The Fast Food Flood with Bite Back 2030

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Bite Back 2030 is a youth led movement working to protect health by halving child obesity by 2030 and thereby improving the lives of millions.

This event - introduced by Jamie Oliver begins with Bite Back 2030 teen activists Christina Adane, Barakat Omomayowa and Jacob Rosenberg taking food writer and columnist Giles Coren out of his comfort zone, to experience first hand what it is like to grow up in a 'food desert'.

Can they persuade one of Britain’s toughest critics to relinquish long-held misconceptions about why so many children are now overweight or obese? Is childhood obesity down to individuals making bad choices, or is it the result of a toxic foodscape where billions are spent on advertising junk food, while healthy food is often expensive and inaccessible?

The film is followed by a panel discussion on the issues raised: addressing goals for reshaping the food system and tackling assumptions about how and why we consume what we eat. With Paul Lindley (Chair of the London Child Obesity Taskforce), Biteback's Tasha Mhakayakora and Thomasina Miers (chef, campaigner and co-founder of Wahaca). Chaired by journalist and publisher Rosie Boycott.

Since being founded in 2019 by Jamie Oliver, Bite Back's young people have been challenging those who control and create the food system to transform child health by stemming the tide of unhealthy food on our high streets, school canteens and supermarket shelves. Achieving this goal will mean reshaping the food system and tackling people's assumptions about how and why we consume what we eat.

Bite Back 2030 is a youth-led movement that wants healthy, nutritious food to be an option for every young person. Why? Because it matters to our health. They campaign for change that will result in all of us having equal access to good food and good health regardless of where we live, and for a new normal, where child health is a priority, so no child suffers, or goes on to suffer, preventable ill health as a result of the food they eat.

With Rosie Boycott, Giles Coren, Paul Lindley OBE, Thomasina Miers and Tasha Mhakayakora.

Food Season supported by Kitchen Aid
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