Can regular periods after intercourse guarantee that you are not pregnant? - Dr. Teena S Thomas
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Regular period means that the regular period has come. When asked about a guarantee, there is no guarantee in medical practice, that means that the regular period has come but unusually the period may be less or there may be clots or any other however. But such periods may come at any regular time, but it may be associated with abnormal pregnancy or it may be a very early pregnancy or an implantation bleed. So unusually these can be there but usually a regular bleeding is a normal period. When a previous contact in this month has asexual contact, in that case if there is a delayed period, then we may be thinking in terms of pregnancy or it can be a hormonal imbalance or it can be drug induced, withdrawal hormone tablets, a missed pill. So it can be drug induced. It can be physiologically induced, it can be anything. So unless we with a urine pregnancy test, we can’t guarantee a pregnancy.
Can regular periods after intercourse guarantee that you are not pregnant? - Dr. Teena S Thomas
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