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Join me, DiagnoseDan, as I tackle the challenge of diagnosing a BMW diesel that's throwing some puzzling EGR fault codes. In this episode, I walk you through every step, from verifying the initial complaint to the nitty-gritty of pinpointing the issue. While that check engine light might play hide and seek, the stored fault codes have a tale to tell. With a mix of technical know-how and a dash of humor, I'll show you the hurdles of dealing with an elusive EGR valve problem and the crucial role of a meticulous visual inspection. But here's the catch: what's really causing these fault codes? And how can you ensure the EGR valve is installed without a hitch? I've got the insights, but the final solution? Well, that's a secret you'll have to watch the video to uncover. Let's roll up our sleeves and diagnose it together!

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I am a technician and so when you asked the question "Should the EGR valve be open or closed during DPF regeneration?" and I didn't immediately know I thought huh? How come I've never had to consider that before? Good question.
But what I do know about EGRs is they allow spent gases to occupy some of the combustion chamber therefor reducing exhaust temperatures and NOx emissions as a result.
What I know about DPF regeneration is the temperatures are extremely high to break down the hydrocarbons clogging the filter.
Logically then: The EGR should be closed during a DPF regen. But I imagine there are specific circumstances in the mapping that will allow for it to be open maybe some of the time.

Good video again Dan. You're a legend and obviously really know your stuff.


I'm a BMW tech and done to the letter. Not to mention the EGR cooler issues. We also carry out an air mass test via ISTA to confirm repair. Very interested in the Top Don machine have used the Pheonix Elite very impressed .


I'm so glad I found your YouTube account a few years ago, everything you do seems so easy and professional. I work as an educator in car mechanics and sometimes I make my students watch some of your videos and answer questions, keep doing what you do! Best regards, Jake!


You are armed with the knowledge and the right tools and you know how to use them! You would make a great weatherman I am sure.


The best and most interesting technician on youtube, need more big dan, 1 video a day should keep everyone happy.. thankyou sir..


I know it's late but maybe some people don't like to scroll and read below. EGR should be closed, while burning clean the DPF - so the hot gasses help by burning. Also all-in-all EGR only should be open on the low range of the RPM, hence DPF regen is done above 3000 RPM, and EGR really only "helps" with low RPM acceleration (if ever)!
Now to my question - I have the "dreaded" code 4521 (1296) on my 2004 E46 320d, 150 Hp, Eu3 engine but Eu4 exhaust system from factory. Multiple sources told me it is the turbo, but my engine itself doesn't consume any oil, and runs fine in lower gears even above 3000 RPM, when up a hill it just hits the sweet spot - usually above 130 KM/H in 6th gear and goes into limp mode.
Is that a sign of a bad actuator - or should I get the whole turbo checked out? Or can that be only a bad vacuum line?
Thanks for any ideas, or answers! Great channel!!


I like how you explain everything. Unlike other channels like this where i get bored, this is quite enterntaining and informative.


Hi Dan!
I actually read the instructions if I work on something for the first time .
I always learn something from you.


The cars are so well made nowadays, that it's amazing,
they inteligently manage to carefully design and make a simple 2 bolt EGR valve that you absolutely need a 1000 euro computer to allow you to tighten those 2 bolts,
just amazing


Thanks man, Interesting those EGR valves.
When I bought my iQ in 2010 the EGR was draining from before the catalyst, from the exhaust. These were the then " older" model iQ's (till second half 2010) . After some strong discussion with Toyota Holland they replaced the EGR valve, that now was draining after the catalyst. All the newer models from second half 2010 had it in this way.
The older models had some problems due to the placement of the EGR valve. I think owners in England went to court about this. Cars would randomly stop having power and go in limp-mode.
After a lot of discussion here in Holland with Toyota, they exchanged the valve and catalyst. For free.
It has never been a recall action. Weirdly.


Most enjoyable channel on YouTube for auto Perfectly explained in detail with entertaining commentary.
These EGR valves have similar issues with many vehicles including Ford and Toyota. Lots of YouTube videos on the cleaning process but these repairs seldom last. Thank you for producing the best diagnostic videos of all. Please keep them coming...!


I like Dan. Why. Because he don't waste time to talk a lot. Straight into troubleshooting. Thank You so much


Dan, you are 100 percent right in your diagnosis, and fitting of this part, i am a BMW tech of 30 years, as you know BMW are on a masive EGR cooler recall, the last few EGR recalls have being change the Valves and program the car, then was change just the EGR coolers, now it change EGR coolers with valves as well, i suspect the cat will be due for that recall .


Love the bloopers, I have been putting them in my videos for several months now with positive results. They want to see that we are not perfect.


Interesting that YouTube just notified me 4 weeks after you uploaded this video! Not sure what’s up with that! Yep all notifications selected! Thanks for the video Dan.


Something new you learn every day. I wonder how many people have been fitting them wrong all this time. 👍👍👍👍👍


EGR valve should be closed during dpf regeneration, then all heat will come thru dpf to help gain particulars burning temperature. Another great video Dan!


Let me just say that Harbor Freight sells a set of security bits, and the one they sell for cheap has a whole set of torque bits in it. I recently used a T40 to remove a bolt from a throttle body on a 96 Cadillac DeVille. It didn't need the security hole in the middle for it but it was the only T40 I had. You never know when you'll need a bit that needs a hole in the middle to work on something. You don't see them often but you don't need one until you need one!


During the DPF regeneration cycle, some diesel gets sprayed by the injectors on the exhaust stroke, to help burn off the soot caught in the DPF. EGR valve would need to be closed. Always love your videos man! Greetings from South Africa!


I've been through the same exact thing but the scan tools I had did not have the feature to put the EGR into the fitting position, I had to work out which wires were for the actuator and simply supplied them with 12V while I fitted it, and fitted it quick because who knows what duty cycle the EGR actuator is designed for, but it worked, the only other thing you didn't say, and this could be my memory here as it was a while back is that I recall using a diag tool to tell the ECU it had a new EGR valve fitted, which is common these days.
