How to fix “Element Not Found” error on Windows 10

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This error directly correlates with Windows programs that users try running. Corrupted Windows OS files might be the the cause of users issue. Windows built in system repairing tools will come in handy in this situation.

Method 1: 00:15
Method 2: 00:36
Method 3: 01:03
Method 4: 01:19
Method 5: 01:40

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Friend, thank you very much. I have this problem: Appear ¨ Element Not Found ¨ error, then that fucking blue arrows in icons and all the downloaded files disapear, all this after the last Update, but the most rare thing is that my version was 1803 and the Update version is 1803 again, so, now I don´t understand a Sh!t. What can I do ? Thanks again.


Settings is the one I have a problem with
