Why so many companies fail to inspire employees

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If you want people to work hard for you, it's on you to find a way to inspire them. 

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Not everyone wants to be a boss. Some people just want to pay their bills without stressing at work.


Many moons ago I got a sit down where I was told my productivity went down and this could affect my future with the company.
I said what future? You have passed over me twice for promotions even though I complete all my work early or on time and help others. My reviews are all stellar and my contributions to the company and other employees are noted and appreciated.
Not only did you give a job that I have been covering for the last 6 months to somebody from the outside, they needed to be trained to do a job I was doing just fine. As one coworker pointed out to me you have not promoted within for the last 6 appointments.
So my future with this company does not exist. I was going to give you my two week notice next week but since we are here now this is my official notice to you. I will follow up with an email and official letter to hr on Monday
Monday comes around and I bring my letter to HR. They say I should reconsider. Im up for the next promotion and I’m valued.
I said if that was true you would have given me the last promotion that you gave to an untrained outsider.
I did my two weeks and never looked back


A lot of companies/bosses still seem to work on the old "the beatings will continue until morale improves" basis.


I'm just going to say it, if the promotion the boss is offering doesn't come with benefits close to the benefits increase I can get by letting the competition poach me from you, it isn't worth the effort to get that promotion.


Very often that promotion is just a hollow promise, a carrot in a stick that's constantly moving further away and the more you chase it, the more you lose of your life outside of work... All so they can discard you the moment you burn out... Corporations don't care about you, they only want to milk you for what you're worth and when you're at your lowest or least productive, they'll replace you... And the cycle repeats...


Boss: "You don't want to get promoted?"
Me: "I've been killing myself the last 3 years and no promotion. If going above and beyond isn't enough for a promotion then I'm just going to work my wage."


When I still had a salaried job, I realized that hard work doesn't really pay off. Always being willing to help doesn't pay off. Sacrificing your free time for the company doesn't pay off. Always being willing to exchange shifts when no one else can doesn't pay off. Answering the phone on your days off doesn't pay off.

When you're like this, you become way too comfortable to your employer. Eventually, it's easier for them to just keep you where you are, where they've come to expect you to do anything. That's why they won't promote you - because they will have to find someone to replace you. Someone who will not care about their work-life balance. Someone who is always willing to exchange shifts, even if that will eventually ruin their health. Someone who is always willing to take an extra shift or another project. Someone who is willing to do things that are not in the job description.

Do not be that person. I was. I was never promoted, even though that was promised to me more than once. On the other hand, I was once chastised by one of my bosses when I got caught in a traffic jam because of a car crash on the street. My boss wasn't having it. He humiliated me in front of everyone who was at the workplace.
Two weeks later they laid me off. I was literally going to give my resignation when they told me I was the only one they could get rid of, because I had no family and no children.
That was helpful to me, though. I was going to give them my resignation, but if I had done that, I wouldn't be entitled to unemployment benefits - which I was.


I just saw one of your Shorts where an outsider was given the promotion previously promised to a staff member. If management wants you to care about promotions they have to deal them out to staff.


The problem is there is never an actual promotion coming.


Promotion: 10% salary raise, no O/T, unlimited work hours, more responsibilities.
No thanks.


I recently stopped working full time at a retail location, taking a part time place in the company. When I was young, full time was offered with certain perks. You could expect 40-50 hours a week. You had benefits. There was a certain amount of say over your hours and part timers would be flexed in around you. Sure we had more duties, but we were given more freedom to do the work, as long as scheduled tasks were met. Now in my 40’s, part times sign an availability form, while full timers must have open availability and often can expect a call in. Our hours are now 30-40 without the possibility of any overtime. Even part time gets some benefits. It is better to have two part time jobs you can control than a full time job.


Bingo! And companies still do not realize that constantly beating them down is counter productive.

A friend of mine owns an office style employment. He and his business partner let the staff pick out paint colors, flooring, furniture placement, kitchen(s), artwork and just about everything the staff had a say in their work environment.

Nobody ever leaves. Everyone loves their job. They work hard and play hard. Knowing they have an employer that has their back, their co workers pitch in too if there is an emergency. They know if they had an emergency, they would be supported too.

Granted this works on a small scale. Moving to a larger company will take a bit more planning.


My last job in the corporate sphere I was so worn down by all of the bs, I just showed up and did my job the last two years. I had been passed over for a promotion and absolutely hated working there. It was only after I’d made the decision to work for myself and started preparing to make that happen that I finally felt peace. 5 months prior to my target quitting date, I was informed my job was eliminated and I was offered a lower rung position (non salary) doing the same job for the same pay. I was informed there were 3 of the 14 positions eliminated that were converted to hourly that were being offered. And, that my boss fought hard to keep me. As much as I appreciated that, I made the choice to leave. Never regretted it, even though it significantly impacted my earnings. Sometimes freedom is better.


I'm good. Pay me more and i might work more.

My last pay raise was absolute garbage after a year if hard work and a few extra hours. Now they get the 8 hours and no more


How many managers are there in the company? 3 managers are overseeing 100 workers, right? So if I burn the candle at both ends in this job I have a 3% chance of getting a promotion if and only if *all* of the current managers get fired/promoted at the same time... (Fixed math)
Or I can live a happy life where I currently am.


Efforts < or = to rewards.
Efforts > rewards does not work.
Simple math.


These days it's simple why some people don't care - they aren't paid enough. I used to love my job, but then i listened to a town hall where they said profits were in the double digits but that didn't come with any pay raises. My department is like the backbone of the company in the UK, if we weren't there nothing would be able to by released and literally everything to do with the company in the uk goes through us


Ooh, too relatable. My annual review with my new-ish manager was hilarious, because she's super nice and supportive, and could _not_ understand why I was so happy to see Meets Expectations across the board. I pointed out that, by definition, it meant i was doing my job well in a sustainable way, plus I like my team and my role, and am not interested in moving. (Because the only reason for Exceeds Expectations is to look good for promotion, but there is no promotion here unless I move all the way into management or relocate ... no thanks!)


I worked for a company owned by a motivational speaker. The worst! He thought posters with 'clever' sayings inspired people. Made my job, as creative director, much harder.


Man. Reminds me of my last job. Just got a creepy call from my old boss accusing me of stuff. Don't stay in toxic work places. Easier said than done.
