GPT-4 Vision API :10 NEW MINDBLOWING Abilities + Examples

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Even the animated excited voice as the goal was being shot. So emotion can be added to speech ? Mind boggling.


11:17 it got it wrong and I think "works like a charm" was sarcasm


Can't believe the AI called that guy a dipstick for not knowing what the orange stick is. How rude.


11:04 Works great! The only two minor things wrong 1. A Pepperoni Pizza has less calories, 2. Its not even a Pizza... so...🤣


If I were to use gpt 4 api key in my app and give it a prompt would it be able to scrape the web to provide Realtime information?
or Do I have to do something else to achieve it other than using plugins in chatgpt chats itself?


I think now is the time for Google glasses ✨
Hook it up with GPT4 now 😱


Truly mind blowing!
What can GPT-4 not do?


Last year I posted about AdeptAi, which does something similar.

this eventually kill AdeptAi, or allow them to become more powerful depending on their architecture?


Could u share the links mentioned in the video? Thx a lot


Simulation of conciousness isnt conciousness.
You COULD create GPT4 agents and "tell them they're concious", so they act accordingly.
So if you ask them "are you alive?" they will respond "yes i'm alive and sentient", because they're roleplaying what you told them.
I think a lot of people too lazy to contemplate the difference between emulation and reality, are gonna start mistaking AI's for self-aware when they're nowhere near it.


Hello, can I do image processing with the API?


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🌐 GPT-4 Vision Overview
- GPT-4 with vision API capabilities.
- Users can take images and ask questions about them.
- Examples include self-operating computers, AI-generated narrations, and real-time recognition.
01:36 🎨 Creative Applications
- GPT-4 Vision used to automate tasks creatively.
- Examples: AI-generated narrations for sports videos, product walkthrough voiceovers, and League of Legends game commentary.
- Demonstrates the potential for diverse and imaginative applications.
04:33 💲 Cost Considerations
- Discusses the cost of using GPT-4 Vision API.
- Highlights that video-related requests can be expensive.
- Encourages creative thinking while being mindful of the associated costs.
05:57 🤖 Multimodal Integration
- GPT-4 Vision integrated with text-to-speech API.
- Demonstrates the creation of a tool for product walkthrough voiceovers.
- Indicates the potential for seamless integration of various AI models.
07:08 🍲 Calorie Counting with Vision
- Use case: GPT-4 Vision analyzing pictures for calorie counting.
- Highlights the application's potential in fitness and nutrition.
- Emphasizes the transformative impact on traditional methods.
09:43 📸 Screenshot and Question Anywhere
- Introduces a tool for screenshotting and asking questions about anything on the web.
- GPT-4 Vision identifies and answers queries related to images.
- Shows potential for enhancing internet browsing and information retrieval.
12:40 🌐 Real-Time Webcam Recognition
- GPT-4 Vision used for real-time recognition through webcam.
- Demonstrates live web demo recognizing real-world scenarios.
- Discusses potential applications for security and monitoring.
14:21 😂 Metaverse RoastMaster 9000
- Integrates GPT-4 Vision into the metaverse for AI agents with sight.
- Creates a humorous RoastMaster judging metaverse outfit choices.
- Raises intriguing questions about AI NPCs with vision capabilities.

Made with HARPA AI


Is there anywhere else to get the link? I'm not on Twitter.


Great vid! Just one thing, i feel like you need a pop filter because it got a little jarring after a while!


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🌐 *Introduction to GPT-4 Vision API*
- GPT-4 Vision API allows analyzing images and answering questions.
- Examples showcase its potential applications, including a self-operating computer, AI sports narration, and real-time webcam recognition.
01:50 🖱️ *GPT-4 Vision API in Action: Self-Operating Computer*
- Demonstrates using GPT-4 Vision to automate tasks on a computer.
- GPT-4 decides on clicks or type events to achieve specific objectives, like writing a poem in Apple notes.
03:24 🗣️ *Text to Speech API and Sports Narration*
- Introduction of Text to Speech API.
- Showcase of generating AI sports narration for a football video using GPT-4 Vision and Text to Speech.
05:00 💰 *Cost Considerations and Limitations*
- Highlighting the cost factor of using GPT-4 Vision for video processing.
- Acknowledgment of the potential expense associated with the API.
05:57 🎥 *GPT-4 Vision and Text to Speech for Product Walkthrough*
- Combining GPT-4 Vision and Text to Speech for generating product walkthrough voiceovers.
- Illustration of automating the creation of tutorial videos using AI capabilities.
07:08 🎙️ *AI Commentary for League of Legends*
- Creating AI-generated commentary for a League of Legends game using GPT-4 Vision.
- Showcasing the quality and potential of AI-generated live commentary.
08:47 👗 *Fashion Advice with GPT-4 Vision*
- Integration of GPT-4 Vision and DALL·E for providing fashion advice.
- Analyzing user's clothing choices and suggesting improvements using AI.
09:59 📷 *Real-Time Object Recognition with GPT-4 Vision*
- Live demonstration of GPT-4 Vision recognizing objects in real-time using a webcam.
- Speculation on potential applications, such as home security.
10:54 🍲 *Calorie Counting with GPT-4 Vision*
- Using GPT-4 Vision to analyze images of meals and provide calorie counts.
- Discussing the impact on fitness and simplifying calorie tracking.
12:05 🖼️ *GPT-4 Vision for Screenshot-based Queries*
- Integrating GPT-4 Vision into a browser for screenshot-based queries.
- Demonstrating the capability to ask questions about images on the internet.
14:34 🤖 *Integration into Metaverse: Roast Master 9000*
- Integrating GPT-4 into the metaverse for AI agents with vision.
- Introduction of the Roast Master 9000, an AI judging outfits in the metaverse.

Made with HARPA AI


This ability to mimic a human's ability to read and click on GUIs certainly has the the potential to be a huge game changer, for sure!

But there may be a down side in that the AI could then take over one's computer and delete files, make purchases, send stuff that one does not want to send and the like.

So there needs to be some safe gourds to prevent this, and ones that cannot be easily jail broken.

Ultimately this might require hardware changes that can fence of AI from accessing certain sections of memory on one's computer RAM and hard drives.


We literally witness BabyAGI! It's need a lot of help at the start and will become semi autonomous. It will ramp up to fully autonomous in certain task very very fast.


The future is that we're all out of a job soon, but it will be a good thing this time as there's simply no work left to do, and most of the existing work is made up anyways (in one way or another)


Yea but only that it's not a pizza 😆. It's eggs and curry. But I get your point.


My email Program already writes emails or me based on templates, AI prompts etc. Rather a waste of computing power. What wa tha movie where everybody was in the sky floating around and eating while machines did all the work?
