Warning Signs of Low Oxygen in the Blood

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🔎 In this video, we will be discussing five warning signs of low oxygen in the blood and providing detailed information about each one.

5. Shortness of breath is a common warning sign of low oxygen in the blood due to reasons such as lung or heart disease, or high altitude. The feeling is a physical response to a lack of oxygen and can be improved with oxygen therapy or deep breathing exercises under medical guidance.

4. Confusion is a symptom of low oxygen in the blood as the brain requires oxygen for energy production and to carry out vital functions like neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. This is the mechanism behind learning and memory, and a lack of oxygen impairs these functions, leading to confusion, impairments in learning, and memory.

3. Headaches are another warning sign of low oxygen levels in the blood as the brain may not function properly when it does not receive enough oxygen, causing dull, persistent headaches that worsen with physical activity. Chronic hypoxemia can cause damage to neurons, impairing synaptic plasticity and cognitive function, so it's important to consult a doctor if persistent headaches occur.

2. A rapid heart rate is a warning sign of low oxygen levels in the blood, as the heart has to work harder to pump blood and oxygen throughout the body to compensate for the lack of oxygen. This can cause the heart to beat faster and harder, leading to further complications like heart enlargement over time. It's important to take steps to address a rapid heart rate and other heart health issues, which can be improved with various lifestyle tips.

1. Blue lips or skin can also be a sign of other serious health conditions, such as lung or heart problems, and should not be ignored. If you experience this symptom along with other symptoms of low oxygen levels, such as shortness of breath or confusion, seek emergency medical attention right away.
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Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the producers, but viewers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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There was one time when I had low oxygen in the blood. I was in the hospital recovering from acute pancreatitis and I came down with pneumonia and had to be treated for pneumonia. During that period my heart rate was 120 beats a minute while lying in a bed and I felt like I was going to pass out with any activity and movement. I was given antibiotics and supplemental oxygen and did recover from this. So an infection of pneumonia will cause low oxygen in the blood.


5 Signs of Low Oxygen
5. Shortness of breath
4. Confusion
3. Headaches
2. Rapid heart rate
1. Blue lips / fingernails


Pulse oximeter also helps to determine severity of low oxygen in who suffering those signs and symptoms.


I had Covid last November and didn't feel like eating for a couple of months; didn't eat properly and started having some of these symptoms; thought it was long Covid, and then started craving ice; had my iron checked and my hemoglobin was 6.2, iron deficiency anemia; people, if you have ANY symptoms, see your doctor immediately, these problems are definitely not to be messed with


Shortness of breath, for me, is not just gasping for breath. It was more like I would breathe normally or even deeply and feel like I had only breathed shallowly, or like when your nose is stuffed up and very little air can get through.


What about loss of bladder and bowel control???😮


The video describes the most acute cases of low oxygen. But there are also chronic causes, such as:
Anxiety can be a sign of low oxygen. Possible cause : poorly ventilated places
Hypersomnia can be a sign of low oxygen. Potential causes: 1) poorly ventilated bedrooms; 2) pectus excavatum


Shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat, together with high blood pressure (180) - I experienced these for the first time in my life on Jan 3 of this year. I was exactly one year on a low carb diet. Blood tests the following day showed very good results except for very high LDL(280) and ECG showed I had an atherosclerotic aorta. The doctor prescribed statins and other medicine, all good for a month's supply. I took all the medicine except that I consumed only about 20 of the statins. Also, I cut off red meat. In the four weeks that followed, I continued to experience shortness of breath and have high blood pressure ranging from 120 - 150.
On the second week of Feb, I had another set of blood tests and all results were back to normal. Blood pressure went down to between 100-110 and LDL to 129. Since that time and up to now, , I didn't experience any spike in my blood pressure or any shortness of breath.
All in all, I feel that I'm fine, healthy, and have the energy to go about what I have to do the whole day.

Still, I could not understand what caused the episode I had in January.
Proper diet, good sleep and exercise - I have had all these. By the way, I'm 76 yrs old. Yes, perhaps aging is the most important factor here, which means there is something more that I should do, but which I don't know yet.


for the last 14 years i've been suffering from CONSTANT dizziness. the only time i don't feel dizzy is when i'm asleep. my face grows numb and hot. it feels like my brain ISN'T getting enough oxygen. but i don't have any of the symptoms in this video. the only thing that fluctuates with my condition is the severity of the dizziness. but the last 4 months its been SEVERE and i can barely function.
i've been to numerous so-called "doctors" over the last 14 YEARS but none of them give a shit! even when doctors schedule a test, an MRI for axample, some bureaucrat down the line SAYS NO and denies me the test. i was denied the last time because i don't have a ride home and the fascists prefer i remain VERY SICK than to hospitalize me!
I NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION NOW! i'm close to suicide! i can no longer keep living in this hell! i've posted comments like this all over youtube the last several years and STILL no one gives a damn! i'm sick of this shit; the illness and the criminal apathy and negligence of the criminal american "medical" industry!


I had shortness of breath and blue spots on face(cyanosis). Diagnosed with CHF with ejection fraction. I had no stroke or heart attack. The only thing I can figure is that I was eating apricot kernels right before it happened.


Confusion... Due to low oxygen levels. Oh wow! Now I have an excuse for any stupid stuff I do! Thanks!


I have a oxygen meter. Don’t panic if it’s low. I’ve seen mind hit 91 you need a least a minute then check meter usually jumps up 96 to 98…


RN hete. #1 sign/symptom for me in an elderly patient is 1. Restlessness, and 2. Confusion (a change in mentation).


Last week my oxygen level was 96 this week it’s 91. I do have asthma but my oxygen level has never been this low before. I experience dizziness and tiredness and my lips are slightly purple. Im seeing my doctor on Monday to see what he suggests


I have high RBC which is low oxygen level in the blood blue lips headaches but my heart is fine and normal


Can low oxygen levels be the cause of macular degeneration?


What numbrr Co would you consider to be low oxygen. Is 90 too low?


Why happened in my body I don't know suddenly I have totally loss oxygen heart are not support me what should I do I did not know when I operated my ear that can happen but I also depression all the time depression come my life and my life are go to heal suicidal thoughts give up always inside home


Just listen to your video I'd have most of what u was talking about but I get up to do nothing then I'm fighting to breathe can't hold out to do nothing ; had a breathing test; x ray on my lungs that was good; MRI on my heart then was told at my age 76 just a few things but nothing to worry about so I ask why can't I breathe got no answer so I use an inhaler which don't help so answer me back and please help?. 10:14


Thank you. What level of blood oxygen is good? Right now mine is 92.
