Where Does Faith Come from?

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Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.


Faith is a gift from God therefore we cannot boast in it but only in Him. Amen


Faith is the greatest gift God has ever given me. Without faith alone, Jesus Christ is too far from me to be saved.


"So, what do you have faith in? That is important. You cannot have total faith in an idea of self if you have looked at yourself honestly because you are not consistent in your thinking or behavior. What is worthy of trust must be consistent. It must be strong. It must be good. It must always be there.

There are only two things in life that qualify for this—two things. One is Knowledge, which is the part of you that is part of God. The other is God, or all the Knowledge in the universe, if you want to say it like that. Some people do not like the word God; it brings back memories of childhood or something, but we talk about God anyway.

So, there are only two things worthy of your faith. Having faith in your Knowledge restores your own value to yourself. If you can follow it, it will demonstrate its reality to you. It can only do that if you follow it. Having faith in God restores your relationship with life and with the universe. So, you have part of God within you that you must reclaim and you have relationship with life that you must reclaim. Here you begin to build a foundation for true happiness. Here your life makes sense and you realize why you are the way you are. You have been specially made for something that you have not discovered yet. Until you realize this to be true, you are always trying to be like other people and are angry about it, and those people you are trying to be like will always have great influence over you, which will cause much conflict. You will never be at ease around people whom you emulate. This all produces conflict. This makes relationships very unstable.

You don’t discover Knowledge all at once. It comes to you in increments. Each part must be accepted. Why? Because it changes your idea of self slowly. People often have big experiences. These experiences produce only a little tiny change in idea of self, and people think that they have gone through some kind of metamorphosis. Only a little change in self seems so big to them. They begin to experience things a little differently perhaps, but it is only the beginning of change because who you are is not your idea of self. Who you are is only using your idea of self, but you must go past the idea of self to see this and to know this to be true.

Why am I here with you? Because you have come into the world to reclaim yourself in the world. This is not the path of personal fulfillment. You do not meet all of your criteria for being a wonderful, perfect, magnificent person. It is more of an undoing than a doing. It is more about letting go than taking on. When you begin to experience yourself more directly, then you will be in a position to take on real responsibility in life. So, here I am talking about the idea of self, but it is only a temporary expedient because to experience me you must know me in a very deep place in yourself, or I am merely a phenomenon that you either like or do not like, agree with or do not agree with. It does not matter. It is all at the surface only. Deep within you, where real experience emerges, there is true relationship. That is also the case between yourself and others. You may have been together for many years, intimately, and not have touched each other yet—really touched, really experienced relationship very deeply, beyond understanding the relationship, beyond behavior and shared interests.

You see, what I am talking about is where all of the goodies are! Everything else is just stimulation, something to keep you occupied momentarily to ward off insecurity. That is not bad. It is simply not very important. Within each person, there is the expression of their true Knowledge. It is to bring this forth in the midst of all other ideas, influences and tendencies that is the purpose of our being here together.

You can only have faith in Knowledge and in God. Knowledge is God in you. God is Knowledge in the universe. Why fear? Because you are afraid you won’t know who you are. People jump off a bridge and say, “I am doing this to tell you all who I am! To make you remember my idea of myself.” If an idea of self becomes too damaged or destroyed and you do not have Knowledge, you can go crazy and try to kill yourself because your idea of self is too small to fit you. That is why when people begin to open to greater experience, they must have true support and assistance because at times they will not know who they are as they eclipse their idea of self to find the True Self. That is why we have always discouraged people from attempting to do this on their own. You cannot do this on your own. This takes you beyond yourself. This brings you into true relationship with other people."

*Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1* » Chapter 29: Faith and Fear


Faith is the best thing that the Lord has ever given me, it's a privilege to be loved by the Lord and to serve Him, believe in Him because in my heart, mind and soul I know He exist and is the creator and most powerful one and only God in my sight!. Thank you Lord for all u do for me!


God has given us the capacity to believe and trust (faith).
God has also given us the mind to obtain an awareness of His reality in order that we might have faith in and towards God.

Therefore faith that is a gift becomes active only when we have been convinced of God’s reality that gives reason towards why we exist, and how we we exist through the functioning of or faith.


thank you Lord for the gift of your faith let us only boast in you


Faith is the assurance of things hope for and the conviction of their reality perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.


The Lord is near, the season is now! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!


The gift is salvation not faith. God gives us the gift of salvation if we place our faith in him.


Believing is not a work! Everyone believes; the question is upon whom/what do you believe? Believing God’s Word takes no more work or effort than believing an opposing message. The difference is not in who is believing (we are all believing something). We ALL can believe. If you believe God, you will receive from Him. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are unable to believe, or that other people may be unable to believe. If a person can hear the Word of God, they can believe. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t see and recognize spiritual truth before you are saved.


We are given the opportunity to exercise faith just like we are given the opportunity to be alive on earth- He decided we should live and He gave us the opportunity to believe while on earth. We had nothing to do with that. No one can brag about their response to God- if one person believes and another rejects God’s Word, they have both done the same amount of “work.” The difference is that the one who believes and acts upon it in obedience will RECEIVE! There is no bragging allowed, even for those who reject Calvinism. The reason salvation is called a gift and not wages is because we have not earned it- we have been given something we have not earned by merely believing and obeying. It is an inheritance, not wages due! However sin will receive what it has earned.
Piper assuming that those who believe God has given us *all* the opportunity to believe have something to boast about is an error. In fact, Calvinists are MORE tempted to boast because they believe that they have been selected above others by God to be the believers and there is no known avenue by which we can interact with God in a way that would influence his choice of us. It is cruel. It is not of God. God created earth to be a place where interaction can occur, where we are able to choose to receive or decline a gift. Choosing to accept or decline take the same ability- hearing- which we were all born with the God-given ability to do.


The answer is in Acts 3:16.
the faith which is by Him.


"Where Does Faith Come from?"

Kind Sir...I believe that God (who IS Jesus) sends His Holy Spirit...the moment...(Sorry for the VERY extremely "comment". But I do believe it NEEDS to be espoused)

ANY one comes out of the womb. With the Holy Spirit urging them; with a soft sweet voice; ensconced into their heart, soul and mind. And the Holy Spirit will NEVER stop urging this; UNTIL one accepts the Free Gift of Everlasting life; OR they draw their last breath.

Now...IF that person never hears and/or refuses to accept that "FREE Gift" from Heaven; AND that person dies; that person Will go to hell on "Judgment Day"! NO exceptions. But...

...IF that Heavenly (and soft Godly "voice"); is heard (at any age) plain and clear; and they accept it; the Holy Spirit showers them with "Spiritual Faith" in that person. To which they are heard; by Jesus in Heaven.

And the moment Jesus "deems": that person is sincere in their Faith; Jesus commands the Holy Spirit to "Circumcise" their heart; and "Baptizes" their Soul. And from that second on; that person does ANY thing regardless; they WILL go to Heaven; on Judgment Day. It is called "OSAS!"*

However, the duties of the Holy Spirit does NOT go away; when any one accepts the gift. For the HS will guide, lead and direct us to NOT sin until death. Rather: become "Righteous!". Sadly, NO one has ever obeyed that totally. That means, "tears, sorrow, pains and finally deaths!" through out our lives.

But those Jesus' punishments; CAN be lessened. Even though there is NO "sinLESS" person from Creation. Because of satan's powerful, temptational "desires" to sin. But...IF that person obeys this...

Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

...and IF that person does pray often about that verse; He will run interference against that 'ole "Devil". And that person will have his sins lessened. According to how sincere; that person is when praying to Jesus. IE: All the way from NOTHING; to a myriad of Joyous, Happy and Peaceful life. Proof?

For 75 yrs, I did NOT do that! And my Born Again Christian Life; was Hell on earth. But when I began often pray; about what Jesus said in Mathew 6:13; every thing began better. And today (15 yrs from 75) I live in a Joyful, Happiness and Peaceful surrounding. That I could never describe. Because I have more money than ever before. And on and on and on! Ad-infinitum!

Believe it or not. Try it Brethren! So end of Story and I rest me case...

...In any case kind Sir, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!

* "Once Saved Always Saved". John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

(That means; NOT even their own selves! For the Holy Spirit will NOT let it happen)

Finally: IF any one says, I used to be a Christian or I lost my faith, etc; Jesus would say "I never knew you!". For Jesus said in Matthew 7:23 Then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.



Faith is something that all humans can exercise. If you have been physically born- even spiritually dead in our trespasses as we all begin, you can have faith. If you hear the Word of God, and if you are physically alive on earth, HAVE FAITH. You may!!! It is a gift from God to the world that we ALL may be saved through faith!! Faith is the path from death to life. It is open to you, physically alive yet spiritually dead! All of you. If you can physically hear (read, receive a message), you are ABLE by the grace of God to exercise faith- believing what you have heard. Reject the idea that only some are given faith! It is not of God. Faith comes by HEARING! Can the spiritually dead hear? Yes, they can, so they are able to BELIEVE! Have faith! God loves you and says to repent and believe… believe it! God says faith comes BY HEARING the Word of God. Why do you think God chose a physical ability to be the door by which faith comes? Because we ALL have that physical door!! Listen, and believe!


I honestly don’t see Eph 2:8 the same way as pastor John.
I see that Salvation, the fact that we are saved by Grace as the gift not faith being the gift in this specific verse


Please make sure Piper sees this: “If you realized the worth of the unborn you would’ve had no problem voting for the man who worked tirelessly to end it. Imagine yourself in the year 1700. A candidate was running who was working tirelessly to end the slave trade. Alas, he had a vulgar streak, one that was magnified by a media that was overwhelmingly pro-slavery. Can you imagine writing your letter of 10-22-2020 about him? I can. And it hurts me deeply. John, you would’ve with held support in favor of slavery.”


A gift is not a gift if its forcely given to a receiver who has no choice but to receive it or die.
To those that didnt receive this forced gift also dies for no fault of their own.
Doesnt this make the giver of such a gift responsible for who goes to heaven or hell? Didnt he determine the fall of Adam and Eve? This is not the God of the Bible I serve. Faith is given to me and I am able to apply it to God of the Bible or to other gods. I choose God back as He chose me first. He loved me first.


So why does the Calvinist God hate people, discriminate against them and deny them the gift of faith?


In new testament came from Jesus Christ the question is? T whom responsible or capable to do first the great comission of God mateo28:19-20 only the apostles not team of osas that's why the fulfillment of titles acts2:38-40 peter said keep away from untoword or wicked generation why wicked because their sins not be forgiven and no holy spirit guides for them of osas teaching.
