Warframe, please DON'T NERF this Mesa!

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In this Warframe Guide, I'll show you the CRAZIEST Build for Mesa that I've seen so far.
With this, your Mesa will dominate Steel Path and be completely invincible.
We're going to go over the Mods that this Build needs, her skills, how she needs to be played as well as how the entire Warframe setup synergizes.

This Warframe Guide is inspired by the works of TheKengineer, WarframeFlo, KnightmareFrame, Grind Hard Squad and many more...

► Chapters:
0:00 - This Mesa is INSANE!
0:30 - Mesa's Skills
1:31 - Regulators
3:12 - +375% FIRE RATE
5:05 - Getting RED CRITS
7:59 - The most BROKEN part
9:13 - Modding Secondary & Melee
10:36 - Setting up the buffs
11:36 - Modding Mesa
16:00 - Build adjustmanets


► Tags:
Warframe Mesa,
Warframe Guide,
Warframe Mesa Guide,
Warframe Mesa Prime,
Mesa Prime,
Warframe Mesa Build,
Warframe Mesa Prime Build,
Warframe Mesa Steel Path Build,
Warframe Mesa Steel Path,
Mesa Steel Path,
Warframe Mesa Mods,
Warframe Steel Path Builds,
warframe 2023,
warframe guide,
warframe mesa farm 2023,
warframe mesa fire rate,
warframe mesa prime build 2023
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How do you play your Mesa?
Quick corrections regarding the vid:
1. Unfortunately only Wyrm PRIME can get over 1200 Shields, not the normal one :/
2. You can have Combat Discipline at max rank because the damage reduction from Mesa's 3 applies to this aswell making it safe.
Thank you for pointing these out 😉


fun fact, saying " please don't nerf this" then saying that it's "broken and /busted" may result in the develovpers nerfing said build.


2:26 Regulators
16:12 Wyrm
15:56 Mesa
10:19 Bronco
10:32 Furax
7:43 Vulcax (Wyrm gun)
13:10 extra Wyrm mod explanations


Been away 6 years. Blown away by how much has changed and the build breadth and depth achievable. It's amazing and overwhelming at the same time.


Cool build, two notes though:
- Shatter Shield actually reduces damage taken from Combat Discipline and due to rounding it actually prevents any damage up to and including R4 Combat Discipline (at R5 you only take 1 damage per kill with Shatter Shield active). You can even see in the video that killing enemies doesn't chip her health in the slightest. Since you should already always have Shatter Shield on, this means you can use R4 Combat Discipline, giving you +8 capacity, which just so happens to be the exact amount that an Umbral Forma saves you, so you can avoid using it in this build. As to the interaction with Arcane Avenger - worry not, even taking 0 health damage still counts as taking health damage, so there's no issue with activating it. If this interaction is a bug, it might or might not get fixed sometime in the future, but for now we can use it to our advantage.

- It might be worth considering to use 2 green shards in place of 2 of the orange ones, to get a total of +4 max corrosive stacks. This makes the crits slightly weaker (on Mesa's Regulators it ends up being 25% less final crit chance), however for unarmored enemies, that crit chance isn't really needed, as this build is an overkill for anything not protected by armor. 2 green shards however, make it possible to fullstrip enemies, so long as you use corrosive on your Regulators. This (especially in longer SP runs) ends up yielding much higher DPS than making that extra crit chance and the +75% corrosive damage bonus vs Ferrite Armor (which you ofc lose once the target is stripped). So, if you're willing to accept seeing slightly less red crits to instead melt heavily armored enemies much more quickly, green shards are probably what you'd wanna go with.


If u somehow want even more firerate, equip the afentis as the primary. Use only the secondary fire that throws the spear down forming a bubble, when in the bubble you get decreased recoil, and 100% increase in firerate and reload speed. His speargun can be throw down as many times as u want.


"please DON'T NERF this Mesa!" Proceeds to list off perfect synergy and tailor made builds that requires not just a melee but also a secondary and a companion dedicated to the build. If they nerf it they got something personal.


15:56 for Mesa

Combat discipline+ Mesa's Waltz
Rolling guard - primed Redirection - umbral intensify - primed continuity
Primed flow - adaption - equilibrium - blind rage.
Arcane velocity and avenger.


Honestly the build lost me when asking to use not only the bronco, but asking me to get finisher kills. I’d rather stick to ceramic dagger and use a good secondary too.


Mesa should be known as “Body Regulating Unit”


I realise this is an older Video and you might have found out yourself already. but if you use archon continuity on your Mesa, you only have to add toxin to the regulators in order to get corrosive ON TOP of the Toxin damage. so 2 Status effects with only ONE elemental mod on the regulators, that gives you the option to add a Base Damage mod like hornet strike.
some arcanes work while other dont. Precision works but Fortifier doesnt, Deadhead works and havent tried encumber yet.
you can use a sentinel as a Status spreader. using Verglas you can easily spread cold and freeze entire groups or if you add toxing to it, you will spread viral, the companion bond mods are crucial for that, as MHB has done in this video, I would recommend replacing her first with nourish and spreading cold with Nautilus and Verglas, . I also use the muzzle flash augment to blind enemies permanently which incapacitates them completely and applies the stealth dmg multiplier. Replace Anemic Agility with Accelerated Isotop so that instead of losing damage you add to it, that one mod makes a huge difference in the end because not only are you adding to the total damage but also apply another status effect which boosts the dmg buff from galvanized shot. now you apply 3 different types of status effects with just your regulators; toxin, corrosive and radiation. then Cold from the sentinel and Viral from Nourish. plus whatever status effects the enemies try to apply to you by reflecting their bullets with your 3rd.


dude, this is insane, this is building, you are insane, keep going like this


>Be me
>Doesnt have bronco cause its shit nor augment due to 4 years gap
>checks my weapons and realises Zakti opens to finisher when it detonates


I have recently started building Mesa after i finally finished building my Wisp, so this video came like a godsend for me! Thank you for your hard work as always Blacky 👍


there is a crazy thing you can do called ‘properly modding your mesa and favourite weapons’ which works just as well and takes no setup at all


4:00 apparently the normal Wyrm only has a base shield of 250 (875 with primed redirection). So i guess, i have to wait for my foundry to complete Wyrm Prime :')


Vulpaphylas and hounds can both get reinforced and tenacious bond with full uptime, and hounds can status prime really well, while vulps can keep the buffs active while downed and in sentinel mode


TIL that Combat Discipline can proc health damage triggers. This opens up so many weird build ideas


fun fact you can actually boost firerate even more using afentis as your primary because of its unique trait for another +
20 percent firerate


Spend 10 minutes building finisher kills ---> its an extermination mission that my teammates did in 40 seconds.
