27 STRANGE Dog Behaviors Explained

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Dogs have been man’s best friend for thousands of years, and yet it’s only recently that we’re really figuring out our best friend’s way of communicating with us. Our canine companions can understand so much of what we say to them, and they have their own way of letting us in turn, know what’s happening with them. Today we learn what our dog’s odd behaviours really mean.

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11 - Haters gonna hate
If your dog exhibits love for people and not for other dogs, it could have a lot to do with how he was raised. Dogs that are raised in exclusively human environments often perceive other dogs as alien and tend to not know how to behave around them. If you’re thinking of getting a new pup, ensure you socialise them before they’re 3-months old, and it will prevent any negative behaviour as they grow older.

10 - Heavy Breather
Panting is normal behaviour in dogs, and most of the time the panting is primarily to keep themselves cool. Dogs don’t sweat as we do, so panting is the solution. But if you find the panting to be at odds with what you’re used to, it could be an indication of anxiety, stress, fear, illness or injury. Keep at eye on it and seek medical help if needed.

9 - Chasing Shadows
An animal expert believes that shadow chasing is ok up until a point. If you keep giving your dog positive attention for this behaviour, he will continue to do it. It could quickly turn from a game into something they can’t control, so it needs to be nipped in the bud quickly. Don’t reinforce the behaviour by showing positive acknowledgement and try to rather distract your canine friend from that behaviour.

8 - Smells Good
What is it with dogs and crotch sniffing? It’s a sure-fire way of having a visitor feel very awkward, but if you’re the visitor, it honestly doesn’t mean you smell. As humans, our crotch area does have higher levels of pheromones, and dogs sniff to understand their world, so it’s only logical that the first place they’ll head to is your crotch.

7 - Rear-Ended
Much like our highly scented crotch area, so is a dog’s rear-end which secretes a plethora of scents. With a dog’s incredible sense of smell, they’re quickly attracted to this area which gives them a great deal of information about the other hound. They can pick up the gender, reproductive status, diet and the general feeling of the dog – all from the rear-end. Dogs that spend a great deal of time sniffing each other out, tend to get along better in the long run.

6 - Underwear Thief
We’re on back to smells, and our underwear is the second-best option if there isn’t an available crotch around. Even after your undies have been through the washing machine, they still hold your scent, and as you know, dogs’ sniffers are thousands of times more powerful than ours. Your pooch will find comfort in your smell, which is often why they’re stealing your underwear! Of course, it’s not great for your underwear and not great if your dog is ripping them to shreds and swallowing the pieces.

5 - Getting Old
If your beloved companion has started snubbing your calls or doesn’t rush to the door to greet you like he once did, it’s possible that the behaviour can link directly to your friend getting old. As sad as what it is to consider, get him to the vet to start making his life a little more comfortable as he ages with grace.

4 - Lean on Me
There are 3 schools of thoughts when it comes to dogs leaning into you, and they’re as follows: Either she’s showing dominance, or she’s afraid, or she just genuinely loves you so much and wants to be as close to you as possible. We’re leaning towards option number 3.

3 - This Sucks
Many pups enjoy sucking on a blanket or on themselves just before bedtime, and this peculiar behaviour is called “flank sucking.” Although it’s not super serious, it should still be discouraged because they can eventually swallow bits of the blanket that they chewed on for so long, requiring surgery to remove.

2 - A bite to eat
If your dog is biting his paws, this is a sure sign that something is wrong. It could mean that your dog is struggling with a skin condition, an injury, a possible parasite or even arthritis. A vet visit is non-negotiable at this point.

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WHOA! careful #15 it is normal BUT if a certain area SUDDENLY becomes a "don't touch me" area, they may have an injury or illness


When ever i walk my dog he always looks up at me while walking and starts smiling its to the point where he walks into stuff because hes busy looking at me why doea he do this? I am confusion America explain


Fun fact dogs do sweat but only through their paw pads


They are truly humans best friends.it hurts bad when you lose them.cherish every moment you have with them.rip Ollie dog


My dogs chew on their paws if they stepped on nettles on one of our walks. I prevent them from doing it because sometimes they chew up the skin on their pads, but after an hour everything calms down again. 😁


My dog get my blankets are and then starts doing a gross movement w/ it 😂


I had a cat with Pica---he'd eat plastic aluminum foil, strings--and many other things. We tried to keep those things out of reach, but he always found something. He threw up alot too.


After this video ended I tried to pet my dog.

He walked away from me😢

P.S. my dog doesnt lick for some odd reason...


My dog sniff peoples butt and My grandmother calls him a dirty old man and he is only 3 or 4 years old. We have no idea though so we just count when we got him. Which was in Funerary


What does it mean if your dog takes away your Blanket away again and again .-.


I walked into mud downstairs toilet which is a really small one and a half meter room at 11 pm on a Tuesday and my dog was just sat there by her self. It was really weird, literally just sat there


I think also it’s kind of weird that I walked my great grandmas dog, Boncars one day and this big stray pit bull game up and him and boncars started sniffing each other and then it just walked away


My male sheltie won't let me pick up his poop in a bag. He'll sit and watch it and watch it and when I go to pick it up he growls, barks an tries to get the bag out of my hand. Once I put the bag in my pocket, he's all right and continues his walk. Any ideas?


I've had various mutts and purebreds and not a one of them has ever been afraid of a storm I've had all of my dogs since they were pups so I just treat any old storm like any other day and I can only assume they take their cue from me I don't think it's a big deal so they don't think it's a big deal a couple of my dogs would come and be real close to me possibly needing to touch me for assurance, but whether it was for their sake or my well-being I couldn't tell you but they were my more protective types so maybe they were just checking on me to see that I was okay oh, but then again they were kind of young so I think I did the right thing by not giving it any attention and acting like it was no big deal, just another day... the little ones, Maltese, just wanted to hunker down into their beds - I'm very careful not to accidentally give any sort of attention or or do anything that would cause a dog to perceive it has any sort of praise for doing a behavior that could become a problem as little dog syndrome can be ten times worse if it's a large dog or even an aggressive breed


Thanks alot now i can get to know my dog or what he is doing so much better!


My shi-tzu cross poodle comes running to me, jumps up on me and licks me whenever I sneeze! Would love to know why she does this. It's cute but a pain when you have a cold! Lol


My dogs love to go into my walk-in shower after I'm done showering and lick the floor dry. I give them plenty of fresh, clean water (I keep their water dish in the fridge when I leave them in their kennels whenever I leave the house), so what's so special about my shower?

Oh, they also like to drink from the toilet. Yeck!


I have an American bully but if I feed him any chicken or beef bone at that time when he is chewing or bitting it if I mistakenly go infornt of him he will start to fight (bark) try to do can u make a video why does he do so???


Have you tried MONKOODOG app? Its really amazing for dog
parents . It helps in getting you update about your doggo’s profile by giving
you notifications about your dog’s vaccinations, medications, growth chart,
etc. You should try…!


I recently lost one of my dogs and she loved to lick everything and everyone. I wasn't sure why she did that because I've never had another dog lick that much, but I was told it might have been anxiety. I really miss her and I'd love one of her kisses now 8, u
