How To Fix 'No Controllers Detected' On Steam 2024 (TRUE FIX)

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I just wanted to make this video as I had this problem, searched the internet and Youtube for solutions and couldn't find any. I checked the comments of the videos which seemed to agree. This prompted me to get in contact with steam support who gave me this fix, which 100% worked for me and hopefully will for you.
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Tried this it didnt work and fnaf freddy came out of my screen and showed me how to do it properly what you have to do is disconnect your controller go into steam > common > steamaaps > fnaf > controllerconfig and enable the fnaf controller mode this should allow you to use your controller properly but you will be fnaf jumpscared every so often so be careful


13 hours ago
Tried this it didnt work and fnaf freddy came out of my screen and showed me how to do it properly what you have to do is disconnect your controller go into steam > common > steamaaps > fnaf > controllerconfig and enable the fnaf controller mode this should allow you to use your controller properly but you will be fnaf jumpscared every so often so be careful


Sacred Seal

1 reply
6 hours ago
Well well well...

