Do The Water People Exist... The Evidence of Real Mermaids!

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Tales of mermaids date back to the first written accounts of humanity, but how much do we know about the mythical sea creatures? A mermaid is a mythical sea-dwelling creature, often described as having the head and body of a woman and a fish's tail below the waist. Stories of mermaids have existed for thousands of years and span cultures across the world - from coastal settlements in Ireland to the landlocked Karoo desert in South Africa. But what evidence is there to support the theory that such creatures are not just fanciful myths and legends? You might just be surprised!

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I honestly think if genuine real mermaids still existed, there could be many different types of races of them, and I theorize that each one race might live in different locations.


If they are real, they are the smartest creatures in this planet to keep themselves hidden from man. You know what man would do to such a creature. Experiments and fishing them from existence!


I’m from the Philippines and my dad told me a story when he was young, he and his friends went to fishing on a bangka ( traditional small boat), that night first time ever they have caught many fish for the first time ever since they started fishing and at last they decided to go home and one of his friend last to surface holding to the side of the boat, he said they were talking and celebrating while the one on the side of the boat was celebrating with them but suddenly they realise the guy on the side of the boat suddenly disappear, they all went to dive again to look for him until morning but no with no luck, they made search parties for almost a week but no one ever saw him again, they ask the locals in that area and many said that that wasn’t the first time it happened, many other fisher men before disappeared in that area in exchange for many fish. Sorry for my English


My great grandmother in Jamaica used to tell me stories of mermaids she saw growing up as a kid.. One story she told me was of her and her sister walking down the sea shore when they saw a lady sitting on a huge rock combing her hair... My great grandmother said her hair was white, long, and beautiful...her sister started to run up towards the lady when my great grandmother shouted for her to come back, at that moment she said the lady turned around and was horribly ugly, yellow sharp teeth, and let out a horrific hissing sound before dropping what was in her hand and crawling back into the sea. She said its skin was really wrinkly and great grandmother ran home and told her mom and when they returned they found fish bones in the shape of a comb for combing hair... Her mom grabbed it and my grandmother never saw it again. She also told stories of other encounters shes had....My Great grandmother passed in 2009 she was well respected in her community and hated liars. I don't think she would make this up...


In 1999 I was snorkeling in Coco Beach. I was bumped by what I thought was a shark. I turned to see what looked exactly like your typical mermaid tail. Even though I was behind her or him I could still see arms and hands. I could not see their head tho. I'll never forget the colors if the tail. They were extremely beautiful and turned color all over as they moved. Why me? Why I was chosen to witness this marvel? This encounter changed me forever.


I believe they exist, much of this world has not been explored and many creatures do exist.


When a story and description is found around the world told by different cultures separated by time and distance, the only conclusion is the cryptic does or did exist.


It is kinda interesting that tales of mermaids go back thousands of years. Is there an element of truth to mythical creatures ?....probably.


I am from Philippines and. I can guarantee mermaids are real we have communicated with them .even how hard we people try to proved thier existence its always ends up with endless clues .because they live 3 layer under the sea level .and. In a different dimension…But one thing is for sure they really existed.


I believe that merfolk exist or existed (at some point), but they might not look so Disney or what we think they look like but rather more scary yet alluring


tales of mermaids go back thousands of year in multiple different places in the world. there was no technology at this point yet all descriptions are very similar. interesting....


I have always believed mer people exists. To many legends worldwide.


The Book of Enoch implies that fallen angels created hybrid beings and monsters


I was born in Philippines Island and grew up in the Island of Guam. Obviously both are a Pacific Island. Both islands and all the Pacific Islands acknowledged the existence of Mermaids. And they are to be respected. All coastal Countries or cities have stories about mermaids. Other places even have cave drawings about them. And I'm sure there are different kinds of mermaid just like humans, there are black, white, brown, yellow etc.


Something that did not get mentioned in this video, is the fact that a newborn being just a few days old instinctively knows how to swim. You can find many videos of people taking their babies under water and they can not only swim but they know to hold their breath. It's insane


In 2001 I was in my aunt Hotel where she was working across the street from the beach in (Belize) on a gray day I was on the terrace looking at the sea ‘ usually there is always waves but not this day ‘ the water was still ‘ out of no where a female head pops up ‘ I was 9 years old crying at the time so I wiped my eyes and she was still there and we kept staring at each other ‘ right after she goes down under water she turns around <common sense, then she jumps show her whole body and it was beautiful’ sparkling’ had every color and the tail and the fin was long ‘ real long ‘ so my question my whole life after that is why me ‘ why did she show her self me ?


I used to live near the beach in my childhood and my experience may not relate here but it was creepy. So I’m 12yrs old, power goes out and it’s a beautiful moonlit night where I could see down to the beach and ocean. Anyway no kidding it’s so quiet you can hear every single thing outside and I swear my sister and I hear singing. Because honestly who sings on the beach with no light and we saw no one there. We live alone .there are no houses except ours..What’s creepier is two of us heard it, my older sis was 16 yrs old. The voice was female and so beautiful that I can’t remember the song but how calming like a lullaby. Never ever will forget it. Creeps me out today trying to figure out who it was..or what is was..


Been watching this channel. The 5th Kind and Matrix Wisdom the most, with a few other channels here and there, but with so many very similar stories about other beings from space, oceans and other places, it can not be just folk lore.

Just like extra terrestrials. Most all ancient civilizations has stories, books, drawings of extra terrestrials. And some worshipped them. It is both astounding and mind boggling at the same time.

Love it.


I believe for a few reasons, one is my intuition that's never been wrong. Another is evidence, inc cave paintings, one showing people on land fighting with people in the sea, that were drawn differently to the people on the land. They had spears & were clearly in battle 🧜‍♀️💖🧜‍♂️
