What To Say When Talking To A Jehovah's Witness

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Episode 1. Have you ever had a conversation with a Jehovah's Witness and were frustrated you couldn't reason logically with them? Do you have friends and family who are members of the Watchtower and want some helpful tips on breaking the indoctrination? In this series of videos I'm providing insight to assist you. And as you know, this is the greatest talking to witnesses tips of all time.

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Ex Jehovah's Witness, Governing Body, pomo, watchtower, former Jehovah's Witness, elder, ministerial servant, ex-pioneer, ex-bethelite, pimo, EXJW, JW
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I hope one day you secretly record one of this convos. I like your un-witnessing style. 🙌🏾


1984. Reduce the vanaculur, reduce the thought process. I feel that heart and soul.


You're doing a great job with your videos. Interesting, informative and well delivered. Thank you for doing what you're doing. ♥️


This Count of Monte Cristo quote sums up my situation and possibly yours: "No, my dear Dantes, I know perfectly well that you are innocent. Why else would you be here? If you were truly guilty there are a hundred prisons in France where they would lock you away. But, Chateau d'if is where they put the ones they're ashamed of."  My family put me in a prison of silence almost immediately when I started questioning things.  No one fought for me- no one engaged in conversation with me... again, very similar experience.


Just clicked, so excited to watch!! Thanks for all the great content, Wally! 🙏🏼💕


Great job, I liked your approach of not revealing you were an exjw, but that you used to be a member of a high control group. And saying that you didn't want to reveal the name was a good idea also.

I have heard many EX Jehovah's Witnesses say that it was a small thing that someone had said years earlier that help them to wake up when the time was right. It just stayed in their mind and grew.


This approach sounds really interesting. My siblings are all "in the truth", and they don't shun me because thankfully I never got baptized. When we talk, I often wish I could say some small thing that will get them thinking. Unfortunately, I usually get really nervous, which makes it difficult to think straight.


Really like your methodology when meeting a JW cart, not being confrontational, not mentioning you are an xjw, but subtlety drawing them out, and getting them to think for themselves & question.
I really think there's great value in developing this in future videos, showing different subjects, prophecies or topics that we can use to wake up our JW family members or JWs we encounter. Thanks Wally!


thanks for the entertaining vid. your thoughtful approach to the subject of conversations is helpful to me.


Love your videos and this one especially showing your tactics with the witnesses, also sorry to hear that you’re being shunned by your family that organisation is so toxic.


Excellent strategies for helping them to use their own critical thinking skills- it’s a gift that keeps on giving.


Love your approach, I might have to give that a try once we're allowed to meet people again.


"He doesn't speak English, he speaks Newspeak." 😂


Loving. your style. That's exactly what I do too. By the time they figure it out, they're already too deep admitting their own lies. David versus Nathan "Rich man Poor man sheep" style, if you know the illustration I'm correlating to.


I heard that one good way to get people to start thinking about their cult is to talk about other cults - like the Mormons or Scientology and what they do. That way, you're not threatening the person's belief system - it's about someone else, but it might plant a seed. Love your vids, Wally! They're doubleplusgood! ;-)


@9:26. When I was in field service saying you “used to be a witness” is grounds for automatically terminating the conversation. Has that changed?


Keep it up, Wally. I'm an exJW who wasted so many years of my life in the cult. I wasn't born in, I'm so glad no other family member was ever a JW. It really sucks how your family is treating you. In a way that's how I treated all my non-JW family when I joined the WT cult. Guess what? When I left the cult they all welcomed me with open arms, regardless the way I treated them.
Whish you the best. And thanks for wanting to help other people get out of the WT. Not all of us exJW have the desire or the patience to do so. Congrats


The issue is that if you are disfellowshipped/disassociated/inactive, Witnesses don’t supposed to talk to you or they will get in trouble. It seems awkward to get people in trouble. I think everyone who wants to learn what Watchtower won’t say have to seek it out on their own. Is this thinking wrong?


Should have met you 40 years ago, would have saved me a lot of pain, smart you are


@11:44. Wait! 🛑. Hold it! Someone asked WHY you are inactive rather than assume you are a pervert who ❤️ living a debauched life? 😳. They spoke to you words other than “Come back to the Kingdom Hall”? 🤯 Was that on planet earth? Or maybe things changed since last I hung out with witnesses.
