicked


One of the problems with warm winters are it's effect on parasitic organisms, like tick - as they survive. However, warm weather, followed by a blast of very cold air is said to reduce their numbers. This seems like a positive event, in that way, if that information is accurate - not so much the snow as the cold, and if ticks are culled as some claim.


I live in Wisconsin. Winter has been mild over the last decade with the exception of that polar vortex a few years back that sent temps below -20. I remember always having snow on Christmas growing up in the 90s and having a lot of snow in November. Now it doesn't really snow much at all through November and December. Right now there is zero snow outside, none. It is all melted and gone. The weather is definitely changing.


Living in Dixie Alley where tornados are so frequent, I am so grateful to Ryan. Also because he makes learning fun.


I can not stress enough just how much I appreciate Ryan’s explanation, in everyday language that *everybody* can understand, of these weather phenomena! I have *always* been a ‘weather monger’, but I get lost in the meteorological lingo! At 69 yoa, I finally understand what’s happening thanks to Ryan & his Y’all team! KUDOS!!!


UtOh, I'm on the central East Coast a friend was telling me Sunday that he thought our Winter was done for the year. I told him not to think Spring was here too soon because I remember several periods of bad storms in February and March. Plants start budding and greenery from bulbs showing and everyone thinks Winter is done but I know better. In my area we've had very major storms from February 18 thru the 23rd several times. Outright blizzards have happened.


Absolutely enjoying the °40 weather and rain. An extreme rarity for northern Minnesota.


N. Texas here, and yes some of the earliest budding trees planted here (not indigenous) are showing signs of blooming and this is the FIRST time I've seen this in early Feb. and the CRAZY thing is they started to show a flower or two about a week after the ice storm.


Im absolutely DISGUSTED with the February we;ve had here in Western Arkansas. This has been one of the warmest winters I've ever seen in my 47 years of life here. It makes me increasingly cynical and depressed, with the belief that this summer is going to be murderous.


I do hope the wetter March comes true for the western US, especially the southwest. We need all we can get to ease up the drought conditions! (And then another 20 years of similar winters)


I'm a truck driver, and I cover the lower 48, and parts of Canada. And I really appreciate your work. It helps me everyday. Thank you so much.


Ryan says more, and more accurate, in 8 minutes and 10 seconds, than the Weather Chanel all day.


Everyone in my town ran and panic purchased food and supplies for the huge threat of blizzard in my area and it never came we were threatened with two feet of snow and then some and we only had two days of a couple inches...🤦 I don't know what to believe anymore


Thanks for this awesome video! I'm a 42 year old science nerd/mom/teacher & never understood how this works! 😊 This is first Ive heard of your channel -- seems like a great resource! I already shared it with my husband & kids! My Dad works for the highway department in the northeast. He's typically exhausted every winter from around the clock snow removal. My brother said it best: When most people go home to snuggle in their beds during long winter storms, "My Dad drives when everyone else is tired." 💖 Our Dad made us shovel our seemingly long driveway by hand when we were kids while he plowed everyone else's driveway. 😆 My Mom used to get so mad, but it helped us to develop a good work ethic. My brother & I spent hours shoveling snow beneath the stars as children, knowing that, if we got the job done, we'd get to go plowing with Dad! We usually passed out soon after we climbed into the cab, but Ill never forget the warmth & the smell of gasoline in my Dads rough hands & the feeling of the truck as it'd bounce us around -- the plow would drop & it would make a scraping sound, until he'd bump the brakes & push that giant mound of powder into a mountain of snow... I miss those days. He's set to retire next year & has had a lot of health problems in recent years, including multiple open heart surgeries. He worked so hard that his heart grew 5x too big to overcompensate for a faulty valve. I'm hoping & praying your weather forecast isn't too hard on him & others in his position. I also hope that everyone stays warm. Homelessness is on the rise & the cost of heating oil is out of control. God bless you & yours! Thanks again for your awesome video! I look forward to watching more of them! 😊... and, yes, I subscribed. 😉


I cant say enough about how much I appreciate you putting this in simple terms easy to understand and not giving us a bunch of confusing charts and terminology


Get ready for one bumpy ride!! Its going to get interesting and unusual Spring weather. Be prepared and help one another. We are all in this together... Stay safe!!!


Thank you for keeping your channel PG... my Science class loves your videos when we end with some extra time.


I'm in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, and we had a very mild December and January, very little cold weather and not the normal wind we get. This past week, though very cold and snow. It's like our weather is two months behind schedule.


I recall hearing about a huge uplift of hot air into the upper atmosphere two years ago… Texas was covered with snow for a week. Time to check the wood pile and lay in the water.
