ACTUAL Honest Trailers - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

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The Revenge of the Sith novel is amazing as well. Mathew Stover killed it 👍


Anakin had the ability of force vision to see the future


Some sad news. Disney released a new trailer for „tales of the empire“.

Great vid.


This is an honest trailer right here 😎👍


As much as I enjoy the movie, the book was better. I've said before that RotS needed another hour of runtime. Same goes for Episode II. Palpatine's manipulation was given the time it needed to really shine in the novelization, and I feel like the movie skips over way too much of it. In addition, leaving the Delegation of 2000 on the cutting room floor was a huge mistake, as it not only sowed the seed for the Rebel Alliance, but it also played into Palpatine driving a wedge between Anakin and Padme.

As it stands, both AotC and RotS feel like the theatrical version of Lord of the Rings, with a ton of really important stuff cut out for time. I'd love to see a "Special Edition" of the Prequels which reintroduces the deleted scenes back into the films, the way the extended cuts restored Lord of the Rings.


Return of the Jedi & Revenge of the Sith are the best. 👍 Take that Empire Strikes Back.


Ya just gotta love how these trailers call out the bullshit criticism against the prequels


The Window scene in ROTS will always be my favourite star wars scene but Anakin becoming Vader comes close

Sad they never made any star wars movies after this but I feel like they would’ve done something stupid like bring back palpatine, glad that never happened


Don't get me wrong, this honest trailer was hilarious. However, I'm afraid that the references to Hitler and the Holocaust might cost you the takedown of the video, because we all know that YouTube's algorithm is stupid and is not able to distinguish jokes from actual racism.


The prequel haters want a badass version of Anakin, Revenge of the Sith is right here for you! Anakin was also more badass in Attack of the Clones than prequel haters think.


I always loved that film. I with my friends tried to recreate in life with sticks lightsaber fights.
I am from Ukraine.


How does this video already have 2 downvotes? Guess 2 people are worse than Austrian painter lol


My favorite Star Wars movies of all time are episodes III and IV. One started an epic space opera with an epic hero's journey and the other a perfect tragedy. I was Darth Vader for Halloween when I was 7 or so and General Grievous is my absolute favorite Star Wars villain who is not only cool on a surface level but tragic and poetic in his own right. I have also always loved the prequels even though I didn't get to see them until adulthood and I had no preconceived notions created by the internet. Whatever their faults, they are certainly better overall movies than Bayformers.


This was the only Star Wars film I saw in theaters when it came out.


It was not a good movie. Not a bad one, but not good either. If George really had the wherewithal to change anything here, it's to make this movie the basis of the Prequels themselves, without the other two films. Build up a story around Anakin's rise and fall, and give him a better overall motivation to fall to the Dark Side than what we got. This would require George to seriously rethink everything about the Prequels he gave us, but particularly about the Jedi. Because this is the only movie we get where we see good character interaction, in the beginning, between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Unfortunately, it's marred by the previous film, and a bit jarring to see George try to back-track things to make Anakin a "good" man and "the best star pilot in the galaxy." Because it doesn't fit with what we've already seen. The audience is going into this knowing that Anakin is a monster. He murdered an entire tribe of Sand-People. Maybe it was justified, but George obviously realized that this made Anakin too monstrous too soon.

Part of the problem was making Anakin a messianic figure, the lynchpin that ties everything together. There was not a single mention of any prophecy in the OT. All Ben said about Anakin was that he was "the best starpilot in the galaxy, " a "good friend, " and he explained to Luke in RotJ that, "I already knew he was a great pilot, but I was amazed at how strong the Force was with him. I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought that I could train him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong."

All of that gives you a few options. The one we got from George was an option, but not the best one. Most of it was pointless, and what's more, what he made doesn't fit with this narrative Ben gave us. Another is to make Anakin just a guy, rather like Han Solo; a bit of swagger, a great pilot, bit of roguish qualities, put into a bigger situation than he ever bargained for the way Han was. He and Obi-Wan have a similar relationship the way Han and Luke did, with Obi-Wan though being the older Pro-from-Dover type, but Anakin being the younger one, but not a kid. No Qui-Gon, or, if you have to have him, just having him around just being wise. Obi-Wan ought to have been the eager, defiant Jedi who takes risks like training Anakin on his own, because the situation in the Old Republic is getting out of hand.

Which leads me to a better motivation for Anakin's fall: He's trying to save the galaxy. Instead of the Clone Wars being basically a civil war, have the Republic face off with a foreign power. The theme of all this is where taking short cuts through ones' own values leads to. Utilizing clones to fight armies or droids (if you have to) is a short-cut, and is very morally questionable. Forsaking Jedi traditions of training and discipline in order to train someone in their ways for the sake of expediency can lead to unexpected dangers. The Dark Side, according to Yoda, isn't more powerful than the Light, but is "quicker, easier, more seductive." But Anakin goes with it anyway because it's the only option he can see. Throw in a potential love triangle between Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme, and you got a potentially better story, in the right hands.

The point here is that these movies could've, and by rights should've, been better.


"It's the best movie in the series, and anyone who does not agree is Adolf Hitler"
At this point I would not be surprised if that's what author of this video actually believes


Episode 1: 4/10
Episode 2: 5/10
Episode 3: 10/10
Episode 4: 9/10
Episode 5: 10/10
Episode 6: 9/10


If you don’t like this movie, you’re worse than Adolf 😂


Lost me at "best movie in the series. It is a hot mess. 2/3 of the Disney sequels are better.
