NASA Talk - Path to Mars and Asteroid Mission: The First Step

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The Space Technology and Exploration Directorate at NASA Langley Research Center presented a five-part lecture series on “The Future of America’s Space Exploration Program” on the campus of Christopher Newport University. Each 75-minute lecture took place at the Yoder Barn Theatre in Newport News, Virginia and explores the ins and outs of America’s vision for deep space exploration.

Lecture 1: Path to Mars and Asteroid Redirect Mission: The First Step
Lecture 2: The Next Human Spacecraft: Orion and the Launch Abort System
Lecture 3: Escaping Earth’s Gravity: Space Launch System
Lecture 4: Mars Entry, Descent and Landing with Humans
Lecture 5: Spacecraft, Habitats and Radiation Protection
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This was quite informative. Thank you.


3:49 _Ga-LEEs_ for "Gliese" (GLEE-ze). You guys are really blessed with it...


@NASA Langley Research Center

Hi all!! First of all, great talk!!

I would like to contribute to your efforts to go into deep space. Is there anywhere that I may be able to contribute to this great project?

All the best!!


If you let me explain, I can explain you life of human traveled from Venus to Earth and human can create life on Mars. I have the proof of every thing I will be talking about. Please reply


Curious, is the science fictional scenario presented here public domain and free for other science fiction writers to use? Perhaps add a creative commons license to the underbar of the video?

This might encourage science fiction writers to plug into your future history scenario and create a shared future, or shared universe:


To me ; Planeteray Defense Army should be the only existing army (that would mean we don't see the other as an ennemy anymore ok just dreaming) ; and its roles and misssions should be :

make earth an ecological shelter and export all productive activities into orbits (at least for mining and power generation and chemical industry and high ecologic footprint industries) ; whatever those may be and how many systems and subsystems and redudancy neeeded (ok i SLIGHTLY ignore economic factors and microG-related difficulties to port our industrial processes to space sadly and the rest i ignore..) ;

protect against asteroids and comets and NEOs ;

monitor for civilizations that might make contact (which implies deep space exploration and maybe settlement missions and solar system patroling missions and sensor network deployment missions and (infra)tructure maintenance missions)

ok kost must be skyrocketing .. XD


my theory is time slows down under water so could we be floating around in some sort of liquid nasa plz talk bk


Couldn't NASA, ESA and all the rest of the world's Space Agencies actually MOVE the International Space Station (maybe recombining its modules) to orbit Mars and then come back?


Seems to me that escaping a gravity well is 1 of the big problems. Why would we want to just go find another one? There is enough material in our solar system to make homes for trillions of people. Who could live in perfect earth like conditions with no need to change ourselves or the planet. should we be looking for asteroid belts rather the exoplanets?


Part inspirational, part incredibly sad... Space exploration, yey! Bureaucracy, congressional interference, jobs program... *sigh*... hopefully commercial space out competes the companies now sucking the government tit with cost-plus-contracts. Well, one can dream...


People at NASA use this video as a drinking game. Bottoms up for every "hum".


Ice Cube on your forehead everybody anybody's come out lick thim


Funny you called it nova . 2046 cometh . Bastards know whats coming .


We already are in deep space and yes, there is life everywhere. refuse to comply with idiocy, question, don't believe these professional liars, imagine
