Excel Data Cleansing Challenge: How To Convert Text To Time Values

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In this video I share an Excel data cleansing challenge. The challenge is to convert time stored as text into time values.

The rules are simple:

1. You can use any Excel tool that you'd like (formulas, Power Query, VBA, etc.)

2. The results must be recognized as time values. See video for explanation.

Additional Resources:

*The challenge file does contain Tables, but you do not have to use Tables to complete this challenge.

👉 How to Submit Your Solution:

Please leave a comment below 👇 and explain your solution. You can also upload your file to a cloud sharing service (OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox) and share the link.

I will create another video in the next few weeks that walks through some of the most popular or interesting solutions that are submitted.

Have fun & good luck! 🙂
00:00 Introduction
00:11 Data Cleansing Challenge
01:06 Data Cleansing Challenge Rules
01:45 Format Cells
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Excellent challenge. I used Power Query and created columns for hours, minutes, and seconds, then combined using #time.


First time ever using Flash Fill. Loved it! Super new to the world of excel and I need to get up to speed super quick for large projects coming down the pipeline.


Done with PQ in 12 steps. Mostly Split/ Merge columns + some custom ones. Excellent challenge indeed :)


nice challenge and flash fill works for this. simple, quick and easy but not dynamic.


Hi Jon.. inspired by Jack Sugrue below, I devised a Power Query solution:
- load table to PQ; duplicate Time column (to preserve a clean original column)
- replace values: hour for hours, minute for minutes, second for seconds (to isolate to 3 delimiters to be used below)
- Extract Text Before Delimiter " hour" to produce column with just the number of hours; if no hours are in Time column, then fields are left blank (will be filled with 0's later)
- Extract Text After Delimiter "hour " to produce a column with what remains to the right of "hour " (preparing for the next Extract Text Before Delimiter step
- rinse and repeat above to isolate the minutes and seconds; again there will be blanks if no minutes or seconds in source column; the trick above is to do the Extract by Advanced.. scan from end
- once each column has been produced with the hours, minutes and seconds, rename the columns accordingly and remove un-needed columns
- select H/M/S columns and Replace empty fields with 0
- add a custom column with the following formula: =#time(Value.FromText([Hours]), Value.FromText([Minutes]), Value.FromText([Seconds])); change the format to time
- deleted all un-needed columns and close and load back to EXCEL; change format of loaded column to: h:mm:ss
The loaded column should be identical to your solution and be representative of the goal of the challenge.. changing the text numbers and words to a true formatted numerical result. That's my PQ solution. I'm a noob at PQ, so there may be better ways to approach it, but it gets the job done. Let me know what you think. Thumbs up!


Great idea Jon.. gets the brain cells working! Using your solution as my inspiration, I designed the following formula, entered in Cell D2 and copied down:
=TIME(IFERROR(LEFT($C2, SEARCH("Hour", $C2)-2), 0), IFERROR(MID($C2, SEARCH("Minute", $C2)-3, 3), 0), IFERROR(MID($C2, SEARCH("Second", $C2)-3, 3), 0))
Looking forward to understanding how to tackle this in Power Query and VBA. Thanks for this excellent and thought provoking challenge! Thumbs up!!


I had no idea I would find string parsing so satisfying with my Accounting/Economics background, but thanks to your posts I'm enjoying what VBA has been able to do for my career.

I went the VBA route. First seeing if the cell contains "hour", "minute", or "second", and then if it does creating a truncated string up to where it finds the keyword so the numbers are at the end of the string. Then I wrote a function to give me the where the first non-numeric character is in the StrReverse of the keyword string. Lastly taking a right(strHour, # from function) converted to long value and putting the TimeSerial results into the offset column.


I have tried flash fill and it works although the data is not consistently have hour, minutes & seconds


Interesting challenge. look forward to the answers. IF hours =IFERROR(MID(C2, 1, IF(FIND("hour", C2, 1)=4, 2, 1)), 0) for minutes =IFERROR(MID(C2, IF(FIND("minute", C2, 1)-3=0, 1, FIND("minute", C2, 1)-3), 2), 0) with seconds simular to minuted. But initialle used minutes and not minute.


Replace Hours/ Minute/ Seconds with ":"
format column as h:mm:ss


=TIME(IFERROR(MID(C2, FIND("hour", C2)-3, 2), IFERROR(MID(C2, FIND("hour", C2)-2, 1), 0)), IFERROR(MID(C2, FIND("min", C2)-3, 2), IFERROR(MID(C2, FIND("min", C2)-2, 1), 0)), IFERROR(MID(C2, FIND("sec", C2)-3, 2), 0)) all cells match your proof. I didn't look at your solution until after I was done. basically the same solution. I went another route and was going to multiply just the numeric values. An hour is 1/24th of a day so you could replace the word 'hour' with '*1/24' etc... then multiiply but I couldn't find a way to take my text string of math and make Excel calculate it.


I like this challenges! it make us think wich is the most efficient way to do things.
i' was doing with vba, but i went with formulas instead (just for fun).
This is how i did it:




Step 4 should be drag above formula to right and down


Hour: =IFERROR(LEFT(C2, FIND("h", C2)-2), 0)
Minute: =IFERROR(MID(C2, FIND("m", C2)-3, 2), 0)
Second: =IFERROR(MID(C2, FIND("sec", C2)-3, 2), 0)
Then put them together: =TIME(Hour, Minute, Second)


This is my solution.
=TIME(IFERROR(TEXT(VALUE(MID(C2, 1, SEARCH("Hour", C2)-1)), "00"), "00"), IFERROR(TEXT(VALUE(MID(C2, MAX(SEARCH("Minute", C2)-3, 1), 2)), "00"), "00"), IFERROR(TEXT(VALUE(MID(C2, MAX(SEARCH("second", C2)-3, 1), 2)), "00"), "00"))


How do I minimize a column like you did in the beginning with D?



1 Copy/Paste column C into Col D

2 Text to Columns - Column D using space as the delimiter.

3 Place the formula: IFERROR(INDEX($D2:$I2, MATCH(J$1, $D2:$I2, 0)-1), 0) in cell J2,

4 Drag above formula to the left and down.

5 Use Time formula on column J, K, L


=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISERROR(FIND("minutes", C2, 1)), "00:", "")&SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISERROR(FIND("hours", C2, 1)), "00:", "")&C2, " hours ", ":"), " minutes ", ":"), " seconds", IF(ISERROR(FIND("seconds", C2, 1)), "00", ""))*1

I think! I could have added a value formula in around a couple of the substitutes rather than assume there are always spaces around the hours and minutes texts. I'm getting lazy....


1 year late 😁
=SUMPRODUCT(TEXT(MID(0&C2, FIND({"h", "m", "se"}, 0&C2&"hmse")-3, 2), "0;;;\0")/24/60^{0, 1, 2})


Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {{"Name", type text}, {"Location", type text}, {"Time", type text}}),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Custom", each Text.Split([Time], " ")),
#"Added Custom1" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom", "Custom1", each if List.ContainsAny([Custom], {"hour", "hours"}) then [Custom] else List.InsertRange([Custom], 0, {0, "hour"})),
#"Added Custom2" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom1", "Custom2", each if List.ContainsAny([Custom1], {"minute", "minutes"}) then [Custom1] else List.InsertRange([Custom1], 2, {0, "minute"})),
#"Added Custom3" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom2", "Custom3", each if List.ContainsAny([Custom2], {"second", "seconds"}) then [Custom2] else List.InsertRange([Custom2], 4, {0, "second"})),
#"Extracted Values" = Custom3", {"Custom3", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ";"), type text}),
#"Split Column by Delimiter" = Table.SplitColumn(#"Extracted Values", "Custom3", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(";", QuoteStyle.Csv), {"hh", "Custom3.2", "min", "Custom3.4", "sec", "Custom3.6"}),
#"Merged Columns" = Column by Delimiter", {{"hh", type text}, {"min", type text}, {"sec", type text}}, "en-GB"), {"hh", "min", "sec"}, Combiner.CombineTextByDelimiter(":", QuoteStyle.None), "Time.1"),
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Merged Columns", {"Name", "Location", "Time", "Time.1"}),
#"Changed Type2" = Other Columns", {{"Time.1", type time}})
#"Changed Type2"
