Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber

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Tears falling down at the party
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"those aren't meant to bend" carries so much weight and I don't know why


“Those aren’t meant to bend.” is probably one of the most terrifying things you could hear.


Jack’s voice sounds so different. So melancholy


"I hear your eyes-" *blinks aggressively*


"Those aren't meant to bend." Wow, I'm pretty sure my doctor said that about my scoliosis...


What I love about Jack's songs (and this style of songs) is that If you only read the lyrics, you are probably not going to find "The real meaning" of the song. The only way to get it, is to listen to it and feel it. The song means whatever you want. It's a death of the author kind of thing: whatever jack meant when he said "those aren't meant to bend" isn't important, what matters is that anyone can find the song relatable, and experience it in their own way. (Which is beautiful!)
A song doesn't need "Deep lyrics" to cut deep, it just needs to mean something to whoever is listening.


Can we all just, agree that jack stauber is one of the best song writers youll hear in a while


This reminds me of walking home from a party without telling anyone you were leaving. It’s also cold and raining so you’re shaking and have goosebumps on your arms.


my 13 year old senior cat recently passed away from lung cancer that had spread completely throughout her body. she couldn't feel her legs, causing her to bite at them and cause major damage and stress that pushed her over the edge. the symptoms for this were very hard to catch, causing this to go undiagnosed until a week before her passing. the doctor had to put her to sleep after rushing her to the emergency room, as they did not expect her to come home with us that night. we did not want her to suffer longer than she had already.

this song constantly played in my head during this ordeal that spanned days.

she's been cremated and is back safe in our home, though in another form of ash.

this song carries such a pained emotion to me. and even though i still can't listen to it again just yet, i applaud your ability to bring these kinds of emotions through song. all of your work is wonderful, and i hope you continue on.


I heard this on a crying cat meme video and now I’m here


This reminds me of a rainy day at the school book fair in 2005


The people from TikTok: "Um... Are we gonna talk about the picture?"
Normal Jack Stauber fans: "...Oh that? That's normal here, yeah."


as someone from oklahoma, can confirm this plays constantly when i'm outside.



Set the phasers to rot
What has got you distraught
It's negative attention at best
But call it nothing

It's all about ascension, I guess
Don't put me to rest

Hand me your clothes
Take a picture or two
I can see you

Tears falling down at the party
Saddest little baby in the room
Fears tell me fears, don't get me started
I get a little grey hair for every scare you share

Those aren't meant to bend
No, those aren't meant to bend

I hear those eyes
And I see those cries
I hear those eyes
And I see those cries
I can't be the only one who hears you

Tears falling down at the party
Saddest little baby in my eye
Fears tell me fears, don’t get me started
I might die


Me trying to open a jar with a knife:


So nobody is gonna talk about that picture?


Set the phasers to rot
What has got you distraught?
It's negative attention at best
But call it nothing
Maybe it's something, a little bit, a little bit
Maybe it's something to do a little bit
It's all about ascension, I guess
Don't put me to rest
Go on and hand me your clothes
(O-oh, here you go)
Take a picture or two
(Two or three?)
I can see you
Tears falling down at the party
Saddest little baby in the room
Fears, tell me fears, don't get me started
I get a little grey hair for every scare you share
Those aren't meant to bend
No, those aren't meant to bend
Those aren't meant to bend
No, those aren't meant to bend
I hear your eyes and I see those cries
I hear those eyes and I see those cries
I can't be the only one who hears you
Tears falling down at the party
Saddest little baby in the room
Fears, tell me fears, don't get me started
I get a little grey hair for every scare you share
Those aren't meant to bend
No, those aren't meant to bend
Those aren't meant to bend
No, those aren't meant to bend
Tears falling down at the party
Saddest little baby in my eye
Fears, tell me fears, don't get me started
I might die


I think this song is about a couple. It's being told by one person's perspective in how their significant other is depressed or going through something, but covering it up by partying and doing fun activities. Everyone around them thinks they are fine but the other knows what's really happening (hence the lyrics: I can't be the only one that hears you)
This song makes me cry everytime. What do you think the meaning is?

It's been 2 years now and Jack stauber is still one of my favorite artists, :') I cant believe my synopsis on this song blew up. Except my perception of this song has entirely changed as I've listened more.. I feel like this song is about much darker things than what I described 2 years ago. (Maybe it's because I've suffered through my own traumas and I'm projecting-) but yeah, thank you for all the replies <3


“I might die.” Truly one of the scariest lyrics


This and buttercup are the best two songs in pop food imo
