The HARDEST Boss In Every Final Fantasy Game

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Welcome to MojoPlays and today we’re battling the hardest boss in every Final Fantasy game. For this video, we’ll be focusing only on the toughest mainline entry bosses as the toughest bosses in spin off games and remakes deserve their own list. Both endgame and optional bosses are eligible for this list as long as they make taking them down the biggest challenge in the entire game. Our list includes Warmech “Final Fantasy” (1987), Exdeath & Neo Exdeath “Final Fantasy V” (1992), Emerald Weapon “Final Fantasy VII” (1997), Penance “Final Fantasy X” (2001), Adamantoise “Final Fantasy XV” (2016) and more! What was the hardest boss you faced in a Final Fantasy game and how long did it take you to win? Let us know in the comments below.

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What was the hardest boss you faced in a Final Fantasy game and how long did it take you to win? Let us know in the comments below.


I always felt that Ruby weapon was harder than fighting Emerald.


Ruby was way harder than emerald, final attack combined with phoenix made that fight reasonable. Ruby you’re only beating with non stop knights of the round and dazers but that feels cheap. In 5 there was shinryu and omega but neo ex death is pretty tough as well. The rest of the first 9 I’d agree with


Omega Weapon or Shinryu from FFV are both much more difficult to beat than the ExDeath forms. They can destroy a well prepared party at level 99 while ExDeath is pretty easy at level 80.


FFXV Adamantoise was actually incredibly easy because it basically doesn't attack you, it is just a damage sponge. The only time I failed the fight was because of a bug sending me flying so far that it de-aggroed the turtle and forced me to restart. Some of the other bosses had much less HP but were much harder to take down.


For FF13 not many people have gotten to this super boss but Vercingetorix is definitely the hardest boss in the game for sure.


Penance was in the OG PAL version of FFX, remember defeating it eventually back in the day.


Between Emerald and Ruby Weapon, Ruby is a bit tedious if you don't know what u r doing. Emerald you can kill it within 20 mins without the underwater material. For Ruby, start of with only 1 of party member alive, then he'll put his Claw under the ground, revive other party member. Use W-summon+hades+Kotr and mime and he's dead fast


It took me 8 hours to beat Adamantoise. Non-stop, single, eight hour fight.


The others in the comments are absolutely correct about XIV: UCoB is definitely not more difficult than either TEA or DSR. I also disagree with V, I think Omega is definitely harder than Neo Exdeath. Other than that, I pretty much agree with the rest!


The first 4 Final Fantasy games were made before I was even born. Thats insane how old this franchise is.


Honorable mention:
Red Chocobo - Final Fantasy XIV


I remember my friend raging badly at the ffX Seymour boss battle at gagazet Mountain. His dad came in to see what the commotion was about. His dad then started reading the stratagegy guide to him. I'll never forget that moment 😂


In FF13 I found Vercingetorix to be a lot stronger than Long Gui or Shaolong Gui


The ACTUAL hardest bosses for the 4, 5, 6 games:
FF4: Zeromus EG, Lunar Bahamut
FF5: Enuo, Omega (Mk.2), (Neo) Shinryu
FF6: Kaiser Dragon, Omega Weapon


There are a ton of remake bosses and optional bosses that are significantly harder than the ones on this list. If a Final Fantasy game has optional bosses or has ever been re-released, you can safely assume that the hardest boss in the game is NEVER the final story boss.

Here’s a more accurate list. I’ve personally played through the games and defeated every boss listed here:

FFI: Chronodia (20th Anniversary Remake)

FFII: Deumion (20th Anniversary Remake)

FFIII: Iron Giant (DS Remake)

FFIV: Proto Babil (DS Remake)

FFV: Neo Shinryu

FFVI: Omega Weapon (GBA Remake)

FFVII: Ruby Weapon. Emerald Weapon actually isn’t a terrible pick for this one, but Ruby Weapon has some particularly nasty tricks that typically make him harder for most people.

FFVIII: Omega Weapon. Pretty accurate.

FFIX: Ozma. One of the tougher ones on this list.

FFX: Penance

FFXII: The 5 Judges. Not as long as Yiazmat, but much harder.

(I haven’t played FFXIII)

FFXV: Omega. harder than anything else in this game. You’re not really supposed to be able to die in FFXV and he legit burned through hundreds of items and actually killed me multiple times.


I remember finding Omega Weapon in FFVIII once. Its first attack was Lv5 Death, which is instant death against any party member with a level that is a multiple of 5. Unluckily, it wiped my party.


Ardyn achieved his goals too, he is basically a modern day Kefka, to the extent they both have a "World of Ruin" albeit Ardyn has his for many years, awaiting either his own demise (technically his salvation) or to ultimately end his cursed existence (which again, he wants to die, so either way, he's won)


Something else about the Emerald Weapon, it had an attack that would hit each party member for 1111 damage multiplied by the number of materia equipped. 9 materia on each character = no-win scenario. 2 materia = the possibility of lucky 7s.


Seymour on Mt Ronso took me more tries than most endgame bosses ever did.
