AI Copyright Law: A New Era for AI Artists! 🎨 🤖

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Are you confused about AI copyright? You are not alone!I’m going break down what ai artists need to know about the copyright law.

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Ai copyright is a developing and complex field.

I’ll show you what you can do to Protect your work from unauthorized use and avoid infringing on other people's copyrights

Understanding AI Copyright: Protecting Intellectual Property in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the fascinating realm of AI copyright and explore the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence and intellectual property rights. As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, questions surrounding the ownership and protection of AI-generated works have become more prevalent than ever.
Join us as we navigate through the complex landscape of AI copyright, shedding light on key concepts and legal considerations that shape the future of innovation. Discover the challenges faced by creators, businesses, and the legal system as they strive to adapt to the evolving capabilities of AI.
Throughout the video, we explore real-life examples of AI-generated works, including music compositions, artwork, and written content, raising important questions about authorship and ownership. We'll examine the roles of both human creators and AI systems in the creative process, as well as the ethical implications and potential for collaboration between humans and machines.
Our expert panel of legal professionals, AI researchers, and industry leaders will provide valuable insights into the current legal framework and its suitability for protecting AI-generated intellectual property. We'll explore the debate surrounding the notion of AI as an independent creator and the need to balance innovation with fair compensation for human creators.
Whether you're a content creator, an AI enthusiast, or simply curious about the impact of artificial intelligence on copyright law, this video is a must-watch. Join us on this journey to unravel the complexities of AI copyright and gain a deeper understanding of how we can foster a creative ecosystem that benefits both human and machine intelligence.
Subscribe to our channel for more thought-provoking content on the intersection of technology, law, and society, and join the conversation about the future of AI copyright in the comments section below.
#AICopyright #IntellectualProperty #ArtificialIntelligence #AIInnovation #CopyrightLaw #ai
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Check out this video for the most recent AI Law developments:


The answer is simple. Use artificial intelligence to explore ideas, and then hire an artist to draw for you. In this way, you preserve your rights


When you say protect your work, do you mean sitting around and waiting for a machine to do all your work 😂


The fundamental problem of generative artificial intelligences lies in the initial violation of the rights of the authors of the material used, in its "training" since in reality the images now encoded remain in its model, (this explains why companies offer the possibility of extracting them if you have the copyright) Therefore any image generated by the AI is always based on previously loaded images, if it does not have them it cannot generate them, therefore it does not learn copy. In short, the authorship of a user in the generation is minimal, only the idea, since with the same propmt the system generates very different images, like a lottery, and the ideas cannot be registered by themselves, they must belong to a work, and here the work is not human.


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The next stage is to get Stability and Midjourney to completely wipe their datasets and start from sets that are only sourced from Artists who opt in.


the line is easy... if a computer did it... is a computer work... no matter how much you change it or not, if you want you copyright, do all the work....


Thank you for explaining! I can imagine how complex this topic will be in the future, especially when text-to-video is so improved that it can be used for actual movies.


Thanks Samson. This is one of the topics that I -- despite keeping up with the latest -- have so many questions about... many of which you addressed here.


It helps to call what is generated by AI differently from what is created by cameras, artists. I use the word 'synthogram' as that means the output from a synthesis of elements (tensors from the learned image manifold).


Hmm. Little late to the vid. But those first images from midjourney, when it started, were eye opening. It made me think even more creatively. To see how a machine puts images together was thought provolking.


Thank you for this nuanced discussion. This nuance is what is usually missing from the conversation but it's everything. AI in the hands of an artist is a tool and the end result is usually the last step of a thoughtful multi-step process.


Your videos are really informative. You are also very articulate and pleasant to listen to. Love your humour. Im relatively new to using AI for printables and POD. Any interest on making a video on how to figure out the correct AR for Midjourney for particular products?


Very helpful. I appreciate your stating legalities without “choosing sides.” I’ve been involved in photography, painting, and sketching. When computers came along, I learned how to use but-mapped program, Freehand, Photoshop, fractal programs. Most of the later work was in Photoshop, but I ventured into Deep Dream Generator. Then I hear about AI (DALL-E and Mid Journey). MidJourney can create awesome works but the artists’ intention plays a big role. I can make dozens of prompts in search of something close to what I imagine. I’ve created many images in which I combined 3 different AI images in Photoshop and then did a lot of work in Photoshop. It’s a journey. Sometimes AI is pretty dumb...7 fingers and 3 arms, limited ability to portray complex emotion. In terms of copyright on occasion I make a very simple prompt because if I don’t use a long prompt, it allows MidJourney to be its most creative. With those I definitely could not claim copyright. I did submit AI art to a magazine. They told me they had not worked out a policy yet about publishing AI art, and I understand that.


Good video. Great examples that clearyfies the otherwise quiet abstract content!


Really interesting, thanks for keeping us all up to date!


Interesting. Recently, I plugged a few of my photos into Midjourney to create similars. I wonder how the copyright office would land on the output. I can bring them into PS and use its tools to do pretty much the same thing, albeit with more control. That said, if I wanted to use the new PS generative tool to change elements of the photo, still a clear copyrightable work? Because of my photo + PS? It’s all so clear now!


20 years ago we were talking about having to think about human rights for AI sometime in the future

Now we are debating how to defend our own human rights against AI


Thanks for the update! Appreciate that, really.


I think protecting the human contribution is fine. AI only creates images or text; it's humans that place those things into artistic contexts from which a human audience derives meaning. The images themselves are now fungible. There's not even really a need to copyright the image; someone else can just use the same prompt and generate their own, none of the artistic value is created by the specificity of the image.
