Record Store Day Black Friday Preview : Jazz, Soul & Film Scores

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you showed some interesting records... Thanks!


I love Raymond Scott & Carl Stalling…precision musicianship. Sun Ra whispered “Space is the Place” in my ear while wandering through the crowd ‘74 or ‘75. Thanks.


Carl Stalling Project looks to be my kind of fun music!
Thanks for sharing!


As a lifelong Looney Tunes fan, I also picked up those Carl Stalling Project albums on CD when they first came out in 1990s. (Chuck Jones used to show his movies in the school gymnasium at the Telluride Film Festival in the 1980s and I went every year. You'd just sit around on folding chairs with a few dozen people while Chuck showed his cartoons and told stories about them!) I got into the reissues of the original Raymond Scott music that Stalling adapted for "toons" around the same time. I don't know that I need the CSP on LP (and it's not the kind of thing I just play all the time) but I love it. Beautiful gatefold photo. Glad to see it's getting a nice Rhino reissue treatment.

P.S. Please don't touch the surface of your records with your fingers. You'll get them all greasy with your fingerprints. You know how to handle records. Set a good example for the kids!


When Black Friday happens I’ll be on that hill.

You know I will…


So let me get this straight, people are complaining about the record companies engaging in a "cash grab" with their Record Day releases??? Last time I looked, record companies exist to "sell" products and in doing so, engage in the many activities of "commerce" in order to achieve their objectives. I see absolutely NO problem with this especially in today's day and age of all things being available via streaming and "free". More importantly to me, there has been a much more widespread attempt to deliver "product" that we want and manufactured with quality at the top of the list. Just look at (most) of the vinyl that is being pressed today as compared to the vinyl that was released in the late 70's through the end of the 80's at which point the format damn near died in the U.S. By and large, the record jackets and vinyl pressings were good at best and poor to downright awful at their worst. This really is a good time for the record buying public. Let's hope the demand continues and the record companies listen and continue in providing us quality products at a fair price...Cheers!


Carl Stalling was the master of wild mickey mousing scoring. One of my favorite cartoon composers of all time.


I went to my store after it opened. Not too busy. My smallest haul ever. Should have picked up Modest Mouse. Maybe later. Got the Thievery Corporation, Herbie Hancock, Teddy Swims & Orgone. That's it. Damn! I forgot about the Curtis Mayfield record and the Jazz Dispensary!!!


Hey Mazzy
Great Records.I hope to get to RSD to do some filming! Thumbs up! Trish


Some solid looking titles, better than most RSDs I think. The Sahib Shihab had me most intrigued but I'm holding off this Black Friday. Always a fun day though


Omg - I didn’t know there was a volume 2 for Carl Stalling Project!


Going to have to get the Emily Remler album. Watched a short docu on the album. Thanks.


For me the Curtis Mayfield record is my favorite of what you have showed us. I know some of the songs from the Birth Of Soul series, released by Ace Records. The Special Chicago Edition contains a lot of great Curtis mayfield stuff.


Hmmmm, I may need to pick up that Max Roach, but I’ll be standing in line for The Minus 5, Jazz Sabbath, and The Blasters Live.


Thanks Mazzy, I hope a copy of the Emily Remler makes it my local shop here in Canada. Cheers


So here I lay at 5am wondering what to do. Do I send Mazzy a comment or not!? "Mazzy loves you"... well if that's true then why wouldn't I reciprocate with my love for Mazzy?

Mazzy I got on my knees and prayed this early morning and it appears to have led me to this comment for you. I'm writing this while listening to Sun Ra. Trying to figure out the song 'Lights on a Satellite'. During the confusion and chaos of the song something struck a chord with me. You Sir have been a satellite for me and you may not know that you are probably a satellite for many of your followers. It occurred to me that I love attending the Church of Mazzy... almost daily! You spread your joy and love for music to your own unique followers in your own unique way. Church does not have to be 'not cool'. The spirit runs through us in many different ways. I feel your spirit of giving! You say you are an atheist. I see you as someone who leans a little more into the spirit than maybe you know? I hope that doesn't come across in a negative way for you. If you need some "proof" as you've said... is this a little bit of that proof? How is it possible that your spirit has touched me? I find it interesting and fun to think about such things as I listen to the music that you have recommended. How can this be possible? I feel your spirit daily and I keep returning. You do love me and all of your followers! I feel it. I hope you feel my love in this comment. It's important to me to share how I feel with those who have touched me in a positive way.

Big ask... is there a song or album that touches on an atheist becoming a believer that you are aware of?

I believe John Lennon rejected religion but did he reject God?

I'm sending my love, light and positive energy to you! I choose to spend many of my hours with you... thank you for your unique way of sharing your spirit with me! ❤🙏


I'm really interested in the Curtis Mayfield record. I loved his work in The Impressions and those early Jerry Butler records, especially the songs written by Curtis Mayfield or together with Jerry, as they were some great tunes.


Truck Turner is a fantastic soundtrack and original pressings are easy to find here in the NY area for under $20. You didn’t mention one of the best releases that I personally look forward to every year. The Jazz Dispensary compilation, that will be the only reason for me to go out on Black Friday into the city.


I recognize that tee-shirt logo! ...because of the Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio. ps Move on up!


Norman: I was pleasantly surprised by you in you dropping in the Grant's Warehaus on Sunday. He played a track from the DADA album, in which I gave you credit for turning me onto the band. I am subscribed to your channel for awhile, although after being hacked and locked out of my computer, I had to re-subscribe to you channel. Never knew who did the Looney Tunes theme and other music for those cartoons, which I watched as a kid in the 60's and decades after.
