5 Things You Never Knew A Kirby Vacuum Could Do!

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Can a Kirby blow air? Can it shampoo a carpet? Does it work on Hardwood floors? What about Pet Hair? All these questions and more are answered today as we learn 5 things Kirby vacuums can do that you may not be aware of.

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Kirbys are the swiss army knife of vacuum cleaners!


I used to work selling Kirbys in Australia. When I worked there back in the 1990s, they cost $3, 000- per unit!!!!
I worked there for a year, then because of irreconcilable differences with my boss (I'm sure she hated me) I had to leave. Anyway, I applied for a job once, which promised to pay us $1, 200 per week for each of the 5 weeks that we were in training. That sounded AMAZING, so I went to the interview, ONLY to find that it was a job selling Kirbys. This would have been early 2000s by now (maybe 2005) and at that stage, the newest Kirby was selling for $4, 500- That's just fucking

When I spent that year working for Kirby, I struggled constantly with the morality of deeply manipulating people with a vicious hard-sell that was skilfully tailored to be seen as a very soft-sell. Don't get me wrong - I believed in our product. I KNEW it was the best vacuum cleaner in the world, because I'd tested and compared it to the best cleaners that Australians had (even the very rich ones). I had NO problem with the product whatsoever! My problem was our asking price. Some of the meetings we had included motivational material made for american staff, where the unit price in america was revealed to be $600- It then occurred to me that our bosses and their distributers and their bosses, etc... had decided to put a 500% mark-up on the product, then sent us out there to sell something that shouldn't cost as much as it does.

I felt that my customers were still getting the BEST homecare system in the world, but I felt awful that they were being asked to pay so very much for it. Paying 500% more for it than they should. I found it very hard to continue doing my job after that. Well, that AND the knowledge that we were deeply and meaningfully fucking with the mind of each and every prospective customer. We manipulated them so very harshly and with such skilful subtlety and ease, that what we were doing felt wrong. It felt like we were tricking people into cheating themselves.

Anyway, my point here is, I made a LOT of money during my time selling $3, 000- vacuum cleaners (I bet you you don't hear THAT sentence very often). I took a LOT of -Lannister Gold- money from the Kirby corporation. I know what it tastes like, I know what it sounds like, I know what it feels like, what it smells like and how it looks. Watching this video, I caught a whiff (through my smell-o-scope, THAT'S how!) of the scent of Kirby Money! I saw wads of Kirby Money in his pockets (with my X-Ray-O-Scope, THAT'S how!!) and I could taste the distinctive twang of the sharp tasting Kirby Money, too (don't ask how. Please?). My Kirby-Sense tells me that this man is being paid by Kirby to make these "Informational" videos...


Kirby's are perhaps the Toyota's of all Vacuum cleaners!


I've had my Kirby Sentria for 10 years. LOVE IT!!!!


I have to admit, it’s a very good vacuum. I have a Kirby Ultimate G that my in-laws bought us as a gift over 20 years ago. They bought the entire vacuum and shampoo kit and an extra long hose for each of their three children and themselves. I thought it was extravagant for a vacuum but I’m still using it today and never had to do a thing other than new bags and belts. One of the prongs gave out on my power cord which is how I ended up looking up Kirby online and finding these videos. I do recommend the vacuum although at their price, I cannot imagine why people would have multiples other than having them on each floor of their home. The idea of having every one ever made seems odd to me.


Just picked up the kirby avalir 2 for $20 from a pawnshop. Then at a local Vacuum Shop i picked up the 15 attachments with the caddy instead of a cloth bag for $250. All in all for $270 machine and components isn't bad and the Vacuum shop even threw in some kirby shampoo and a hepa bag for free. Steal of a deal and the Vacuum was recently serviced


Kirbys are great. I'm on #2. I loaned my first one out (at that point I didn't use it all that often), then sold it, and missed it, so I got another. I also have a Shark because they do great with going back and forth between hard floors and rugs, but my Kirby is awesome on the carpeted level of my house, and also for baseboards, walls, cleaning out the car, and all sorts of other things!


my Ultimate G Diamond Edition makes my friends Dyson DC40 look and feel like a toy. I have every Kirby model produced, and I love every one of them.


We have 2 Diamond Editions in our household, one for upstairs and the other for downstairs.


I just bought a Kirby and the Forgotten Land vacuum but all I got was a video game for the Nintendo Switch. The game was fun but it couldn't actually clean anything in my house. 8.7/10 Not enough suck


Oh yes, I do know a few things about Kirby's, because back in the early 80's I used to sell them myself. And yes, Kirby's were then as special as they are now...
They're worth every single cent that you pay for them...


Bought a Kirby 35 years ago. Paid in monthly installments. Got all attachments. $1, 200. It is still running like new. Heavy, heavy but nothing cleans rugs or carpet like a Kirby!!!!


How do you twist the whole bag attachment off? I cannot get it to twist off... 😢


Can we use it as shop vac I have a very old model


Well, my mom owned a Kirby G5 that she bought from Kuwait and i aprove of this machine in every way possible, it has been working like it supposed to be for the last 26 years, i have never seen such a durable machine, built to last, its the first and last multifunction vaccum you will ever need. It comes at a hefty price, yet worth every single penny spent on it.
There are even more extentions that we have such as

1) Carpet Vaccum Head
2) Rotary vaccum Brush
3) carpet shapooing head
4) Sander/messager
5) floor polishing head
6) Came with a Waxing Stick
7) Foaming / Spray Gun
8) Horse Hair brush
9) regular vaccum head with extention pipes and a handle

This machine is a beast and i would definitely reccomend for anyone who's willing to make a lifetime investment in a durable machine and an always professionally cleaned home.

For those who dont know .. the machine looks heavy but it has a drive gearbox that makes it easier to use than an average home vaccum.

Im sorry but this video does not showcase how amazing and how versatile this machine is in real life.


Love my Sentria II and Avalir as part of my vacuum team. I still prefer a Filter Queen, or Rainbow for daily.


I have a door Kirby sales man at my door and I am sooo happy we purchased the Kirby 5th generation. Suction is great.
Shampoo sand color inch thick carpet without leaving sticky residue behind, aging carpet. Is now 25 years old and runs like new.
Only have one repair replacing electric cord.
The ONLY ONE purchase VACUUM for us in 25 yrs.


I have a question. Is Kirby generation 3 through an avalir 1 still in business?


It’s the best machine! It has a transmission in it & I am using a 50 year old Kirby that works better than a new vacuum from Walmart


I have a Kirby 2001 limited edition. Would it do all of this?? Still works amazing!!!
