Strange Dog Behaviors Explained 🐶❓❗

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Dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and playful nature. But sometimes, our furry friends can behave in ways that seem strange to us. From humping to howling, in this video, we'll explore some of the most common strange dog behaviours and what they mean.

#1 Why dogs hump?
This question has baffled dog owners for years. While there are a number of different reasons why dogs might hump, the most common one is actually quite innocent.
Dogs often hump as a way to assert their dominance over other dogs. This is especially common among male dogs who are trying to assert their dominance over females. Humping can also be a way for dogs to release pent-up energy or excitement, or simply to get attention from their owners. Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that humping is normal dog behaviour and is nothing to be concerned about.

#2 Why dogs lick you?
Dogs licking humans is a behaviour that has been observed for centuries. Licking is a natural behaviour for dogs and a way for them to bond, express themselves and groom. There are a few possible explanations for why dogs lick you. One theory is that they are trying to get your attention. Dogs are social creatures, and they may lick you as a way of asking for your affection and attention. Another possibility is that they are trying to communicate something to you. Dogs use licking as a form of communication, and they may lick you as a way of asking for something or to get your attention. Finally, it could simply be that they enjoy the taste of your skin. Regardless of the reason, dogs licking you is generally considered a sign of affection.

#3 Why dogs poop along a north-south axis?
Dogs have a natural tendency to poop along a north-south axis. But why is this? Some scientists believe that it has to do with the Earth's magnetic field. Others believe that dogs simply prefer to align their body along the north-south axis.
While this may seem like a silly thing to do, it seems to serve a very important purpose. Scientists have studied this odd behaviour for years and believe that dogs find it easier and more comfortable to poop along a north-south axis.

#4 Why dogs drag their butts on the floor?
Scooting is the word commonly used to describe dogs dragging their butt on the floor. Dogs drag their butts on the floor when they are uncomfortable and suffer from anal irritation. There are a few different reasons why dogs might drag their butts, including anal gland issues, tapeworms, itchy or irritated skin, allergies, infections, or a foreign body stuck around the bottom.
If your dog is dragging its butt, it's important to take them to the vet to rule out any other causes and get them started on the right treatment.

#5 What Is a dog scratch reflex?
A dog scratch reflex is a natural reflex that dogs have when they are scratched in certain areas. This reflex is thought to be a way for dogs to relieve itchiness or discomfort. When dogs are scratched in the right spot on their tummy, a cluster of nerves is triggered, and the dogs respond by jerking their leg or paw involuntarily.
There are a few different theories on why dogs have this reflex. The most probable theory is that it is a leftover evolutionary trait from when dogs used to live in the wild. In the wild, dogs would often get scratched by branches or other animals. This reflex would help them to quickly remove the source of irritation and relieve the itch.

#6 Why dogs kick after pooping?
Dogs kicking their feet after pooping is a common behaviour, but it's one that often confuses dog owners. Some people think that their dog is trying to clean up after themselves, but this is not the case.
There are a few theories as to why dogs engage in this strange behaviour. One theory is that they are trying to spread their scent. By kicking their feet, they are able to distribute the scent of their urine over a larger area, indicating the presence in the area. Another theory is that they are trying to spread their scent and odours produced by scent glands from their paws, which helps them mark their territory.

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