Weezer - Tell Me What You Did (This Is Such A Pity Demo)

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I love Weezer a lot.
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I feel like MarcButEvil described this song really well with the conflict of green and Pinkerton fighting


raw sounding weezer is when weezer sounds best


this is actually an amazing track. If it was released as the official "This is such a pity" it might've been one of the best songs by weezer.


someone build a time machine to go back to 2004 and stop rick rubin producing weezer


I honestly like more this version than the final version; it really feels like a Pinkerton Song


If I had my way, I'd probably put the This is Such a Pity chorus as a counter-melody to the Tell Me What You Did chorus. If Rivers ever hears enough fan love for this version of the song, I'd love to see him and the band do a pseudo-mashup of those two versions.


If i had a Weezer cover band, I would only play this version. =w=
PS: This is the first pro-Weezer vibe I've had since 2009. This demo is that good.


honestly i prefer this version than "this is such a pity", this gives a vibe much more similar to pinkerton and feels more personal than the finished product


i just love the demos so much more. i think it's because its not "clean" and produced that much. but hearing their demos gives me so much comfort
edit: now thinking of it, probably because weezer was the first band i loved. so im just going to have unintentional comfort with them. idk.


Such a pity that they scrapped 'All I Wanna Do'


Gonna be honest, I prefer this song over what was released on make believe by a longshot. I know Make Believe is a make or a break album for most people, but as someone who is getting into Weezer 20 years too late, these are just my opinions. The chorus is so much more satisfying, with the guitars coming in and Rivers' melody over the top of the chords really works in my opinion. I also prefer the lyrics, as I found the ones in the final song to be a teensy bit cheesy. I know you could probably say the same about the lyrics in here, but I think they're just that tiny bit more interesting.

The general vibe of this song just feels so much better to me. I wish this would be released on Spotify and/or just recorded in better quality. It's such a good sounding song, and I wish it had been released in some form alongside the final cut. The Solo and breakdown is so good, and I've found myself listening to this on repeat all day. I will admit, my opinion is biased due to my love for distortion on guitars, and my gravitation to songs with more oomph to them, but I do think my point still stands. This sounds way more like classic Weezer than most of Make Believe.

I have seen people say that the sound is a lot more like something out of Pinkerton and I agree. I've seen people say that Make Believe is like a cross between the Green album and Pinkerton, for better and for worse, and I agree that it did change some of the songs. This one is actually a great example. In the pre-chorus you can kind of hear the tug between the two albums, before reaching the chorus which sounds very Pinkerton. This is described way better in MarcButEvil's "Make Believe - How One Album Ruined Weezer's Reputation" at the 21:14 minute mark. It's actually a really good video to look into if you're not very informed on Weezer's decline.

In the end, I think this song is an absolute straight banger, and I wish it was released to something like Spotify, even with some other Demos or bonus tracks. Just my two cents though, feel free to disagree. :)


I’m absolutely infuriated at how amazing this sounds.


This song makes me get naked and dance while eating peanut butter!!!!
Listen to it every


I like the final product but this good asf


omg this chorus is a million times better



How is your heart, little darling?
I didn't mean to get so mad
Let me just hold you closely
How did things get so bad?
I know how to pick on you
You pushed me over the edge
We caused so much agony
We can't seem to move ahead

What is going on?
What is it we need?
Have we gone insane?
Is this just our greed
Fighting for a chance to survive

What kind of future will we have?
Will we ever find peace?
Everybody thinks we're crazy
They're about to call the police
I don't wanna be a chump
You think I'm a fascist pig
Right now everything is black
I don't think we'll ever give

What is going on?
What is it we need?
Have we gone insane?
Is this just our greed
Fighting for a chance to survive

All day, all day, all day

What is going on?
What is it we need?
Have we gone insane?
Or is this just greed
What is going on?
What is it we need?
Have we gone insane?
Or is this just greed
Fighting for a chance to survive
Fighting for a chance to survive


guess "she who is militant" turned into this is such a pity? weird process


Wtf this is way better. God damn it they always make classic Weezer shit then scrap it


I like this demo a lot. At first the verses threw me off, but I kinda dig them now. The choruses are reallll good


I like this. First time hearing it. There isn't a Weezer song i don't like, i love them all. The guitars, drums, vocals, lyrics, all of them are superb.
