LECA Basics for Beginners / LECA 101 Semi Hydroponics | How To Ep 25

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In this video we go over:
How to Use LECA
How to Fertilize LECA
Semi Hydroponics for Houseplants
pH for LECA

0:00 Intro
0:10 What is LECA?
0:22 What is Semi Hydroponics
0:27 Why use LECA?
0:50 LECA decreases chances of Root Rot
1:10 LECA is clean
1:20 Less Gnats with LECA
1:45 How to get started in Semi Hydroponics
2:26 How to convert soil to LECA
3:28 Setting the Plant Height
3:50 LECA Nutrients
4:30 Start Fertilizer Low
5:00 Add Vitamins
5:20 No Need to pH Water
5:30 More Light, More Nutrients
5:52 How much water in LECA
6:05 How to Flush LECA
6:47 Use an Opaque contain if possible!
#LECABasics #HowToLECA #HouseplantCloning
Рекомендации по теме

Finally! A straight to the point simple video. I've watched loads and they look so complicated and it was off putting but this is great. Tap water and only 2 nutrients and no drilling holes this is exactly what I was hoping for as a beginner nice and easy. Thankyou!


the more and more watch and read on leca, the more i just wanna go leca tbh. Soil indoors is just such a big pain in the a.. to be honest. working with soil, having your entire apartment full of soil... and also next year when you repot... well have fun then, also you re constantly repotting stuff and throwing away old soil or when you have pests you have to get rid of the soil and use some new and soil is also very heavy on transportation in large bags. if you could just reuse your stuff over and over again...


I'm the Plant Parent in our house but your videos have converted my husband lol so, thanks bc now it's a hobby we enjoy together.


I'm new to plants and have really enjoyed your educational videos. I like that they are to the point. Hope you have much success in your family run business.


Thank goodness for this video. I have been searching for something this straight forward, omg. It was like the best kept secret lol. No one would get to the point. Thank you!


Leaving for even a few days becomes difficult when you live in a climate that gets below freezing and you have no central heat. Basically when your heat source is a woodstove your house can get cold enough to kill your plants. I have lights to help keep the plant warm and I have heat mats hooked up to thermostats that help keep my plants warm. I have seen thermostats fail and cook plants though. I have seen equipment fill in the opposite direction as well. We’re just plain doesn’t keep the plants and they die from the cold.


This was so helpful . I am currently changing from soil to leca for all of my indoor plants ! I have over 300 so it is a task for sure ! This video helped me so much !!!


Thank you for making this so simple! I'd love to get into leca to deal with less pests and just... soil is such a pain for so many reasons. I've left my props in water for years because they're easier to keep alive, but of course their growth halts from the lack of nutrients, so it's time I get into this!


This was a great video, and I’m glad you said you’ve been doing this for 14 years, too! A lot of people don’t mention their timeframe and it’s like, we don’t know! 😂 they could be blowing hot air… and obviously we know some YouTubers are. Lol, so thanks. Also, it’s interesting how you said plants grow 30-40% faster in LECA & semi hydro than in soil, as I have had the same experience (in both Pon and LECA), yet a lot of people say soil still gives the best growth, overall. I’m torn on that one, and it depends on the plant I guess. I have some large vining poles of aroids, monstera, philos, etc. and they’re all in a potting mix I’ve created. I couldn’t possibly switch them without risking the whole plant and the years of growth. And that’s fine. I think it’s the soil nutrients that are giving them that growth.. and yet I’ve also had a _Monstera adansonii_ in LECA do phenomenally well and get huge. Every node had a leaf, and vice versa! Smaller cuttings and baby plants, placed in semi hydro SOONER rather than later, tend to be the strongest plants imo.


Thank you for this informative video! I’ve watch a few lecca videos and I always felt still confused. Your video encouraged me to just go for it! Definitely ordering ur products as well :)


I e been waiting for someone to simplify this for two years now


Can you use an aerator and/or fish tank filter to recirculate the water and keep it fresh so that you don't have to change it every week or two????



(Edited March 2024)


Well I'm glad I watched this video. I just purchased some leca after seeing these pebbles around and got curious. I was just going to put my cuttings( that I usually keep in glasses of water) straight into it after rinsing the dust off. Didn't think about adding things to the water as well!


I received my kit today. Can't wait to try the nutrients. I will let you know how things are "growing"


Sold! Hahaha looove it! Thank you for this video I just add my order 🙌🏼 Can’t wait!


I just learned about leca. Great tutorial thank you


I love this! Went to your website thinking I might be able to grab the nutrients but unfortunately you only have shipping for USA only. 😢


Always love to have LECA, I always using it into my indoors plants .


I am switching to lecca and because I hate walking around and a random gnat tries to fly up my nose lol. Thanks for the informative video
