20 Shocking Discoveries of Giants You Won't Believe Exist

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Giants are the most believable mythical creatures on earth and they exist and have existed in different forms in history. Sometimes called ogres, giants were generally presented as creatures so big that the earth trembled when they walked. The ultimate fact is that giants are not just fairy tales, with their remains having been found all over the world, the mystery of their civilization lives on today. Having said that, let’s look at the top 20 most mysterious discoveries of giants.
1. Mexican giants
In march 2015 a photo went viral on social media showing gigantic human skulls allegedly unearthed from a small village in sierra de tapalapa in southern Mexico. It was later revealed that the picture wasn’t authentic and was a graphic artists work. This however sparked a discussion about the actual giant race quinametzin that supposedly roamed Mexico. 20 feet xhehua and another giant called tzilcatzin of more than 10 feet were said to be members of this family. Some amazing facts indeed.
3. The serpent mound
In 1894 while an ohio farmer was undergoing his usual business of hunting foxes, he stumbled upon something of major archeological interest. He discovered graves that contained ancient giants! In Hillsborough Ohio and close to a serpent mound a famous American mound made of earth. When scientists looked into the graves, they saw large skeletons that seemed to be remains of giants from a biblical author called ’The Nephilim’of the Hebrew bible. The ohio giant mystery still remains as many believe it was a hoax!
5.Red haired giants
Archeologists found remains of the red haired giants in lovelock Nevada. Lovelock cave was first discovered in Nevada in 1913 where miners later found other buried treasures, artifacts and remains of what appeared to be red haired giants known as the si-te-cah a legendary tribe of red haired cannibalistic giants. Guano miners in lovelock cave also found mummified remains of a man six inches tall depicting proof of giants existence in the cave, and the rest is history.
6. The foot print of God
Not only do skeletons prove that giant people exist, but also footprints. Nearly 100 years ago, one of the famous giant footprints was found by a hunter in south Africa and locals nicknamed it the footprint of God. It was 1.2 meters long and if its well estimated with the rest of the body then the owner must have been 27 feet tall.
9. West Virginia giants
In many ancient burial mounds of west Virginia, a number of giant skeletons were found. Some ancient giant skeletons were also found in the early days of coal mining and more were discovered when excavating the ground for other purposes. In 1838 when amateur archeologists excavated the grave creek mound in present day Moundsville.
10. Giant skeletons of Ecuador
Legends talk of a city of giants located in Eduardo deep within the amazon forest. Researchers discovered megalithic structures and pyramids measuring 260feet tall and 260 wide built with huge stones of around 2tons each. Despite explorers concluding that the structures were natural, In 1964 locals later discovered abnormally large bones including a shin bone that looked like it belonged to a human of over 25 feet a proof that giants actually existed here.
11. Unique giant skeleton in Thailand
A huge ancient humanoid skeleton who was most likely a male that measured 5 or possibly 6 meters was found in a cave in krabi Thailand by archeologists. However the most amazing facts about this report is that next to the giant skeleton were remains of a serpent and so the giant skeleton is said to possibly have been killed by a horned snake in the cave.
12. Vampire skeleton of Bulgaria
Welcome to Bulgaria for a discovery that will give you goose bumps! So why on earth would you stab the heart of the dead for fear that they would return to feast on human blood? But they are dead and not harmful at all! This scary story illustrated a pagan practice that was common in the some villages up to a century ago.
13. Alien skull in peru
Perrvian archeologist discovered what is said to be a mummified remains of an alien like creature with a triangle shaped skull nearly as big as its 20inch-long body. How is that even possible, sounds like reddit stories yeah! The strange details of the skull made its origin seem more out of this world and even though the assessment was superficial, it’s obvious that these rare features did not correspond with any ethnic group in the universe. It must have been an extraterrestrial being!
14. The giant skeleton of Saudi Arabian desert
A recent gas exploration activity in the Saudi Arabian desert uncovered ancient skeletal remains of a human of a phenomenal size. This powerful people who later turned against God were destroyed, amazing facts here. Despite archeologists taking up studies to reveal the true facts of the skeleton, Ulema’s of Saudi Arabia believe these to be the remains of the people of Aad.
#UltimateFact #Facts #Giants
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First I love your videos so much 💗 💕 💖 ❤ 💓 💛 💗


How does no one link this to Noahs flood? Has no one read the Book of Enoch? The history of these giants are well recorded.


I love how people are acting so surprised that there were actually giants once roaming the earth. Honestly I’m not surprised, if you have read the book of Samuel then you’ll know the story of David and Goliath. Giants have existed before.


I'm from Afghanistan and My grandfather used to talk about these giants in kadahaar, Afghanistan
He told me that their caves were 20 to 25 ft and they were very tall
Body covered with Red hairs


Plutarch the Roman historian in his work, The Life of Sertorius, wrote that the grave of the famed Phoenician king Antseus was found close to Tingier; now called Tangier. Upon hearing the report, the Roman General Quintas Sertorius entered to view the bones and pay respect, but was so shocked at the enormity of the bones that he left greatly disturbed and ordered the tomb sealed and buried and sacrifices to Roman gods were immediately performed.

That stated, Plutarch claimed the giant king was over 25 feet tall. The Torah, which is the Old Testament portion of the Christian Holy Bible records that Og, who was the ancient king of Bashan was 13 1/2 feet tall.

The historical account of giants is long, but the evidence of bones is suppressed to protect Darwin's failed theory.


According to the Bible the giants/nephylim were on the earth in Noah's time


3:44 It's dumb to assume someone stepped on molten lava. Far better and easier to assume that the rock isn't actually volcanic, but rather solidified (and perhaps petrified) mud. Why do we have to make things so hard?


The nephilim were here on earth before they were destroyed in the flood you can read about it in the first part of the book of Genesis.


I'm a devoted Christian. My Bible speaks of giants


There was a 2002 report of a 12-foot red-haired giant who was killed by US marines at a cave somewhere in the mountains of Kandahar in Afghanistan.


The Smithsonian takes and hides so many finds never to be seen again.


Sorry, you lost me when you passed off a wooly mammoth skull as a giant cyclops. 😂


Loved the video. Look forward to more. I am 70 years old and it has always irritated me to no end that the powers that be have tried so hard to keep giants a big secret. I feel that I have a right to know about them. Thank you for for sharing your research and knowledge. God Bless. 💞💞💞


There were giant's in the earth in those days ; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4 KJV.


Giants are real. I saw one in 1990. I used to watch Chinese news in those days. We had video tapes, and the news used them to prerecord news stories. To save money people would film over previously used ones. The news from China ghat day was one of the prerecorded ones. They hadn’t done a great job backing up the tape to hide the previous stuff, and I saw 30 seconds of what they taped over. There was a group of Chinese solders marching in Chinese uniforms in a castle like fort. The guy in charge who supervised them was so huge, the soldiers only came up to his hips.


ask the smithsonian institute what happened to the skeletons they were always called and took the bones never to be seen again


The last one I heard was not a real skeleton but I beleive the Smithsonian Institute has been known for covering up these findings for well over a 100 years...


They say the giant and serpent is an art exhibit. I'm a artist. And we need recognition. I wouldn't do an art piece in some remote cave in a remote island and it takes a boat to get to it. Where no one can see it.
Stonehedge, pyramids, balebek, giant megaliths we're all built by the hybrid giants spoken about in Genesis 6 in the bible.


We have several Basketball players that measure 7 to 8 foot tall... Robert Wadlow
Height: was 8' 11"... Susquehannock's were upwards of 8 feet tall... Giants were 20 to 30 feet tall.


The people of Aad were from the Amalekites, and at that time the lifespan of people was up to 900 years- They are the people of Hud - peace be upon him - and they used to live in Al-Ahqaf in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, near Hadramout. Thamud are the people of Saleh -
